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Forsaken Supreme Counselor
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Everything posted by zergling

  1. yea the sun god helm is an awesome headgear +1 and why not have a quest for it that would be pretty cool.
  2. a GS can achieve far greater damage output compared to a stalker or sniper that's the idea of a glass cannon. giving the class the ability to hold a fuck ton of seeds will completely imbalance the classes even more than they are now.
  3. if they made the EDP cause a death on the ladder people would still have the same problem with wanting to just leave. so instead if the death effect is removed it solves all the problems.
  4. yes but the thing is it removes the ability for the market to change due to the set price of the tokens.
  5. no because that will cause the event tokens price to be absolute and no matter what it couldn't change and that would end up messing up the ratio for event tokens to normal tokens.
  6. err abysmal knight cards actually work better than turtle general because the abysmal knight card is against the "Boss Type" which works on the emp. Turtle General cards are good because you can defend with them and after 3 abysmal knight cards the effect is reduced below Turtle General effect.
  7. imo being too lazy to farm zeny is not a problem that the GM's should really worry about since that is your choice to not farm it. so a -1 from me
  8. to be honest many people don't agree with it because it will bring the rich players to find out what build works best and they will use it while the less rich players are forced into the sidelines. it would make it less of a luck thing and more of a "i know i will get it" sort of thing.
  9. well it is a discussion on whether or not the class should get a boost and to be honest the class is perfectly fine as it is. the weight limit is fine since all other classes do have to get some str to allow them to hold yggs and supplies. anyway the GS class should not have the increase weight limit. -1 from me
  10. the reason that the balance here is not the same as on officials is because of the number of changes that the server has. also if you actually look at a creator they have high INT not str so mammo is useless as fuck. the cart revo would push people out of pneuma but all that takes is an RSX and with 2 raydric and gtb a creator is made powerless. as for GS they have a ranged attack and a close range attack as well as their ability to only need 1 stat for damage on top of their ability to change their attacking element it makes them far stronger than creator. as for your argument on a sinx needing to get close, you're a moron if you don't use cloak to get close to a person that's just the way the class is played. the classes of creator and whitesmith are supposed to be mini tanks compared to LK and paladin. as they should be here and yet they are not because they are not used half as much as sinx, champ even GS are used more. the fact is that GS is not a class that needs a boost it is fine as it is. the class that needs to be looked at is creator for a boost. as for your statement about staying on topic the topic is whether or not GS should get a boost and in order to decide that it has to be compared to other classes and the boost that they get compared to the class in question.
  11. all i'm saying is that the GM's already have a lot on their plate so having a few more hands around to police the maps and such would be a good thing to have.
  12. first off nobody is flooding about creator and paladin. secondly a cart doesn't mean much if you run out of supplies and you need to get them fast because by the time you get them you're dead. as he said GS are fine as they are they do have high damage output and they can carry plenty of seeds to duel someone.
  13. i can't agree with this because all you will have are sinx that use full damage and with no PK it's no real challange and those players that have all of the super expensive gear will win every time and the newer players won't have any chance to win at all.
  14. i can't agree with it because pally already have the peco which gives them 2k weight anyway on top of the fact that they only have to carry seeds or berries and they don't require any other items. as for the GS i don't agree with the enlarge weight limit because they are designed to be glass cannons not a tank class on top of the fact that they can pull such massive damage so quickly they are fine the way they are untill other classes are changed and built up before GS are.
  15. from what i hear the tickets are slow to be answered unless they are marked "questionable GM activity" and if they are as slow as i hear then the player using a bot can run a bot for maybe 6-12 hours and get far more than they need just strip the char and delete it. then they would be gone without a trace. as i said a SS is not a way to prove a person is botting since it is a still image and even fraps causes the file to be too large for the forums to handle. i'm not trying to say the GM's are doing a bad job but as was said you can't be everywhere at once and the GM's are busy. that's why i suggested the GM police that way they can monitor the server and prevent a lot of the third party programs that i have seen being used (which actually pretty much can be seen everywhere you look but nobody wants to do anything about it).
  16. i must say i can't agree with the increase weight limit for GS i mean they can already use a shield and they have a shitload of DPS as is with their desperado spam unlike some other classes that can't pull such high DPS. On top of that a chemist although they have a cart in the time it takes them to get more AD bottles out of their cart they are dead because of their low HP. The biochemist is supposed to have one of the best HP mods of all classes and yet they were pretty much HP screwed, unlike GS which is not supposed to have such high HP because it is supposed to be a glass cannon that's the reason it was made the way it was, have a ton of HP. The issue that i'm seeing is that biochemist have too low HP and GS have too high of HP, so why not reduce the HP for GS and increase the HP for biochemist? maybe even find an edit for the biochemist wep that allows them maybe level 20 increase weight limit? that way they can still get a useful bonus from the weapon and maybe then it would be a good idea to give GS an increase in weight.
  17. you can actually set a bot to reply to PM's which is why it's best to actually have a team of GM's that hunt bots and that's all they do. hence the "hire a police staff" the GM's are doing everything they can but they don't just hunt for bots and program users they are also helping players and doing events. the best way to catch a bot is to have a GM freeze the bot and then do a PM if the person replies with the same things repeatedly then unfreeze the person if they tele or walk immediatly then it's a bot if not then it's just a player wondering what the hell is going on. i know this because it's what i used to do.(the bot hunting not the actual botting...)
  18. a SS cannot actually tell a bot since a screen shot is a still image. if you can fraps them repeatedly and highlight their name repeatedly then it can be shown as a potential bot. other than that a GM would have to be there to test the potential bots. but IMO the GM's need to be more active such as 1 on at all times perhaps? maybe even hiring a police staff that only hunts for bots and program users?
  19. that video is pretty good but i don't think we could do better since the woe's aren't like that anymore it's just running breakers... even the LMS events and such aren't that packed there's just not enough people to promote it properly. ehh fuk it lets give it a shot you got my vote :)
  20. and decode i was agreeing with the suggestion lol. i think it's a great idea it will cause the market for any sort of ice pick to go up letting more tokens pass between people. it's a great idea so yea +1
  21. lmfao everyone vote for som to be king and vote me for queen. nothing can go wrong with this.
  22. zergling


    ehh ninja need fixing anyway imo...
  23. WUT? a bully? where i will go beet dem up. i god tis NP NP but uhh yea +1 to this gotta promote the server more.
  24. XD well i do like the suggestion and having a poll or something would be good.
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