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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by Veracity

  1. For now, I'd use /lightmap as others suggested. We'll look into removing the lighting for the interior maps though. Thanks!
  2. We won't buff pre-existing items, however we may re-release it in the future so everyone has a chance of obtaining it.
  3. I think all of the reasons why this would be problematic here has already been covered. Thanks for your thoughtful suggestion, though!
  4. We're going to be adding more incentive for players to PvP, don't worry! :)
  5. Unfortunately we will not be able to implement any new sprites at this time as we have no spriters capable of making original sprites. The idea would be nice though. :P Thanks for your suggestion!
  6. This has already been implemented, thanks for your suggestion! :)
  7. thePast provided some very useful advice, I would recommend doing that instead. We're not going to add an emperium testing room at this time, however. Thank you for your suggestion though!
  8. We're going to be adding something to help players with MvPing very soon. :) Thanks for your suggestion!
  9. People are taken to fcity when they join the game, can always use @go to look up towns, and it's all over the website and wiki that fcity is the main town. If people can't figure that out, I don't know how else we can help them. Adding NPCs in other towns is excessive and in my opinion wouldn't be very helpful... We can perhaps add a message when you log in, or a broadcast. Thanks for your suggestion and to everyone who contributed!
  10. We're going to take these into consideration and add incentive people to PvP more. Thanks for your thoughtful suggestion and comments, everyone!
  11. Thanks for the suggestion! We'll definitely take these headgears suggested here into consideration. We're working on quite a few new quests currently, so get excited! :P
  12. We will take this into consideration, thanks for your suggestion!
  13. As already established, we will not be doing something like this or allowing people to vend for tokens - potential for way too many problems. Thanks for your suggestion, though!
  14. People have suggested this in the past, but we have rejected it because it would make it easier to cheat for PvP ladder. There is the potential for many other problems, too. Thank you for your suggestion in any case though!
  15. Bishop covered this well. We do already have a small installer. We are looking for ways to reduce the size of the all in one and create another smaller option. Thanks for your suggestion!
  16. We are currently looking into revamping the website and wiki to make them easier to use and more helpful to new players. Thanks for your suggestion!
  17. This is a feature of the renewal client, which we are not using and most likely will not use in the near future. That would be the only way to make this possible, as far as I am aware. I'll confirm this with Genesis, but I don't believe it is likely to happen - sorry!
  18. As everyone has pointed out, this isn't really needed as gunslingers are already a strong class. Thanks for your suggestion in any case!
  19. This was accepted before, we will look into doing it. Thanks! :)
  20. I'm not sure about starting up SOTW again, but maybe we can try it out and see how it goes. However, we would have to reduce the prize amounts by a lot or make it so it was only on a monthly basis again since it's normally the same handful of people participating and the same few people winning over and over. As for the graphics subforum, we created the 'Creative Corner' for everyone to share not only their graphics, but any kind of drawings/art, stories, music, anything at all. :) We'll discuss possibly making it its own forum section, though. Thanks for your suggestion!
  21. We have @whereis to help players with finding and hunting mobs. I think @mobsearch takes all of the fun out of MvP hunting, and we haven't really seen a need for it in the many years the server has been open. In any case, thank you for your suggestion!
  22. I think this is only fair. We will add the AD boost to the ring as well. Thanks for pointing that out!
  23. Many people have suggested making items vendible with tokens, but it is never going to happen simply because it could be extremely abusable and have bugs. Since tokens are our main currency, the effects would be disastrous and we know by now 99.9% of people are not honest enough to come forward and report a bug if they are benefiting from it. Not to mention it displays the cost in terms of a different currency everywhere I've seen it implemented, which would cause confusion and problems with some players I am sure. As for adding the whosells command, we will look into it. Thanks for your suggestion!
  24. We will take this into consideration, thank you for your suggestion, and to everyone who shared their thoughts on the subject.
  25. Hi there, if you notice any outdated information, please do file a ticket about it so we can fix it ASAP! The wiki shows all of our custom items, and you can always @ii them in game to find out more. That being said, I do like the idea of having an item db available for people here. We will look into it. Thanks for your suggestion!
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