Lenneth, I understand your frustration about this and why you wouldn't feel good about it. The people who actually took the time to figure everything out are understandably upset. That's completely natural, too. However, please try to think of it from my perspective. The storyline is like my baby. I'm the one who planned out the story, spent hours and hours researching and learning about Norse mythology, wrote the dialogue, picked out all of the 100+ NPCs, chose the quest rewards, came up with the concept of the raids and the mobs in them. I carefully went through and chose the quest requirements to make sure they went with the story. All of this, while it may seem simple, was tons of work for me and took me over a year to do. I spent so many hours working on this, well over a couple of hundreds, I can't even count. Genesis, Wish, and Justice all hugely contributed to the storyline as well, from coding, to making the maps, to testing it over and over and over. Zeal also spent hours working with us to develop the mob AIs for the raids. It was a huge project for all of us.
I had only the best intentions of not wanting guides posted. In my mind, this would encourage people to explore for themselves and/or work with their group of friends to figure out the quest. I wanted it to be a fun and challenging undertaking, one that wasn't just "warp to x coords, skip through all of the dialogue, farm items mindlessly, done." I wanted it to be special.
However, there were unintended consequences to this. Many people found it so intimidating and difficult, they didn't even know how or where to begin and so didn't bother with the quest. A smaller amount of players took the time to figure out everything which I applaud. Unfortunately, some of these players then made guides which they would distribute to a select group of people (normally, I would say a vast majority of the time, to people who were well geared and moderately to very rich already). This has the effect of "the rich getting richer." They would repeatedly do the quest over and over again, selling the rings for ridiculous profit. Sharing a guide with your friends, well, that's one thing, and I could have lived with that. But then people started selling the guides. Other people hoarded drops required for the storyline, making it impossible for almost any other player to do it. It became something controlled by a few different groups of people.
The original point of the quest being "secret" had long ago stopped being the case - most people who were doing it weren't figuring it out, but using the guides already spread around. We didn't put all of this hard work in to benefit only a small portion of the server. We put all of that work in so everyone could enjoy it. It's meant to attract people to the server, to encourage them to gear up enough and work towards being able to do the quest. That wasn't, and couldn't honestly happen with things like the way they were.
I understand you're upset, and rightly so, but please understand that this is done for the best of the server as a whole. It's a hard decision to make, certainly. I had been considering doing it for some time, and had decided a few weeks ago we would, after seeing the consequences continue to get worse. Then, as you know, there was a situation with a banned player that sped up this process and made it more urgent. Rather than allowing it to circulate within a few groups, we're putting everyone on more equal footing. It's been about 4 or so months now since it was released. For that time, the people who had done the quest (and even those who just followed guides), were able to have the items before anyone else and sell them to make profit. I think that's reward enough, or at least, I hope so. This was in no way a rash decision made on my part, and something I had been considering for a long time now. This was done for the best, it may not be easy to see or accept that right now, but I can assure you, it was.