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Forsaken Supreme Counselor
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Everything posted by Hannah

  1. Hannah

    White Imp

    Is there a white imp in the server? If not, make one! :D
  2. All American Rejects - It Ends Tonight
  3. Hannah

    Dear Diary.

    Dear Diary, I'm watching a movie. The End.
  4. If they're going to tell you you're OPing stuffs, they should just say nothing.
  5. This kinda annoys me too, that's why I sell at a normal price now, or even cheaper when I need the coupons. But once I was buying something and I had to offer so I offered, then the guy just went "WTF? LOL" and I was like what? and he was like saying stuff like "You think someone will sell you a belt for that price?" and I was like yeah, it was the normal price, OFC DUH. x.x;;
  6. Wish granted but you played so much that you broke the guitar and was too poor to buy a new one. I wish I had a big bro <3!
  7. Wish granted but you're pro-er than everyone else so everyone hates you. You then suicide. I wish I lived by myself and not with my family.
  8. I saw you on a death note book my friend brought to school, I shouted "THAT'S RYUK!!!"

  9. All American Rejects - Gives You Hell. :D:D
  10. Lol, I know that. I was just saying if we could warp to any buildings inside fcity, we could use any of those commands. I remember the warps for the decard place, repair place, and the mall cause I'm always too lazy to walk there. -.-
  11. @warp fcity_in / @warp in_fcity. >:D
  12. LOL nice about me :D!

  13. no deal. -_- I will keep hosting h&s :D it's too big, take it off

  14. yes yes I will when he goes on, he doesn't go on much anymore.. let's hope he doesn't ignore me when I tell him. -.-

  15. LOL. I don't wanna see ittttt, it's too big, it like takes up all the space on my screen -.- you see all the comments you're getting cause of that pic?!

  16. Oh lol. yeah I check both forums, but I don't post that much in RM forums. :P oh ya, I know Shoujo. haha xD heard bout chu & Aemar, he's still emo I think (he uses a girl char now -.-)


  18. I has no money lol.

  19. That annoys me too, when I have a price for something and people still offer. OH, and when I tell people to offer, they don't (that really annoys me) and they tell me to offer instead. x.x
  20. ofc I have it set, maybe someone added me & I don't wanna be friends with them.. (it's happened before :P)

  21. Hannah

    [ C&c ] Manip

    Yeah, source/render, idk. :(
  22. Hannah

    [ C&c ] Manip

    I like the effects and the colors... *-* I wish I was good with these kinda things. :( Do you have the source?
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