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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by Victoria

  1. Rule#7 Don't directly or indirectly attack the server/staff/updates in your suggestions. If you want to make your case heard, it's best to be polite and thoughtful. :)
  2. Silver MVP cards are half of the effect of the Original Cards. e.g Silver Kiel gives -15% Aftercast delay while Real Kiel-D01 gives -30% Aftercast delay
  3. 3000! OMG! haha
  4. As long as their not Donated, Yes. Not all the best gears in RO are donated :3
  5. Let Me Give Your Heart a Break!

    1. -Si-


      I love that song rofl, it has a nice beat to it.

  6. Its Simple.. All the items other than Donations are NON-DONATIONS, which means that Vote Items are still Non-Donations, If they weren't Donations and also Non-Donations, what are they? O.o
  7. The Person Above Me likes Pancakes <3
  8. Wow! im glad we're talking DREAMS right now xD I had some DREAMS and its about forsakenRO, about WoE etc. thats why sometimes when i woke up, and have some new game plans and strategies that worked everytime xD
  9. Let me clear things out a little here: Vote items like Vote F.King+VoteVhelm will only work on the Vote set itself. and Donation Items like F.King Set+Valk Expansion will work only if their all together. To Sum it up: They cant be mixed together or the effect wont be enabled. Once their mixed e.g Vote F.KingShoes+Garment+Shield with F.King Armor+ValkExpansion, The Set Effect will NOT work.
  10. As what Zero said, GMs also have their own personal life and cannot spectate the PvP Ladder everytime you ask them too. And about the programs, pls think of the time and efforts a GM can do with a problem that can be solved just by reporting. I also have never seen feeders that gets to win some PvP tokens. As u know, GMs have lots and lots of work to do, some updates, some sprites and many more. And they have less time to watch and observe PvP Ladder and the only solution that can make their work easier is to REPORT a case. And i Disagree with you, i sometimes went to PvP Ladder with BOMBIN~ERRYDAY inside and guess what? He killed every person who gets in and camps there, thats his way of Laddering. BTW as what ive said on my first post.. i take it back :3 now to think of it im not sure.. Im not positive about it nor negative about it .. just inbetween :)
  11. I am NOT the nicest player here :3 The Person above me is a Liar! :)
  12. F.Dagger quest is long gone, to have it , you need to buy from players which may cost around 130-150toks.
  13. Or you guys can just take ss and report at ticket center ;3
  14. Im not sure if you can change them back, but if you right click and view the skills, the original name will be stated at the upper part.
  15. Well, it would look cute if a wiz is using a book xD
  16. FAIRY TAIL <3
  17. I wish i have a wish :3
  18. The Person above me has no Permanent Address If you know what i mean >:)
  19. False, TPBM likes Vanilla Ice Cream <3
  20. Make a Book.. some name suggestions: Poetic Edda or Codex Regius (related to Voluspa) Effect: Increase damage of Stave Crasher by 70%, Matk+20%, +30% Max HP, Int+10, Enable Use of Enlarge Weight Limit Lv. 10 P.S im not sure if wiz can use Books O.o just a suggestion though xD
  21. I got curious at first at the title of your topic im thinking: "What the hell is wrong with Leaders?" O.o and then i opened your post and its about ladder xD well it is unfair once they feed and get PvP tokens doing nothing but feed at ladder. and all those that are fighting fair doesnt get rewarded so +1 for this xD
  22. Victoria


    it is based on how you got jailed and the number of offenses you had made. here is the link for the Rules and the Punishments that you can have once you disobeyed these rules: http://www.forsaken-ro.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=16
  23. Go to My Profile -> Edit My Profile -> Click Signature at Left Part and to put some pictures (first: you need the url of the pic.. e.g http://sphotos-a.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash3/562729_442174412489234_314797689_n.jpg) click the box with a tree right below the A and Smiley which is called Image -> put the Url -> and your done :)
  24. Its quite normal for me since my AV might be that fast too with stable internet :3
  25. I dont use LK but still think they deserve to stay the same :3
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