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Forsaken Supreme Counselor
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Everything posted by Hannah

  1. (Pepsi, coke, same thing?... :P) I request a photo of a toothbrush.
  2. Hannah

    Dear Diary.

    Dear Diary, WOW, SO BORING. QQ The End.
  3. I request a photo of a plate.
  4. I request a photo of a hanger.
  5. Lol I was like "DAMN I don't have a PS2 ;(" Well here's a pink box full of stuffs. I request a photo of a mirror.
  6. It's kinda close up but meh. Flower clock ftw! :3 I request a photo of a pencil.
  7. Finally, GUM! I request a photo of a... pillow. :3
  8. I'm so glad I have no school anymore LOL. I hate school with a passion >:D

  9. I request a photo of a door.
  10. well I'm fine I guess. just playing fRO as usual >.< you?

  11. Hannah

    Thanatos Npc

    Hmm... I agree with sessions, maybe you could just give the NPC Thana Fragments. If not, I suggest Donation Coupons (like the Renter NPC). And I don't like the idea of losing when you die, so I also agree with the badge thing - you (and your party, if you have one) will get a badge once you go inside the room, then when you die you can talk to the Thanatos NPC again and show the badge then you can go back in and start killing again. :D I have an idea though. A lot of people would like to use the Thanatos NPC, and like what Xtopher said, players would just use different accounts so it wouldn't be fair, other players won't get a go. So what I'm suggesting is maybe there could be more than one room? Like it could be a big place, with lots of different rooms in it and the rooms could be numbered. Or something like that, just so other players can get a go at using the NPC and killing the thanas.
  12. Hannah

    Bank Npc

    I like that idea! Like a pin number. :P What about the NPC at fcity which allows you to turn zeny into coins, or coins into zeny? Then that will have no use? I agree with this Bank NPC though, it will be easier than the coin thingy, because for example if you want to withdraw some money you don't have to do the exchanging coins for zeny or whatever, you will already have the money as zeny.
  13. Hannah


  14. Hannah

    Birthday Section

    Yes but what I mean is, if it's someone's birthday and their friend would like to make a topic about it, then they can make one in the birthdays section. And not all people check whose birthday it is at the bottom of the forum page (I don't). :D
  15. Hannah


    Welcome. :3 My name's Hannah. I'm 13. (14 in... 8 months... QQ) Goodbye, and welcome to fRO again.
  16. I vote for [ 6 ] Deathina. The mermaid looks very fish like with the ears and the hands and stuff. I like the color she chose (blue) because it fits in well with the theme. She also used different shades of blue, light and dark, and the mermaid is hand drawn. I like it! :3
  17. LOLOL THAT WAS WHAT I WAS THINKING RYUK. Great minds think alike. /gg
  18. Teal is such a sxc color *-* You're good with recoloring and stuff like that lol. :3
  19. when I'm bored, I'm just bored. QQ I don't watch anything now, cause fro has taken over my life o.o

  20. Make a birthday section somewhere in the forums. I suggest putting it in Off Topic: Assorted.
  21. when I'm bored on fRO, I stare at my screen and just... stare. @__@;

  22. FKN SLOW GRACERS, I HATE EM. :< I think they should really add another castle for Euro WoE, to make it better (kinda boring with just one castle). It will still be two days, one castle on Monday, the other on Friday. I don't see why Euro can't have another castle? American WoE has THREE. -.-''
  23. don't worry, you're not alone. I think I nearly died of boredom yesterday o.o; near death experience...

  24. Wish granted, but once you got the upgrade you found out you had to pay or else you'd get jailed (irl). /gg I wish I was a... SUPAHSTAHHH
  25. Hannah

    White Imp

    Oh... aww. ;(
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