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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by sartorius19

  1. So far Matk Stalk Is fine on Group Fights. But not on a 1v1 Situation. Matk is Indeed Expensive to build to be effective. You need to get Hod or Aog for 1v1 Situations. And Kafra Band for group fight(not that necessary but helps alot). Stalkers can already copy almost all other job's skills. considering it has its own innate skills. Though so far as my experiment to counter Gtb and fcp are as follows: Considering having Aog for lvl 10 cold bolts+urds with siroma+buttaura and the set itself average bolts deals 8-10k. If enemy is on FCP and GTB. I tried to use martyr's which deals 15k max x5. Considering im on hi captain/fbh/tgtgtg+inca/2xtgk/ and having a total of 320k hp. including the stat modification. But Gr and Devs +gtb+fcp makes it low. I tried to use Double Strafe as well. AS it is already innate i copied tatami for extra defense. I deal 7-9k averagely with ship captain and Stalk SB. using VoteCape+aloevera can help as well for an additional damage which made my DS 10k+. considering enemy is on gtb and fcp. I Tried Using Acid Bomb as well but thing is 2 devs+gtb+gr/fcp makes it so low. But u can have a converter on ur inventory and tg+tg+inca+skel on ur dagger and try to melee the enemy which will yield around 4-7k per hit. like in the martyr's situation. I also used Stave Crasher, deals 13-18k considering in this build im at 12k matk. with ship captain it can deal more. Though i liked this one as less modification on equips. Conclusion is that stalker can be almost like all jobs. Thing is its half or even less effective than the original class. Being Matk Stalk is like being a wizard or prof or bio or matk ninja having more escape skills + divest. Thing is when ur on int type. u wont have high enough dex to strip people.
  2. Actually there are 3 Mvps Respawning in my experience. But they Respawn when The preceding Mvp is dead. but sometimes they respawn altogether at once. But i do experienced the Npc Not showing up. In the case of no Mob inside. it just means that the MvPs were killed fast enough.
  3. http://www.forsaken-ro.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=29110 read Alyxia's Bio Guide on the the LHz at the replies. Hope it Helps
  4. Buying StalkerBlessRIng/Cape/FreysGaunts

  5. 1st of all. u wont be accuse of Phping if u really didnt try to sell ur accounts. 2nd, Years in fro doesnt mean u cant be banned or punished anymore. If u do something wrong it will always be vile. 3rd. If Ever.How do you intend to bail ur account? in what process? in what way?
  6. that kdot lol. haha i feel some bitterness xD
  7. U should get along with miitomi. xD shes a kpopper too. haha Welcome to the server. Finale Guild Offers A place to start to newcomers. They Are helping each other as well. AS for friends. here we areee !
  8. Welcome to the server. mmorpg is enjoyable because u get to play with other players and interact with them. You can still do some quests on your own. But the Player vs. Player and other sorts relating to that is what makes this server alive. At start u get bullied a lot by geared or superior players. some may quit due to that. some may complain. but most rise up to par the ones who bully them before or even surpass them. The funny things is. u get to know people and meet some new friends along the way !. So if u have further questions, queries. we are here to help you. Have Fun !
  9. as they said. If you cant find james. you can try to find me as well. i can provide u a knight set. ^^
  10. At start you are given 10 fame points.so when u activate it u can gain more by killing others or lose some if u die. you lose a point. if u lose all your poitns then ull lose the knight status. and as happened to others. They redo the knight quest from the start including the chivs. but not that sure on that part.
  11. It is not misleading. It is true that you can get donation items without donating. You can farm in-game and get forsaken tokens(main currency of the game, used as a means of trading things. and zeny as secondary.) So by farming and getting enough tokens. you can buy things from donators or other players who have it without donating. So Donation Items, are of course can be obtained only by donating. So those donators that want to get more tokens. donates for items and sell it in game. This is to go in line on the statements i said above.
  12. updates
  13. Colored Names please ! i want that too. >.<
  14. S>WSBLESSRINGSET+2xMforger+boots = thana or offer O.O S/T>StalkCursedRingSet

  15. S>WSBLESSRINGSET+2xMforger+boots = thana or offer O.O S/T>StalkCursedRingSet

  16. ehrm. offer me O>o not sure on how much pips want to buy em
  17. yup. text says max is lower than 1b. but it can sold for 1b as max. u can try by vending any item for 1b then look it with other account.
  18. yeah. it is case sensitive xD including spaces and comma. xD good luck !
  19. Selling: |+0 White Dragon Helm |Stalker Bless Set |Freys Gaunts w/runes |White Feather Beret |Black Feather Beret |Apple Mouth Piece |Fabre Hat(looks like poporing hat) |White Dragon Tamer Helm Buying:
  20. 1b is the max price in vend. and u get whatever the amount u input for each item if they sell.
  21. yes i do. my ping is averagely 200. i just cant the rhythm right. and theres like a delay =.=
  22. http://www.forsaken-ro.net/forum/index.php?app=ccs&module=pages&section=pages&id=1&record=36 i advise u do this quest, after that do the legendary weapon quest. then aura. http://www.forsaken-ro.net/forum/index.php?app=ccs&module=pages&section=pages&id=1&category=11
  23. even i am in the 4 years+. having those set is a bit too much i think.
  24. but u need str for shield chain right?
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