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coffee break

Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by coffee break

  1. true the person below me hates cats
  2. waiting anime w/ SUB... i can't watch Raw =(

  3. Vitamin C am or pm
  4. nah? heheh ^0^ The person below me is rich!
  5. >.< The person above me is a veteran player.
  6. Anniversary <3 punch or kick
  7. Hello! Welcome to the server. Hope u have fun. See you in-game! ^-^
  8. quill ^0^ glass or cup
  9. nah the person below me will sleep soon
  10. Hello Pao! Welcome to the server. I'm also Anime Fan but a bit choosy what to watch anime and read manga. ^0^ hehehe. Its kinda hard to balance games and school. I always get scolded by my mom bcoz of this. ^-^ But anyway.. Have fun and see you in-game.
  11. yes the person below me is his/her mom scolded a stranger.
  12. pasta henna or dye
  13. The person above me is PRO.
  14. Godzilla bear or panda
  15. Yap! The person below me is lazy to play ragnarok.
  16. HP HP doesn't change o.o
  17. School Stuff again T-T

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. coffee break

      coffee break

      @Zer025: needs to be hardworking and motivation 3 in a row

      @Bishop: Good luck man

    3. Rayray


      not really hard working, my coworkers were all gamers like me so it was fun.

    4. ScarletDevilmoon


      Don't worry buddy I feel your pain T-T

  18. HaO! Welcome to the server ^-^
  19. I would like to suggest that we could have a storage in each account that have password for security purposes. This would have a charge of tokens. I would like to read any comments or more better suggestion on this topic. Thanks =)
  20. yesh. The person below me has curly hair.
  21. Hello David! Welcome to ForsakenRO! ^0^ Here's the link to guide you in playing: http://www.forsaken-ro.net/forum/index.php?app=ccs&module=pages&section=pages&id=1&record=11 refer also to wiki for quest guides. Hope to see you in-game and feel free to ask questions. Have Fun ^-^
  22. Amicable's Sister *even i dunno her ^0^* @Amicable : ops..Sry~ XD soya milk or cow milk
  23. yesh.. 0w0! thats why i dont post >w< The person below me is troll.
  24. I hate those guy/s who take advantage to the newbies and buy their quest stuffs for really cheap price.. -.- and no one could answer their PC questions.. So much selfish pple

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. ScarletDevilmoon


      Ikr Bishop why you so mean D: lol jk jk, we should post that if people want to know what they should do with their items or price ask the gms ::

    3. coffee break

      coffee break

      and the bad side of this.. they are disappointed.. bacause of all of their hard work are made are just like useless.. and they want to backout on the server =(

    4. ScarletDevilmoon


      Yea ikr people are mean these days ...they just need to know that they need to do actual hard work to learn living the life in Fro :/

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