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Everything posted by Genesis

  1. Rings have been rebalanced since this topic was made.
  2. There is no way to change the game font size. There is also no way to rebind battlemode on pre-renewal clients.
  3. You can reset your character's position through the cp. Also, you have not provided us a full crash dump, just a screenshot of one.
  4. Works fine for myself and 550+ people.
  5. You haven't provided us the full crash dump. When specifically does this happen? When you first start the game? When you see your characters? When you select a character?
  6. Genesis

    ERROR ID: 9

    Hi, There are multiple topics about this. Delete cps.dll and you should be fine.
  7. What specific area are you going to? Can you provide us coordinates? Probably. PH has a very weak internet infrastructure.
  8. Sounds like your computer is going into sleep mode.
  9. What exactly are you downloading and installing? What version? The areas you claim to be erroring on are traveled by hundreds of players everyday. There are rarely topics about them facing any sort of issues is them.
  10. If it is crashing in those areas, then you are using an out of date client.
  11. You need to download the all-in-one. Your core files are outdated.
  12. The 3rd job sprite patch is no longer being offered.
  13. What operating system?
  14. What Operating system?
  15. You can reset your character's position through the cp. Here is a guide:
  16. The first drop down does not have a graphic card selected. Make sure you select a graphic card.
  17. Genesis

    Incomplete BGM

    here you go: https://forsaken-ro.net/BGM.zip
  18. Try running the exe as administrator.
  19. Try this:
  20. Please show us your setup.exe
  21. Welcome!
  22. The "Smoking Pipe" you are looking for is item id 2268. It is the one dropped by Eddga. You might be missing some other item.
  23. I get what you mean. This will be fixed ASAP. Thanks!
  24. Please read the first post. It explains why this is. It is saving the patch to your GRF. As long as it is progressing, it is doing its job.
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