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Forsaken Supreme Counselor
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Everything posted by zergling

  1. problem with skype is you can't have 30+ people in a skype call. you can however have 30+ people on ventrilo, and ventrilo doesn't lag like skype lags.
  2. okay so there's a ton of typing going on during woe and it would make it SO much easier just to say it instead of having to type it. I know it might be a bit of a money issue, but the other guilds might also use it, and I know it will help attract some people who enjoy woe and are competitive in woe.
  3. could always just design a quest that allows players to choose an MVP they want to summon for the cost of x number of cards and x number of materials. almost like what we had with the elite quest (along those numbers to make sure the veterans aren't camping them and getting massive numbers of cards) that way it can help the newbies get some MVP cards and if the veterans are willing to work for it they can also get the mvp cards. best of both worlds.
  4. yea I agree with that. Would be nice to be able to have the same effect but just a different sprite.
  5. Yea the cloak makes you walk so much slower. WS have the pneuma skill so that makes it much easier to deal with most classes. There's no need to be embarassed about the suggestion, it's not a bad suggestion it's just the difficulty with the coding that's all. If you're suggesting the robot for the looks then sure I'm game for it, but the amount of code time for it will be extensive. I just don't support the movement speed that you're getting at.
  6. I agree with improving the PVP rewards. The price went from 2k+, to under 800. The legendary gear is easy to make and it's almost the same as the harder items. When you look at it 2% resist is nothing, and nobody will spend the tokens on a pvp wing if they can use the legendary wings and tank pretty much the same.
  7. I... I almost died laughing. Whitesmith don't walk slow at all, and on top of that they have the ranged attacks as well as one hell of a close ranged attack. They are fine as they are. P.S. This would take a massive amount of coding for the Whitesmith to use and for the rest of the server to not crash.
  8. bumpity bump bump bump
  9. the quest is broken i can't complete the quest and all my char are 255/255. the part where you're supposed to say "To use his might to protect the right" isn't working at all.
  10. it's possible to change the sprite for the ROP animation. I know Drax changed the sprite of the ROP to be blank eyes so champs wouldn't error him. it can be done but nobody seems to want to do it.
  11. to be honest the incant effect won't matter much simply because people use low def to resist thana anyway. so even if the weapon only gave the hit bonus and some str, and luk, with maybe some HP it will be fine, and it wouldn't affect thana if it's used. along the point with the forsaken book. my question about it is how can other players get it? they can't which means we need another weapon to allow other players to obtain a weapon for star glad. as of right now there are a select few of star glad that know about the class and how to use it properly, which means that yes the class is strong if used properly then again that's the same as all of the classes. if a class is used properly it can be dangerous and on the flip side of that coin if the class isn't used properly it will suck. all the people saying that the class is OP obviously haven't played it and have only seen the good players using them. there was a time where people said the same things about other classes because of a select few players that knew what they were doing with the classes.
  12. dex+20 is a damage boost. on top of that snipers have knockback skills, strip, and multiple skills which deal heavy damage. besides nobody is going to spend 40 bucks on a cape that doesn't do anything, which as of right now is the star glad cape. it doesn't give anything a star glad needs.
  13. bump. can we get a decision on this?
  14. bump. can we get a decision on this?
  15. the ring is giving you more HP as well as letting you have a reduction in vit def. meaning you can use raydrics to tank asura as well as better tank a thana user, and on top of it all you get the bonus walk speed which when it comes down to it makes a big difference. as long as the chemist isn't complete crap the walk speed will let you move in and out of attacks faster as well as giving you the ability to rush in and cart revo people out of pneuma or even to spam mammo. the biochemist is good as it is and the ring is better than the cape you just have to look at it differently. the cape gives 10% AD damage but the ring gives 10% HP boost. AD doesn't need a damage boost the damage is already fine (especially since it breaks armors almost instantly). the biochemists need the HP more anyway since they need to be better able to tank other classes. also regarding the star glad weapon. it hasn't been accepted and neither has the cape changes. so your whole point is gone. according to most of the players "good classes don't need any more boosts."
  16. yea it is possible to do i have seen it myself. it would be nice to be able to vend things and have people buy them through tokens.
  17. have you not seen a good biochemist in the pvp room? the combo of bolts/mammo/AD against a target that's forced to wear RSX+GR makes them a damn near impossible class to beat. besides biochemist are damn good as they are they don't need to be buffed any more than they are. since last i checked good classes don't need buffs. at least that's what people keep telling me.
  18. i don't really see a reason we can't have this command, although the main currency is tokens instead of zeny.
  19. hell no. mobsearch is a broken as hell command and should never be given to players on this server.
  20. well if the description is wrong then the matk bonus for the cape should be removed. as you have already suggested the cape gives a 10% AD damage increase along with 20 more int so there isn't any need for the 10% matk that should be ring exclusive. that in essance should balance the ring and cape out making the ring worth getting instead of having the cape only. problem solved.
  21. so you want people to spend 60 bucks on a cape that doesn't do shit? yea good luck with that. 30 str is nothing compared to the other class capes. not to mention this 30 str bonus is with both the cape and weapon which ohh yea are both donate items. so yea it's not much of a str bonus when you look at it in the grand scheme of things. hell sniper cape gives how many stat bonuses? on top of the solid damage bonuses, ohh and the HP bonuses. ohh yea and they have a donate weapon which gives them even more damage and stats. so you can't even tell me that it's going to make the class OP. shit nobody was playing the class until i started using it and as soon as everyone got ass raped it suddenly became OP as hell.
  22. the biochemist can already use a hybrid build without the cape or rings, on top of having over 200k HP on 2 FBH. your point with getting more HP by swapping shoes, is valid yes but it also means that you lose damage. point is, if you want a super amazing ring just get the cursed ring. a 10% damage boost for AD is not much of a damage change. if you're only doing 600 per hit it doesn't matter if you get another 10%. the point is the ring gives a 10% matk boost that the cape doesn't give. this means that yes your AD damage will drop by 10% BUT on the flip side your bolts will deal more damage. yes AD is easy and cheap to reduce but with full AD resist the bolts will deal higher damage and if GTB is used then mammo will deal massive damage. chemist is already strong as hell you don't need to boost it even more especially for a ring that's got damn good bonuses already.
  23. as has already been discussed... a small str bonus and more HP. seriously mint... keep up bro. Ferth, you do realize 1k seeds only lasts until you die or leave the map for more than 5 minutes right? then you go over 90% weight limit then you die because you can't attack.
  24. to be honest i disagree with this. the cape is made for higher AD damage while the ring is more for survival, and as has been shown when it comes down to it survival beats damage. with the ring you get vit, as well as a reduction to vit def which means the thana users deal less damage letting you tank more. the matk that the ring gives means bolts will do more damage also meaning that the forced usk will allow bolts to hit far harder than without the ring and only the cape. heavens drive is extremely good on a chemist mostly for fighting the pesky stalkers, but it can also be useful if used in combo with the headgear that gives cloaking (so you don't have to use sight). granted this means the opponent can use gtb but if they do that the chemist can still magnum break and deal full damage because, ohh yea no usk to reduce damag. the ring also gives a bonus 10% HP meaning the chemist that normally has about 200k+ with 2 FBH on can get even MORE HP and tank more than normal, and to top it all another 5% movement speed which stacks with speed pots/emergancy avoid. the ring is fine and doesn't need any changes. sorry but if you want a full damage chemist use the cape, if you want a better more balanced chemist use the ring. too many people think going max damage is the best way to go and when they fight against someone who knows how to use the class properly and lose they wonder why...
  25. that's one virtue I lack... and this suggestion has been gone over countless times. So any GM's want to accept this, and my other suggestion on the weapon?
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