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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by Victoria

  1. I have nothing to read anymore here in forums, more posts please! :3

  2. I have nothing to read anymore here in forums, more posts please! :3

  3. I have nothing to read anymore here in forums, more posts please! :3

  4. Do you wanna be, you wanna be a LOSER like me ? :th_e20: :th_e20: :th_e20:
  5. Err No, I don't like the taste of those kinds of drinks :th_e30: , so I prefer caffeine, ALOT like Capuccinos, Macchiatos etc. :th_ok: I cannot start my day without my usual intake of caffeine, I'll probably end up like this :th_sick: soon LOL! The Person Below Me drinks a lot of Caffeine! Yummy! :th_e2: :th_e2: :th_e2: :th_lv:
  6. Yes I do! Everytime I go out, I have mints with me :th_ok: The Person Below Me has a lovely purse
  7. My favorite as of the moment, Flashlight by Jessie J.
  8. I agree with this suggestion, everytime I go there and check what I can buy for my tokens (activity) I wonder what is the best headgear suitable for my character, but I can't do that because I don't know what they look like (I even thought Spare Card was a custom card that can be used for armors, never thought it was a headgear) If it's hard to do something like this, then it would be a better alternative to update the wiki with all the items given by the Token Trader. either way, I support this idea +1
  9. Halo! and Welcome to ForsakenRO! If you want a guide to teach you about gunslingers in this server, please click the icon in my siggy and look for Gunslingers there. There are many social guilds here in FRo, and one of those is my guild, the Forsaken Angels. We help newbies gear up and teach them the basic of FRo, so if you want to join just PM me here or ingame: ~ V i c t o r i a ~ Hope to see you soon! :th_ok:
  10. Halo! Your siggy looks fantastic and I can tell that you are very creative. Your skills might be useful in the Contests that will be held here in the forums soon, we will be looking forward to your entries! :th_ok: Anyways, Welcome to ForsakenRO! :th_meow:
  11. Victoria is Cute
  12. Yep, school starts in the last week of August :th_ok: :th_ho: The Person Below Me hates School :th_e30:
  13. 1 more event added, the "Cannonball Event" BUMPING this also since I need the player's insights on these events Please tell me what you think :th_meow:
  14. Yes this is a good suggestion since the idea of going to the seed room is for the newbies to earn tokens, but if an "accident" occurs, then they will have no income. Happened to me before, I managed to farm a few then the internet became unstable for the rest of my time, and I only managed to get what I payed for, and that's what we call Break even in Business Mathematics, You put effort and time on your work, but you never earned something. To summarize it all, +1 I support your suggestion :th_ok: :th_no1:
  15. Do you have a problem in real life? No friends to tell you what to do and not what to do? Well you have come to the right place! Here is where we talk about the difficulty of life and what you can do to solve it We are gonna help you with your problem, and perhaps you can learn something precious with our advices. Note: This post is made to help those who are in need of assistance in real life We can also see the true colors of the people that are playing here in ForsakenRO We can all learn and teach together, in that way we can earn unity and friendship I hope that everyone will be able to learn something from this Live your life to the fullest! By the way, NO ACADEMIC PROBLEMS
  16. Fish
  17. Made
  18. Zombie
  19. There is an NPC that lets you buy pet food/accessories/armor, go to fcity 117 163 then go up, pay attention to your right because there will be a dog present there, you'll have to do the quest in order to unlock his shop. As for the pets, I can't give you a list of pets that you can tame but if you want a unique pet, you should go to the safari, please refer to this guide on how to go inside the safari: http://www.forsaken-ro.net/forum/page/wiki/_/guide/how-to-enter-the-safari-zone-r60 Hope I helped! :D
  20. Sorry, I was using my phone and I don't know why Quote doesn't work earlier sooo.. :P
  21. OOPSIES! Quote Breaker
  22. You should file a ticket at the Ticket Center, they can talk to you about your problem there privately :th_ok: :th_no1:
  23. Mr Know It All, Well ya think you know it all, But ya don't know a thing at all~

    1. Levis


      All I know is, that I know nothing.

  24. You can look for the items here with their effects: http://www.forsaken-ro.net/forum/page/wiki/_/customs/items
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