I vote for [ 1 ] nines. I dunno, I just like it and I like the blue color that he used. I also like what he wrote on it (Welcome to the Future) and Goofy looks funny. :) And IMO, it looks very.. like hypnotizing-y. o.o
First time I read a farewell topic, I was going to post a reply post but then it said I couldn't. I thought the topic was closed or something and I thought it weird that no one posted anything to the good bye topics. Wasn't just me. -_- I agree with this suggestion. :)
Niiiiiiiice guide.
Btw, I just have to say something. On the basic things every player should know list, there are two #6's. If you could change the 2nd #6 to #7, that would be awesome, thanks. :biggrin:
what? hearts are cool ffs. and I just found that stone on the beach, and it was soo cool cause that doesn't happen often.. xD <-- I like to use that face now :)
Oh look it's Minnie Mouse :D LOL.
I didn't draw this btw xD..
Um the image code thingy won't work so here's the link.
I request a picture of um.. a wire.
I vote for [ 6 ] Lavernius, it shows real talent and I like the shades and the shadows and stuff on the picture. The colors are fine, not too bright or too dull or anything. It's good and hand drawn, I vote for it. :3