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coffee break

Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by coffee break

  1. yeap The person below me needs to review for his/her quiz tomorrow.
  2. do you have / install Direct X? If you cannot run Direct X, you cannot play RO.
  3. soon... the person below me loves spicy foods.
  4. The person above me is my buddeh =D
  5. Genesis' cart cute voice or cute eyes.
  6. *slaps the wall instead the next person* The person below me is sleeps awkward.
  7. any guild activities? ^0^
  8. hmm.. walk-in shower? beer or cigarette
  9. Yeap! The person below me likes research subject.
  10. *wave hands* ^___________^
  11. Hello! Welcome to the server! Have FUN!
  12. coffee Hello Kitty or Snoopy
  13. nop. The person below me celebrates Christmas.
  14. chipmunks pillow or blanket
  15. yesh! The person below me turns off his/her alarm clock and sleep. zZzZZ
  16. Welcome to the server ^0^ Hope to see you in-game.. Have fun~
  17. yap The person below me likes origami.
  18. Grab a tea or coffee?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Asuna <3

      Asuna <3

      i need ur help with my signature T.T

    3. coffee break

      coffee break

      what can i do for u asuna? o.o pm me here the details

    4. xXxHowlxXx
  19. Hello! ^-^ Welcome to the server.^0^! Hope to see you in-game. ciao~
  20. Nope ^-^ The person below me feels lonely.
  21. baseball Speaker or headset
  22. hmm.. =/
  23. Welcome to the server Shintani! Have fun~ Hope to see you in-game ^0^
  24. noo =( The person below me likes to wear his/her uniform
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