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Everything posted by Genesis

  1. What OS are you on?
  2. Genesis

    Game Crash

    When are you erroring? before you see your character or after you select the character? Have you tried resetting your character's position and looks through the cp?
  3. Try this:
  4. Can you be specific as to what error you are seeing? "I can't start the game" doesn't tell us much. What does your setup.exe look like?
  5. Here is the setup.exe: http://forsaken-ro.net/setup.zip
  6. Our all-in-one has the correct setup.exe, which is the one you should be using. Make sure to open setup.exe not opensetup.exe
  7. Redownload the All-in-one please. I reuploaded them.
  8. You are running the game while patching. A very bad idea. The old ones compound in the same place.
  9. The installers are updated, you can download those. Yes, you need to patch. You are erroring because of the new MvPs.
  10. Genesis


    Try downloading our all-in-one from here: https://forsaken-ro.net/download/ You are missing essential files.
  11. It compounds in accessory.
  12. This signifies a permission or driver issue with your graphic card. Try reinstalling the drivers.
  13. I'm also on windows 10 and that map is working fine for me. Try setting compatibility mode: https://forsaken-ro.net/forum/topic/32736-english-technical-support-tutorial/#whitescreenfixnewwin
  14. Can you provide us a screenshot of what you are seeing?
  15. Send the amount it would be with the coupon.
  16. Hey guys, To celebrate summer, we are doing a 30% off sale on everything in the Tokenshop. To use this coupon code, simply enter: SUMMERFUN as a coupon in your cart. The sale expires in 1 week!
  17. Unfortunately, Gepard Shield would not be compatible with this.
  18. Try what I mentioned.
  19. Yes, That is fine.
  20. I have created a bug report for this issue and we will look into it. Thank you!
  21. Genesis

    small installer

    We do not support pRO. We support kRO. You should be using kRO or download our all-in-one.
  22. Genesis


    Reset your character's look and position through the cp and remember to patch.
  23. Genesis

    small installer

    You extract it to the folder your core RO files are in.
  24. Hi all, There seems to be a misconception in regards to these two events. Some players believe that just because they make a second (alt) guild or party, these events cannot be canceled, or the prizes reduced. This is not the case. It is up to the hosting GM whether the event is canceled or (preferably) prizes reduced. Creating a secondary guild for the purpose of avoiding a cancellation or reduction in prize will not yield positive results. I just wanted to clear this up for future events. Thank you!
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