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Forsaken Supreme Counselor
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Everything posted by Hannah

  1. ohh, well I'm going to be 14 soon so yay! :) lol, nothing is up with me and juan. o.o why? :P

  2. Hannah

    Sprite Requests

  3. yeah I'm nice sometimes -.-

  4. oh and erwin, are you 13 or 14? lol

  5. loool, I'll stop annoying you with the adult thing haha (cause I'm nice O_O) and okay, but I won't do that cause erwin said people can't comment? but people comment on your profile.. idgi -_-

  6. why doesn't pie exist in your world? pie is really nice, especially apple pie. yuuumz. and carrot cake is very nice too, yum! :)

  7. why fail?... D:


  8. Agree with xonchu... I don't think this will work. They already have a guide for the f.dun pass, you have to work it and I'm sure the GMs or whatever won't agree with having a free warp to f.dun. And you can just farm gold anyway.
  9. I agree. You should try hotel626, you'll like it. :) Try googling for some horror games or something, google helps. Oh and she's already tried the silent hill series. :P
  10. hey adult, can I ask something? how do you like make people not see when you're viewing their profile? like I'm sure you viewed mine but it didn't say that you did. o.o

  11. Hannah

    This or that

    Chocolate. <3 Haha. :) or :(?
  12. Hannah

    This or that

    Loser! Computer or laptop?
  13. Hi and welcome. :3 If you need help on how to play a class just ask people out there, someone will know. :P
  14. I like carrot cake

  15. Hi and welcome. :3
  16. There's not a thing that I would change, cause you're amazing, just the way you are. Bruno Mars - Just The Way You Are. Fav song atm. :)
  17. Ohh. Well yeah lol, so I'm suggesting a command that can allow you to loot more than one item at the same time.
  18. Hannah

    This or that

    To be or not to be, that is the question. Anyway, I choose to be. :D Coke or Pepsi?
  19. Uh, what command? Lol sorry, I'm confused. o.o
  20. Is it possible to make a new command that allows you to autoloot more than one item at the same time? There is actually a way of doing this (it's not a command) but it takes some time. It's kinda complicated and not everyone knows about it. Like if someone was doing the frog hat quest (a poison toad drops toad skins and toad cards), it'll be easier for the player to autoloot both things at once while farming. I don't know if this has been suggested before, lazy to check, but yeah. o.o - Anyway, if any of you are wondering, this is how to ali more than one item at the same time. First, you need to get one each of the item(s) you are farming for and put them in your inventory. Then you need to fill your inventory up (use skulls or if you don't have any then just keep putting random stuffs in) until it says something like there are too many different things in your inventory. Then just type @autoloot and you're done. :D But you have to make sure that whatever you put in your inventory isn't dropped by the monster because then you'll be autolooting that item too.
  21. but that's me.. I'm a young adult. :D lol. but seriously.. -_-

  22. I think this guide really helps a lot! Reason for edit: I thought this was for Vote Rewards. Haha, never mind. xD
  23. me wanna make a cake wid you and papi

  24. Hannah


    I'll say something and this is like to girls too. Don't be someone you're not just to impress the one you like. Like what everyone said, just be yourself. If you really want to have a good relationship, find someone that will accept you for who you are. OH, and if you like someone right now but he/she won't accept you for who you are then leave them. Lol. They're not good for you. :P I'm not like a relationship expert (in fact, I'm like the opposite) or anything but that's what I think. Hehe, kbye! :biggrin: Lol I now know what guys do. :laugh:
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