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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by jameslamela

  1. infernal capes are on 1.6k toks
  2. why not? it could be cool... XD
  3. agree on L.teal myth aura... disagree on colored L.colored Sacred...
  4. the reason only few people play battle pally because it is way too expensive. i remeber dueling a battle pally called shield demon. he use holy cross as his main atk, if i go for angeling armor to make him missed... he automatically switch in shield chain, and if i use 2x noxious to reduct his shield chain, he switch into puppetring armor and if i get stoned, he use matyrs reconing... i cant use my undead armor to counter his stone tactic coz hes gonna kill me with holy cross... its all about BATTLE VARIATION AND TACTICS... i cant imagine how OP battle pally is if they got boost up. fyi, pally are made not to deal massive damage coz theres an lk for it. pally is more defensive type rather than offensive unlike its lk counterpart.
  5. i agree on this one coz it will give those rich people an opportunity to convert their items on much more useful things. if they become more rich however, they will be able to fund a guild... hence if they are already funding a guild it would give them sufficient toks to support his member and make the guild last longer...
  6. maybe its genesis poison bottle. just use it directly if you are a sinx...
  7. ygg berries... XD
  8. lol trans.... XD
  9. save 400 a.toks to get ship capt. hat or 800 a.toks to get afk hat... which is very useful... :3
  10. yes it is... and always be... i use 2xabyssmal+paper+orcskel on my breaker and i was able to break. i believe it is coz it works for me. and plok said so... XD
  11. im fine with the storage system... no change should be made... :3
  12. 270 ping is pretty bad for champ... how much mbps is your download speed? you need atleast 1.5 mbps for it and 500++kbps upload speed for it for you to able to play. 270 ping is fine with other jobs.
  13. he meant the backpack item... not the RS...
  14. +20 to all stats +10% resistance to fire,wind,water,earth +5% HP
  15. jameslamela

    Price Check

  16. alt+m then set your warp coordinates for easy escape... take it constructively and be motivated to get stronger.. gear yourself with demi human redux for higher chance of surviving an ambush...
  17. Olá boogerman ... o que aconteceu com nick? bem-vindo ao sever pelo caminho ... XD
  18. im live in the philippines and im using globe broadband stick, my best ping was around 300... previously when i was still using pldt my ping was around 200.. however i also played on a internet cafe near our school and they have around 160 ping. i believe to increase you ping, you should subscribe for better internet connection.. better to use a landline/DSL rather than a broadband stick coz stick has only have cellphone like signal which disconnects you sometimes every 30mins.
  19. why not make those rings to have same effect? then people will just choose between the 2 for the looks. :3
  20. stalker and GS has its inborn strip skill... you cant take it away from them plok. sniper dont have these.. and pls stay on topic. dont involve other classes as a base of reasoning. well... i dont really mind if the strip skill is there or it will be remove, since only few sniper use normal atk and strip chances on range is much lower than a melee atk.
  21. this one have been suggested.. i remember heha suggested this one as well.. however GMs aren't so agree with this idea coz they dont want items to litter the ground just like in other low rate server... you can use some commands though like @autoloot , @autoloot "percentage drop", @ali "item no./name"...
  22. go 18... they are on RGM.
  23. ima not gonna go to your condo... you gonna vhong navaro me... XD
  24. i disagree on this zenny farming room... you can always farm treasure boxes during floating rates and stone of sage during regular days for zennies. farm not only seeds and zennies but farm other quest items as well such us ring quest items and frigg quest items which is really salable at a decent price. make priest/sniper/clown to join raids... look for active WoE guild with salary.. thats what i do to earn token and i believe it work for you too.
  25. dude... visit fro wiki.. quest #1 is knight quest. copy the answer stated there. "observe also the caps and spaces"
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