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Everything posted by Genesis

  1. Hey guys, We have implemented the following balance changes to Whitesmith, Taekwon and High Wizard. Heel Drop reduced to 200% for Taekwon Blessed Ring. Counter Kick reduced to 200% for Taekwon Blessed Ring. Roundhouse reduced to 200% for Taekwon Blessed Ring. Napalm Vulcan reduced to 300% for Whitesmith Guardian Ring. Napalm Vulcan reduced to 300% for High Wizard Guardian Ring. Crit + 60 for Lord Knight Guardian Ring. 3% chance of auto casting level 5 Vounter Attack when being attacked for Lord Knight Guardian Ring. These preliminary changes are live now (but still under review), but the description has not been updated. It will be updated next patch.
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  2. Genesis


    Try a reboot, it normally helps with this issue.
  3. Reset your the look for all of your characters through the control panel. Here is a guide on how to do it:
  4. Delete cps.dll
  5. You are missing data.grf which is a core RO (NOT fRO) file. The solution is to download data.grf OR download our all-in-one here: https://forsaken-ro.net/download/
  6. Where did you error? How did you error? Is it when you login to your character? Please provide us more details.
  7. Genesis

    Script Error

    This is a connect issue entirely on our side unfortunately. Message me on skype at jorgeluisf350 and I will try to help. I really can't offer you any guidance without looking at the issue.
  8. Hi, You haven't really given us enough information here. Please message me on skype at jorgeluisf350 I will give you a hand with this.
  9. Genesis


    This is a guide on resetting position: You are erroring because there are several NPCs on that map that are in the latest kRO. You will need to either update your core files, or download the all-in-one.
  10. 1) What was the last picture you took with your phone? Picture of my dog. 2) Star Wars or Star Trek? Star Trek I guess, I've never really like Star Wars that much. 3) What was the last lie you told? I'll have time to do X today! 4) Favorite TV shows / Movies? True Detective probably. For movies, I really like Bronson, Castaway and Dredd. 5) Favorite subject / class? Why? Mathematic and history, it was just the easiest for me. 6) Would you rather go a week without bathing, but be able to change your clothes? Or a week without changing clothes but be able to bathe? /heh Bathe 7) Weirdest experience in ForsakenRO? Getting my life threatened, although it was pretty funny at the time. 8) Most memorable / favorite experience in ForsakenRO? (in-game or not) Hanging with players is probably my favorite experience. I don't get to do it very much due to work. Most memorable would probably be when we first launched the server, so much has changed since then.
  11. I never really have issues with #1 or #2 and I am online all day. At 2 AM server time, you will disconnect as backups are automatically run then. We are looking into #3.
  12. If you delete the cps.dll, then it will not detect it in your folder.
  13. Hi, Delete cps.dll from your RO directory.
  14. More than likely a graphical driver issue. Fresh reinstall of drivers would fix it. You are zoomed too far more than likely. This is a graphical driver issue.
  15. Hi, Could you add me to skype at jorgeluisf350? I'll help you with this personally.
  16. We will reevaluate it once its been on the server for some time. Valentine's Quest is enabled. The 2 problematic halloween headgears are being fixed by a spriter. Yes they are tradeable.
  17. More than likely, because you are running the game while patching.
  18. The items in green are increases. The items in black are decreases. Anything not listed has not been changed as of yet.
  19. Yes. The installers are all updated. if you are having issues matching, it is more than likely a permission issue.
  20. Talbs reply is correct. MVP Timers were reset at 9:51AM with the scripts being reloaded.
  21. 20 emps, 3,400 Dragon tokens to make them all limited edition. Then you turn those in, plus 170 tokens to make the Rainbow Emp. 20 emps, and a total of 3,570 Dragon Tokens. The rainbow emp has never been release (aka unobtainable). It is now obtainable, but very difficult.
  22. Yes. The rainbow emp is a combination of all the other emps. It is extremely rare.
  23. [GM]Danger will post the full changelog of the items shortly. This topic is not meant to be a suggestion forum topic, it is simply to announce the items that were changed.
  24. It was not working properly with Star Gladiators and Taekwon classes. It is now working properly. The goal of this update was to revitalize the raids that are rarely done. New players can also farm these raids for the tokens and sell them to players. Regardless, we are going to be improving several items that will help them significantly.
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