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Forsaken Supreme Counselor
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Everything posted by Hannah

  1. uh yeah, that's cause you ARE mexican. do you like my about me? I LOL'd when I saw it. :D

  2. Hannah

    Hi \

    Hey and welcome. :3
  3. ohh LOL. I just called him juan when I met him, which was not a long time ago haha.

  4. ooohh LOL cool :) why do u hate your name? o.o

  5. homeworkkkkkkkk, man soo many QQ !

  6. what chu mean I lied? you tell me I lied then don't tell me why.. D: btw why do people call u john? that's not your name.

  7. The angeling wings are cuuute! I like the sword too and the hunter! :)
  8. Waiting for fRO to be up again, I'm listening to music and also eating ice cream. :3
  9. ohh lol, people say when you're young you want to be old but when you're old you want to be young again. I think I'll be like that when I'm older :3

  10. yeah I'm young. ;[ but I just want to be older. lol :3 don't you? o.o

  11. LOL. that's okay for me, it's okay if I die, I don't really mind haha. xD but I wanna be like 2 years older or smth, because everyone says I'm like really young. ;x

  12. I actually wish time passes by quicker, so then I can be older. :] but it goes slow on the holidays, so then it's cool. :3

  13. omg lol ikr, it's nearly christmas. :D

  14. omgg erwin, I'm good ! :] monday tomorrow, back to school again. weekend has gone so fast. o.o

  15. ohh but my avatar also has a heart in it. :)

  16. that's not my avatar? you dislike hearts but I don't! MWAHAHAHAHHA

  17. ohh lol it's okay, i don't even kno what he means by outplayed :3

  18. Hannah

    Hi Guys!

    Hey and welcome. :3
  19. ohh, me too, i got like a lot but i've done one of them. :] btw, don't follow juan's advice

  20. I vote for [ 5 ] Poringly. It has nice effects and nice colors and I like how it looks like the book is being opened and there's light coming from it. :D I also like the little square things and the design and the wisdom writing. :)
  21. outplayed? waddaya mean? -.- change yours, it's DBZ

  22. it was really boring before, but now it's awsm. i like it ! :3 do you? :P

  23. Hannah

    Hi :d

    Um... o.o Well uh, hey and welcome. Don't drink and drive. :3
  24. lol you are pro though. :P and I like school omg xD haha it's fun and I like the people in my class. :D

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