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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by Veracity

  1. Veracity


    Welcome to the server, Mei! If you have any questions feel free to ask. Best of luck to you and happy playing!
  2. That's a pretty awesome snowman!
  3. The NPC next to the king is the first NPC in the forbidden rune quest. If you've talked to him, you won't be able to do the Frigg quest on the same character without first completing the forbidden rune quest.
  4. In an ideal world this would be true, however it's unrealistic. RO servers need to be funded in order to exist. If a server doesn't bring in donations, it dies very fast. It's naive to think otherwise. On our server, the knight/legendary gears are on par with the donation items, AND you can obtain donation sets through voting, which is something I haven't seen on many (or any) other servers. On top of that, donations aren't account bound here so with hard work, any one could obtain them. That's already very great for players and better than a vast majority of servers out there. And there are items that are obtainable through WoE and storyline quests which are better than donation items. So I would be thankful for how much we already offer. :)
  5. Welcome!
  6. It's not because of a bug, we're using the renewal mob db and the default RMS mob info is pre-renewal. Renewal changed the spawns of a lot of the mobs, which is why some of them are different.
  7. Don't forget to send your apps in TODAY if you're interested in applying!! I'm so excited to read everyone's apps. :)
  8. A lot of the older quest items are just for looks. The knight/legendary items are the best quest gears by far. :) The legendary rucksacks are 80% of the effect of current rucksacks. I'm not opposed to buffing both rucksacks, but I'm not sure it's necessary either. The legendary lower equips available (rucksacks, avian wings, and sacred wings) are all intended for different play styles. For the past 3 years give or take (for how long rucksacks have been out here), people have been fine with the +10 stats. It's not bad at all, and the legendary rucksacks are one of the best items in game from quest/voting/etc.
  9. People get scammed because a) most people want to take the easy way to get things b) they don't know better and don't take personal responsibility to inform themselves c) they are too trusting... well, there's a lot of reasons, but really, it's something that's 100% preventable if everyone is better informed. We've done our best on our part to help this: I've made topics in the announcement section, we broadcast about it regularly, and we even changed the start message when you log in to warn people. That's why it's important to also share with your friends and anyone you can so we can try to make scamming a thing of the past. It's also very helpful when people report it as soon as someone tries to scam you.
  10. Sure, I would be more than happy to clear this up for you and anyone else who may be curious about this. Many people love starting drama where there is none. This is simply a case of someone who is trying to retaliate against the server after they broke the rules and were banned. As you said yourself, most of the discussion there is just based on rumors, and they're untrue. Think about it for a minute. If all we cared about was money, why did we make donations obtainable through vote and quest items which add only a few stats less than their donation counterparts? Anyone who actually takes the time to get to know Genesis would know how much he loves the server. He's poured well over 5 years of his life into working on Forsaken RO... it's a huge part of his life and something he works on every day, whether it's helping players, responding to tickets, handling hack/scam cases, or developing/coding new updates. Very few if any administrators out there are as dedicated and hard working as Genesis is, especially over such a long period of time. I can honestly say he is the best administrator of any RO server I've ever played on or been a part of. He is a a committed, honest, and upstanding guy, one who deserves everyone's respect. We all work hard to ensure the server is the best it possibly can be: fair, honest, and awesome in general. As far as staff, I believe wholeheartedly you can't get any better than fRO's. I've seen quite a few corrupt and abusive administrators in my years of playing RO, and as someone who knows the behind-the-scenes of the server better than anyone else, I can say with 100% certainty Genesis is not one of them. Simply put, we never punish people for no reason. Only the guilty have to be worried about being punished, and rightfully so.
  11. You need a cape for one version, but there is also a non-donation one, too. There's more details/stats in the update topic. :)
  12. Hiya! I'm really happy to hear you're enjoying it here. If you have any questions or need any help, please feel free to ask me! Also, our beginner guide is very helpful for many new players... may be worth taking a look at if you haven't already. :) Happy playing!
  13. Hi Kushie! Cute avatar. :) Welcome to fRO and happy playing! If you have any questions, feel free to ask, and don't forget to check out our beginner guide on the wiki!
  14. Welcome Youki! If you have any questions getting started, feel free to ask! Good luck and happy playing! PS: Don't forget to check out our beginner guide on the ForsakenRO Wiki!
  15. Unfortunately, no. We even include warnings about that in the NPC's dialogue, so it really is your responsibility to check. You can either buy/trade for the missing pieces or re-do the quest on another character. I am sorry for the unfortunate situation though. :(
    1. Veracity


      If you haven't written a review for us in the past 6 months, please write a new one!

  16. Don't forget you can use @whodrops and @whereis, both of which are extremely useful commands. :)
  17. Bumping this, if anyone has any questions feel free to PM me!
  18. Yes, that's right... we're looking for some new Event Game Masters to welcome to our team! Applications close on January 13, 2013. For more information about applying, please check the Applications topic. All applications should be sent to [email protected]. Please note that you should not apply unless you can host at least 1 event every 2 days. If you have sent in your application previously, please re-submit it during the next week to ensure it will be reviewed. Good luck to everyone, we look forward to reading your applications! PS: Please note we will never contact any player in game to hire them for a GM position. The only way we accept applications is through email to [email protected]. We will never ask you to donate or give us your account info to become a GM here. Please note the application form has been updated to include 2 new questions at the end!
  19. I'll correct that, so sorry about that! You can always sell your second dungeon pass to another player, though. :)
  20. Welcome to the server, Khiet! I look forward to seeing you in game. I'm sure you will enjoy the PvP here, especially our awesome PvP events we have like Battle Royale. If you have any questions getting started, feel free to ask me! Happy playing!
  21. Welcome! I'm a quest lover myself too. :) Good news for you is, we have lots of fun quests that give amazing gear! If you have any questions, I'd check the beginner guide on the wiki or feel free to ask me any time. Happy playing!
  22. What sephwin suggested should help, or it could be the issue which Bishop recently posted in the ticket you had made: Just posting this here for anyone else who may also be experiencing the issue too. :)
  23. Welcome back!
  24. Hi Seph! I'm really happy to hear you're liking it here so far. Looking forward to seeing you in game! If you have any questions or need any help, feel free to swing by the help desk in go 25. Good luck and happy playing!
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