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Forsaken Supreme Counselor
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Everything posted by zergling

  1. agreed the reductions that a stalker can have are way too high for the class and it's potential. when you think about it it's not hard for a stalker to copy a skill such as acid demonstration or another skill like bowling bash and simply spam it with the reductions that they can have, especially for a stalker with acid demonstration because they can force ghostring which allows the stalker to use immaterial arrows and deal 200% more damage.
  2. yea i hit a stalker using full reduct gear and i only did 150k and he tanked it like it was nothing. since when does a stalker tank a full asura without using a ghostring when every other class needs a ghostring or else they get completely butt raped.
  3. even 80% is really high for a stalker that can put out some hard damage on top of strip and a copied skill, and lets not forget chasewalk which with 2 GTB is a pain in the butt to pull them out of unless you have a marine sphere or are an LK or pally...
  4. yea but what about the people that you don't know that might want to say something about a certain topic? there's nowhere to put the topic on here without getting an instant ban from the forums. so having a new subforum would be nice. P.S. you think that everyone that goes on a porn site is over the age of 18? come on now...
  5. +1 stalkers have way too much reductions as it is which is the main problem with the bow itself not the fact that they can use all these different headgears because anyone can it's the fact that they are able to achieve such high resist and still put out that massive damage.
  6. there is. just have a warning label on it just like they do on the porn sites that makes it all legal so children know they shouldn't continue with it.
  7. just because it would be nice to talk about things that little kids shouldn't really hear about why not make a subforum just for adults? where we can talk about adult things that kids should never see.
  8. +1 i completely agree with this clowns are so under powered when it comes to weight limits and the fact that they have to use 100 str just to hold 150 or so seeds is a joke compared to other classes that have 350+ with only 100 str that have far higher damage output than a clown.
  10. i have made this post before several MONTHS ago and still nothing has been done to fix it. every other class has no delay on the skills but flying side kick has still be left broken. seriously what the hell guys....
  11. ehh sure why not it should bring up the price for the forsaken dungeon pass so i'm all for it. +1 from me
  12. you can turn off battlemode though... so it's not a big deal. besides the renewal hud is so much better.
  13. well there's not many people that play the class as far as i know it's just me and xtopher that even bother playing the class, but regardless the delay needs some fixing so that way the class can be used at all because as is it doesn't have the damage output to be of any use at all.
  14. I do believe that this is part of a build... since all stalkers can use it so it's part of every stalker build and as such should be left as it is. I have seen plenty of stalkers using swords and not using magic, and I have seen plenty of stalkers using magic with a bow it all depends on how you want to build it. The class doesn't need any more buffs it's perfectly fine as it is.
  15. err i can't agree with this suggestion.... stalkers can get too much demi human resist and have way too much HP. there has to be a limit to what they can do and currently they are a pain in the ass to kill because they can chasewalk and hide along with full strip and have a huge range advantage and on top of that they can use backslide to get away. they are fine as they are no changes needed.
  16. +1 the renewal layout is so much better..... and i LOVE their battlemode setup
  17. i don't agree with making the bottles infinate because it doesn't give other classes a change to take a breath. when a biochemist runs out of bottles other classes have a chance to get close and hit them which won't ever happen if they don't ever run out of AD sets.
  18. no they shouldn't get the same treatment as sinx... flying side kick was baised off of atk speed not aftercast delay. the skill shouldn't have a delay with 195 atk speed as it is.
  19. yes it helps greatly thank you very much :)
  20. bumping this since it seems to be left in the dark and i can't use my favorite class until this is fixed...
  21. i'm currently doing the legendary weapon quest but i have no idea what these items are dropped from... bags of grain delivery packadges dried fruit boxes roast rice cakes flavored alcohol bags of gold coins anyone know how to get these?
  22. for the record i don't play chemist but i still agree since it would make it fair for everyone. but i did play chemist at one point in time.
  23. just curious on when this is going to be fixed...
  24. stop the flaming please... anyway the cost for AD sets should be dropped to maybe 1k-5k that way chemists can buy the bottles without becoming dirt broke. and btw @tensa... there is no way in hell you should be spending more than 30 tokens per woe... 5k seeds at 1:4 with speed pots(you shouldn't need more than 200 if you do then you're doing something wrong) at 2:3 and edp which is so cheap it doesn't even count since you can buy them for like 1:10+.... as for cursed waters if you're burning more than 60 cursed waters per woe then you're doing something very wrong.... for FCP tix.... don't die so much... you should only need 100 fcp bottles at most and as long as you don't drop dead every 30 seconds you will have enough for woe. doing the math that adds up to about 30 tokens or so....
  25. well the economy is sort of in the crapper right now and it is hard to make zeny without spending hours and hours on end farming the zeny. so 1k seems fair since it really isn't fair to have one class spending over 100 mil just in supplies not including yggs/speed pots/other items.
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