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Forsaken Supreme Counselor
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Everything posted by zergling

  1. your entire argument can be rectified simply by hiring police GM's. all they do is handle reports of illegal activities (they will be very busy from what i have seen on this server). who knows these GM's could just do 15 minute sweeps on the heavy bot maps, the reported program abusers, ohh yea and just maybe on the maps it's common for people to be using programs with hocus pocus. ohh yes it's a horrible idea because it means the staff will have to hire some new people. just maybe if they hired new people just for this there might not be so many people using sprite edits, auto hotkey, and nodelay. this suggestion is crazy right? i mean who in their right mind would want to hire 1-2 new people to put an end to the program use?
  2. i'm not talking about suggestions for server side changes i'm taking about suggestions to help catch people using programs. which mind you i was hired on 3 different servers to do. now then as i was saying, the suggestions i have made were ignored by the GM's on changes they themselves can make but simply refuse to make them. for example, there's a professor in for_fild01 who uses a sprite edit (spamming 15+ heavens drive without any delay whatsoever is a given sprite edit). i have informed the GM's and nothing has been done. simple things like this just go to show the extent (from what i have seen on this server) the GM's care as to people who use the hacks. from my interpretation of this i see them using the sprite hack bans and third party program bans for their own use and not as a general rule. correct me if i'm wrong but Drax was banned 3 times before he managed to get a mac ban, because he was a heavy donator, there are several others who have been allowed to slide past the rules because they donate a ton of money to the server. doesn't seem fair to me, does anyone else see that as fair?
  3. there's an easy fix for this. get harmony. all the problems with the programs will suddenly be gone. mostly because people are too stupid to know how to bypass harmony. with that being said, i have played back in 2007, and yes i understand where you GM's are coming from i have been a GM on other private servers so i know how difficult it is to monitor these things, BUT it is not fair to the players to remove a skill because of a select few people. if the GM's are open to suggestions i can suggest ways to find these program abusers and you GM's can ban them. although so far all of my suggestions as to how the should do things have simply been shot down because sadly some of the GM's believe they know best and refuse to take advice from anyone.
  4. 2 words for this. battle grounds. have the badges be able to be traded in for tokens or cards. no leeching from BG. no AFK's in BG. if you're not helping your team it's a punishable offense. will let you guys do the math on number of badges per BG match and the types of cards/tokens awarded from the matches.
  5. seeing as these skills were removed from the hocus pocus cast list, can they be returned? after all it makes it a fun guild activity when the guild has nothing to do, it also allows new players to have the option to summon their own mvp's to get cards. since it takes a lot of patience when using hocus pocus anyway it's not really something that you can just do for 5 minutes and then be done with, you have to take the time out to really do it. so why were they removed from the list, and can they be returned to the list?
  6. now that i can agree with. the drop rates being reduced significantly will fix the market influx. i like the idea of no @commands and a reasonable time limit, as well as the limited 1 tower per mac address. the IP can be changed and if people have multiple accounts they can just change accounts and do the tower again. the 2 ND towers i like a lot simply because it will allow the newer players to do the towers without feeling like crap when they are partied with donation geared players.
  7. my question is this, if you're so obsessed with this server then why is it you're not there any longer? that server might be zeny based but this server is not. this server has been running for years on the currency of donation coupons which are now called tokens. this is a donation server, that being said this is the main currency. zeny is still needed for certain items and has been made a requirement for certain quests and can even get you some MVP's, but it will not become the main currency. sorry to tell you but you need to play on the server more to understand better the fact that zeny is stupid easy to farm here and that if people bought everything with zeny then where would people get F king sets? the donation belts? any donation gear for that matter? the main currency is tokens for a reason, everyone needs them to get the gear they want and it has been a stable currency for several years. now if the server was zeny based as the main currency then yes you could in fact be able to make zeny back into the main currency, but it's not. so i don't see the point in your bitching about it. back on topic the towers would cause a massive influx in cards and would be constantly camped by the geared players making the new players unable to even get a chance to do the tower. considering someone could just run 4 clients and use a sniper and walk up the tower with no problems at all, that makes this suggestion a bad one because you're giving them multiple MVP's that can drop cards as well as the fact that the cost for the cards are dropping in price as it is, with an increase in cards nobody will need them making them worthless. so once again i will say, this server does not need these towers to help the new players. it's not that hard to mvp, especially with the new quest gear that they can get with little to no effort. as i'm sure the older players will agree with me, it was by far harder before the knight quest came out for new players to compete, and now there are some players who are wearing a knight set and can hold their own against a donation character.
  8. zergling

    Zerg R' Us

    Selling: Kiel= 75 Thana= 3.5k (or trading to sniper+sinx cape+tokens) ultimate star gladiator guide = 1k Buying: F boots= 95 F star glad book=45 Spiritual whispers= offer Chills of darkness= offer Cloud essence= offer please leave your ingame name with your offers. thank you.
  9. there is no potential... jesus christ there's snipers spamming FAS for 80k+ per hit and have over 280k HP. you want them to have even more HP and deal even more damage? seriously man you need to be on the server longer to see how bad this suggestion is.
  10. you have no idea what you're talking about... this server has always run off of the token system. that's the way it is and always has been zeny is not the main currency unlike most servers, which is where you're coming up with most of your problems. you're trying to make zeny the main currency which will never happen. hunting 1000 of an item is a joke compared to what it was required before by the quests, so please do not complain with the legendary quests, they are a joke. i do not refuse change i refuse the suggestion to implement 3 towers with massive numbers of MVP's allowing players to continue to go into the towers with different characters and farm mvp's. this is a horrible outcome. i know for a fact that if you implement these towers i personally will make an entire account dedicated to farming these towers. the number of mvp cards on the server will skyrocket to an absurd amount if these towers are implemented and then nothing will be worth anything because everyone already has it. your mentality is not on the same level as this server is currently that is why you cannot seem to grasp the main currency, and the reasons why this tower is a horrible idea to implement on this server. by the way servers that have MVP rooms normally last 1-2 years maybe 3. this one has been up for a lot longer than that.
  11. yea... most i can suggest for this is increase grimtooth damage by 15-20% and maybe some more aftercast delay reduction.
  12. you say there are 3 legacy cards and yet all 3 are at 0.01% drop rate? that makes absolutely no sense. all in all the cards are fine the way they are they don't need any more upgrades and there sure as hell doesn't need to be any new cards being added that have greater effects than they do now.
  13. okay to your entire statement, bullshit. i started before you had the knight quest, before you could MAKE half donation weapons in 1 day. back then you had nothing. you started with nothing and you got bullied. i have seen players with knight gear stand up to fully donation gear players. so your whole statement with the newer players not being able to hack it is a load of crap. as far as the economy goes, it's not completely about the number of cards being shoved into the economy it's more about the type of cards that are going to be placed into the system. for instance when fighting most players you normally won't wear skolls, now if suddenly there's 5 new thanatos cards per week, it might not seem like a huge difference but it makes a hell of a difference when all of a sudden everyone has a thanatos card making the card worth next to nothing when it's one of the best cards in the game by far. now my reasons for not liking this suggestion are these: 1: economy would crash. 2: influx of new cards would completely ruin the server as a whole. 3: the new players wouldn't be able to get into the tower until all of the geared players are finished with it making the poor have to either wait forever or never manage to get into the tower. now if you don't think these reasons are good enough please tell me why, because obviously you haven't been on long enough to realize this type of economy.
  14. even if legacy cards aren't affected by the foating rates the normal mvp cards are. your reasoning for the mvp room to drop card prices will not ever happen. 350 million zeny gets you 3 mvp's where it can get you 10 tokens instead. the mvp cards drop rates are too low in the mvp room for it to be a remote possibility to be on even keel with the normal mvp card drop rates. mvp's are being camped regardless even if you add the legacy cards the people camping the mvp's will have the legacy cards and the poor will not get them at all. making the rich richer and the poor with nothing. so your suggestion for legacy cards is a good one but not one that FRO can afford right now.
  15. 3 mvp's that drop their card at below 1% on week days and barely over 1% on weekends. as i have stated before with 300 million zeny you can buy tokens and then buy the cards with that. the mvp rooms don't drop cards very often due to the low drop rates making it less viable than just farming the zeny for the tokens and buying the cards with the tokens.
  16. regardless it's going to cause an influx in the number of major mvp cards and cause nothing but problems. people will simply make new characters and continue to do the tower. this would be fun to do yes but it wouldn't really provide anything but trouble. now if you could suggest a quest item that this tower could be a part of then sure i'm game for this, but it would require the mvp's to have no drops.
  17. ventrilo provides the least amount of lag. I have used all 3 of them and must say ventrilo is by far the best out of them all.
  18. yep that's kinda what i'm afraid of.
  19. i kind of agree with it but i think it should be a longer delay period because think about it even if the number of spawns is reduced to 4 that's a 1% chance x4 so 4% chance to get the card. the problem with this is the thanatos. the normal thanatos card drop rate is 0.7%. if there are 4 at the top what's to stop people from doing the entire tower(which wouldn't be very difficult with a sniper/champ combo) just for the thanatos spawns at the top. it would cause an influx of thanatos cards and the price for thanatos would drop. the server does not need a bunch more thanatos cards on it.
  20. the mvp room won't change the price for the cards, the reason for this is it costs 100m just to summon an mvp with a 1.4% chance to get the card(with double rates). tokens sell for 25-30m per token. according to that math anyone who's farming the zeny has a better shot at simply buying the tokens with the zeny and then buying the cards with the tokens. i understand that the new mvp suggestion might not pan out but what it will do is reduce the price of the other mvp cards that are not as good allowing for newer players to get these cards so they have a better survival rate than before. also tao gunka only gives 30% more HP and silver tao is 15%.
  21. first off i have done the elite quest(before it was removed) on champ, prof, LK, sinx, and paladin. i farmed the cards myself. so please do not preach about farming i have done it already. secondly if every 5 cards is an upgraded card and you have people that have 10 of the basic card they will either: A: sell the card for overpriced in hopes that people will buy it to try to make the upgraded card or B: make the upgraded card and overprice it to hell making the strong stronger and the people at the bottom are once again stuck with nothing. the problem with your logic is that it's not going to be the poor that will get these cards, the geared players deal more damage and have been around longer so they already have the gear and cards like kiels, which on a champ means they can spam asura making them faster mvpers than a new champ with no kiels at all. this means the new champ is stuck with nothing, and the geared champ wins the new cards. thus leading to overpricing and then people will be Q_Qing about it like always happens. now then there are people who pay others to farm items for a reason it helps promote the people who can't farm mvp cards to farm items for others so they can buy gear/cards to help allow them to mvp better. this helps the economy. your comment with the donations, not everyone who plays donates money to get items. even if everyone did then the cards would simply make people stronger making them deal more damage and causing more problems with pvp/mvp's. now then i do not believe that these cards would help the server in any way, if any new cards are to be added it would be better to simply add custom mvp's and do it that way not add more drops that will end up killing the economy. by the way we do have lhz_dun04 why not make 7 custom mvp's for that with custom card effects?
  22. i was looking for it before i made the suggestion and couldn't find one.
  23. just for the record, the elite quests don't exist anymore, you can't get the elite armors/weapons anymore. with the inflated market as it is now, having more cards that are more expensive is going to cause the economy to crash. the people that are buying MVP cards now will sell for cheaper at first(or make the upgraded cards themselves and sell them for a shit ton) then it will suddenly skyrocket and nobody will be able to buy anything.
  24. currently the party limit is set at a cap of 24, can this be increased so the larger guilds can have all of their members in the same party instead of having 2 or more parties. it will just help make it easier during woe to give orders and things.
  25. i don't agree with it to be honest. it will make the rich richer and the poor will stay poor. it will drive the price for mvp cards down and the first alpha/beta/prime cards will be worth so much it's retarted to even fathom.
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