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Forsaken Supreme Counselor
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Everything posted by zergling

  1. i agree with levis don't just suicide on champs most of them use gtb as soon as they see a high priest with link.
  2. on a 2 week break from school.... gets 11 chapters to read before tuesday with 3 assignments to do.... why give us a break if we have work to do?

    1. 7lovestories


      coz that's wat breaks are for :)

    2. Drunk


      Q_Q School Sucks!

  3. Somdara: Levis, I am your father. Levis: NOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!! trololololol XD
  4. lol twitter XD haven't seen taht in a while.
  5. well it will just give people another reason to donate. if they want a certain color they can buy that color from a donator or they can donate themselves for it.
  6. actually you guys are looking at this the wrong way. the same basic coat sprite is used if you just use that one sprite and edit the colors on that one then it should work for all of them. although making an NPC out of it would be a pain in the ass but having different colors for it shouldn't be too hard. but give people a choice in which color coat they want to buy.
  7. exactly you can never have too much advertisement so yea +1 like a baws
  8. -1 for Levis +1 for som GG mode
  9. best way to go is remove death effect input an NPC with a 10 second delay where no items can be used.
  10. agreed we need to promote the server and get the population higher.
  11. hmm i suppose we could... but i have a feeling it would be the same two every time...
  12. it would be much easier just to remove the death effect and impliment an NPC for it. the amount of coding that would have to be done to make the point count for the last player to hit the EDP user is going to be amazingly high. it would be faster just to disable the death effect and impliment an NPC.
  13. do you even need a phre for that wep? i mean it's much easier just to put a card that will increase matk or another strip card (for wep/armor). just a thought...
  14. welcome to Forsaken RO. if you need any assistance just as away the GM's will help in any way they can as well.
  15. well you can make it so you can't use any items for the 10 seconds while you're talking to the NPC. shouldn't be too hard to add that in.
  16. remove the death effect from the EDP bottle use and instead impliment an NPC with a 10 second delay from the time you click it to the time you get warped out of the pvp room. place the NPC in the top middle of the PVP room that way it's not in the middle and if anyone does decide to run in then run out they will still be seen and they can't just come in random people then just instantly leave. BTW, the EDP bottle use as is doesn't count as a death so the ladder as of right now is completely messed up.
  17. think this is enough people that this suggestion could be implimented?
  18. well Bree welcome to Forsaken RO the GM team here is actually better than most servers they will help with anything they can. As for any other questions the players are helpful as well. If you have any questions feel free to ask. see you in game :)
  19. nah i think they should still remove the edp death effect it's just the principal of it a prof or a sniper can run in with 2x atk or mind break and just wipe out everyone as soon as they get hit once pop an edp and have it not count as a death. that's a load of crap there needs to be some regulation on this.
  20. the sad part is the EDP doesn't count as a death which is a load of crap because it should still count as them dying.
  21. yea i was thinking about having it up at the top middle or something with a 10 second delay as to you clicking the NPC and waiting 10 seconds before you can leave. not 10 seconds of being in the room before able to leave.
  22. but the whole thing is that if the thanatos card drops at .7% why bother hunting rsx for the slotted ice pick? by having the drop rate of the pick at such a low percent it removes any real reason to hunt the mvp.
  23. yes i completely agree a delay for leaving the pvp room would be the best way to do it that way people can't just random then leave instantly.
  24. zergling

    MvP Spawn Times

    certain mvp's such as moonlight flower, and amon ra, as well as GTB have a 1 hour respawn time. turtle general has a 1 hour to 1 hour and 10 minute respawn time. ktullanux has a required quest.
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