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Everything posted by Genesis

  1. He is now banned. In the future, file a ticket. You will get a faster reply.
  2. Hi all, I just wanted to make a small announcement regarding a rumor that some people have been spreading. No GM on this server, other than myself and Veracity, can unblock or unban accounts. Certain people have taken it upon themselves to falsify some Facebook screenshots between a certain GM and players where the GM is requesting them to pay for an unblock. This is not true. All ban appeals go directly to me. When you file a ticket, a GM will review your case to ensure you have provided all the information we need. Once that is done, the ticket is assigned to me. I make the decision whether to unblock or unban, not any of the GMs. I understand that players are concerned about any sort of favoritism in this matter. That was one of the principal things that lead me to create this server over 8 years ago. I instituted our policies with the idea that all players, regardless if they are contributors or not, are treated the same way: with respect and understanding. I hope that this puts any rumors to rest regarding this. As always, thank you all for playing and have fun! Genesis
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  3. Hi, I'm moving this to the suggestion forum. We are strictly a pre-renewal server. We won't be having any 3rd jobs other than the sprite replacements provided in the downloads page. :)
  4. Hi, Did you take any screenshots? Please message me on skype at jorgeluisf350. I'll look into your character's progress in the Forsaken Knight quest and give you the items you didn't get if required.
  5. The patcher is working as intended, it is just downloading the patches. Just because you have the all-in-one, doesn't seem you will never need to update your files. Every time we release a new update, you'll need to patch. My suggestion would be to let the patcher do its job and get in the habit of patching. However, the URL to the manual patch is here: http://download.forsakenserver.net/fRO_Manual_v6.1.zip Just extract the contents within the folder in the zip file to your fRO directory and replace.
  6. Try restarting your computer and modem. This is a connection issue on your end.
  7. Hi, You should not be getting frozen at all if you are wearing the full set. Can you drop me a message on skype at jorgeluisf350? I'll help you figure it out.
  8. I updated the permissions. You should now be able to post!
  9. This guide for windows 7, 8 and 8.1 will help: If you are on Windows 10, try: Most of the time this issue is related to permission issues.
  10. I reuploaded all the installers about 2 hours ago. Please give it a try.
  11. Hi, I responded to your ticket with a detailed explanation of the formulas. Please check it out when you have time. The synopsis is that ASPD is calculated by this formula: aspd = baseaspd + floor(sqrt((agi^2/2) + (dex^2/5))/4 + (potskillbonus*agi/200) + shieldpenalty) slow grace's formula is: ASPD Drop = [Base_ASPD_Drop + Floor(DEX ÷ 10) + Dance_Lessons_Lv]%
  12. We do not release "pre nerf" warnings. When we re-balance an item, we do so for the betterment of the server as a whole. We base it on : 1. GM observation (several GMs are involved with this process) 2. Player feedback (suggestion forum, and people who approach us). There have never been any "secret nerfs" when we re-balance an item, we announce it on the forums the day of. We sometimes, but rarely, test changes on the live server prior to announcing them. In this case, they would be announced within a few days. Players have asked me did you change x, we have always been up front with them about it. We do not announce test changes, because they are not finalized and change frequently. We announce them once they are finalized, which ends up being either a few hours, or a day afterwards. But again, this is a rare occurrence. I always find it funny when people say "you favor x guild because you nerfed y item." When we change an effect for an item, it doesn't just affect the members of a certain group. It changes the effect server-wide. Ultimately, I have the final say regarding item effects. Every suggested change has to be explained and debated with me. Sometimes I agree, sometimes I do not and the effect is not implemented. I have no affiliation with any group or guild in game. Many times people approach me and request their ticket be expedited because they have donated x amount to the server. My response is always the same and will always be the same. "Donator or not, all players are treated equally and get the same priority." I take full responsibility for any changes and am always open to suggestions regarding future ones via the suggestion forum. If anyone has any questions, feel free to message me on skype at jorgeluisf350 I am always happy to explain it to you.
  13. Hi, Try just downloading the latest patch from the website: http://download.forsakenserver.net/fRO_Patch_v6.0.exe
  14. Message me on skype at jorgeluisf350. I'll help you out.
  15. Genesis

    Item Prices

    Your best bet is to check here in the market section of the forums, or do a broadcast requesting a price check.
  16. If you lost your forsaken knight status, this is possible. Otherwise, I would suggest just doing another stat reset and trying again.
  17. This was already answered in your other topic.
  18. Genesis


    Hi, You should not provide any personal details in a public forum. In reference to your question, you can either file an account recovery ticket if you do not know the email, or do a password recovery through the control panel if you do.
  19. Genesis

    White screen

    Try this:
  20. Hi, Here is my suggestion: 1. Make sure you have our all-in-one 2. You didn't specify when specifically the error happens. If it happens before you can pick a character, I would suggest resetting your look as well through the control panel. Let me know via skype at jorgeluisf350 if you run into any issues. :)
  21. Please file a ticket.
  22. We might have some players who are below GMs but above regular players as you suggested, a "Police" w ho record and report 3rd party usage. I am also considering a bounty for reports. I will add this to our agenda and discuss it. Thanks for the idea!
  23. This move actually makes sense so it is near the Kafra. Will be added next patch!
  24. Our goal with the Guardian rings was to offer an alternative. We do not want to make x ring ideal for y class. The goal is to offer variety so there is a single paladin class, which 3 sub categories of players with different focuses.
  25. Updating it tonight. :)
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