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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by jameslamela

  1. or check rairai guide for wiz... http://www.forsaken-ro.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=25713
  2. orange piamette ears pls... :3
  3. hihi... XD
  4. i think its still on the option i guess...
  5. @warp for_fild06... kill uber poring/drops/poporing.. you can lvl yourself. you are lvl 255 already.
  6. fro mcontrol pannel>redeem vote items>purchase>select item you wanna buy>add to cart>go to cart>check the item/s>checkout>purchase item>go ingame>go to vote redeemer>claim items... XD remember to have enough space on your inventory and weight limit while redeeming your item. good luck. :3
  7. 90k av per hit? hmmm.. i guess you are a pally and dont have skoll on. lol. imagine if gtb can nulify all effect of tarrot, you have defending aura and auto guard on, so how could it be possibly defeat you? or imagine an lk wearing gtb, he will eat clowns and gypsies alive. pls... dont make OP classes more OP. :) clowns/gypsies are made to kill these bunch of tankers... so i deeply disagree... tactics my friend, tactics...
  8. MVP room boss only drops card right? then the boss dont use skills... you would not be wanting to loot only detale card for that, right? XD ill just have to agree on lowering the mvp room entry cost. coz that room was intended to help new guys that cant fight back to those who already camped the boss..
  9. actually... i think its not 2x thana.. perhaps its battle chant from pally that make you pooof like a pop corn... :3
  10. perhaps they just let their char farm for a bit then after bot checker was notified.. they on the bot afterwards.
  11. Q.Q no rebellion sprites for gunslinger...? so sad...
  12. 10% damage reduction [1] slot hmmm.... i think its fair enough.. but if you need to boost it a little more. i can suggest to add 5% HP atmost...
  13. hmmm.... i guess its time to have a skill reseter npc or just add it to f.kafra services to address these kinds of issues.
  14. visit fro wiki... the server already provided a guide for that quest already. just go check it out...
  15. no way! there are many legendary quests that needs tons of cards... so sorry buddy, i deeply disagree..
  16. i can use edp with normal weapons already.... o.o? idk why you are still suggesting?
  17. iam playing fro at window mode and in full size screen resolution setup on my pc at home... it works fine and i have no problem with my tabbing. if i play it on fullscreen, i cant use dual client nor play another game aside from fro. on some other pc like in an internet cafe, i cant use dual client even iam playing fro at window mode.
  18. i love my bless ring... sorry but i have to disagree..
  19. great! XD i can use this for some time... :3
  20. what item is this?
  21. welcome to fro forums... :)
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