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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by Veracity

  1. It's great to see that you're so motivated and passionate about the server! I feel the same way, and I'm ALWAYS looking for ways to improve the server and make us the best. I'm very happy to hear others do, too! :) I think a lot of your ideas sound interesting and worth discussing, but we'd need more specific details for each suggestion in order to really talk about anything. I'd love it if you could send me some of your web design work, as we may decide to revamp the website.
  2. It's either immediately after someone kills it, it respawns or 30 minutes after.
  3. You must just have really bad luck, because I haven't heard a single person have a problem with obtaining Hero's Remains since we increased the spawn rate of the Lost Dragon and increased the drop rate... Just keep trying, and take comfort in the fact that the quest is ridiculously easier than the previous Elite quests...
  4. Going to close this now since I don't want there to be any confusion about us hiring or anything. Applications aren't open now, we will announce when we're looking for new GMs.
  5. There are different strategies you can use to force people into different card combos, e.g. trying to coma people or spamming bolts on them to force them to switch to GTB so you can do more damage. Creators stunlock people with AD and have very fast spam, and when their FCP runs out you can easily break their armor and kill them. There are plenty of methods to counteract weaknesses of a class. For magic classes, you can use stave crasher. You just need to try to use strategy. Could you please be more specific about what you're suggesting? Do you want creators to have elemental damage? Do you want people to not have Ghostring cards or for us to nerf it? Part of RO is that certain classes are good against certain classes and weak against others, some classes will have weaknesses that others do not. I'm not being critical, I just want to understand what it is that you'd like to suggest. Really, this seems like more of a rant than a suggestion. A suggestion should include possible solutions to a problem. We would be more than happy to hear specific suggestions as to what we can do to improve class balance if you feel there is an issue with it.
  6. Hi there! Welcome to the server. If you need any help, let me know and I will be more than happy to help answer any questions you may have. Good luck and happy playing! :)
  7. If you alt tab and then re-tab back into the game, it should fix your problem. It happens sometimes to me too.
  8. Welcome back! If you have any questions or need any help catching up, I'd be more than happy to help you. :) Good luck and happy playing!
  9. Sorry, what are you talking about?
  10. Tokens are the main currency in fRO. If people just say "tokens", they're referring to these. If they're talking about the other kinds, they will specify it like "event tokens", "activity tokens", etc. :)
  11. We are not disabling any skills (that's just going too far), so someone would have to suggest stats that would actually work with all of the classes' skills enabled. The previous stat suggestions absolutely would not.
  12. Please take a minute to review us! It helps more people hear about the server and us to improve. http://tinyurl.com/forsakenreview

  13. Remember the Forgotten is one of the more newbie friendly guilds, I believe. :)
  14. Welcome, Mick! If you ever have any questions or need any help, please feel free to swing by the help desk or send me a PM! :) Happy playing!
  15. Really, you don't _need_ tokens since the legendary equipment is on par with the donation, and you can obtain the full vote forsaken king set via voting. So I'd recommend voting, and doing the other legendary equipment quests for the gauntlets, zodiac aurora, and wings/rucksacks. For MvP cards, using hocus pocus is a good way like someone had suggested. :) Also, guilds will take people with legendary/knight/vote forsaken king sets. You can also do the legendary quests to sell the gear for tokens so you can get tokens to buy MvP cards or whatnot.
  16. They can still use enchant deadly poison lol, it's just so people can't kill themselves.
  17. Okay, that's what I thought. What files are you using with the lite installer? Sakray/RagRE?
  18. Did you download the all in one installer? And what do you mean by the custom items room?
  19. Please write a review and help the server grow! http://tinyurl.com/forsakenreview

  20. Yes, you do. You always should send an email, because Genesis will not give out the donations until he receives one. Hope that helps. :)
  21. Once the payment is confirmed, usually 24-48 hours at most. But you need to make sure to send an email in to [email protected] with your account name, the amount you donated, what items you donated for, etc...
  22. You get them from the Forsaken Mine at the bottom of for_fild01. There's a guide on the wiki about how to get them too, called the Forsaken Dungeon Pass quest. :)
  23. PvP should be about skill, not relying on buffs. It's really lame and gives a disadvantage to people who aren't able to open multiple clients and get all of the buffs. If you need buffs to PvP, then you must not be very good at PvPing.
  24. Hi Janna welcome! To create an account, go to http://forsaken-ro.net/cp and register it there. :) If you have any more questions, feel free to PM me! You'll probably also want to check out the beginner guide I link in my signature, it's helpful for new players like yourself. Good luck and happy playing! :)
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