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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by Veracity

  1. We will look into ways to make tokens more obtainable for everyone; however, this is not the best solution. There is a lot of potential for abuse with this and it would have negative repercussions on the server as a whole.
  2. EVERYONE PLEASE READ: http://www.forsaken-ro.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=22933 And make sure to tell your friends about this as well.

    1. Drunk
    2. ScarletDevilmoon


      easiest way for this is to make a special aura only for gms that say gm on it, also add target on it as well for my sake o3o

  3. Bumping this since these cases have begun again.
  4. Not normally but if we do it always displays our names to the right, always. We NEVER ever ever contact players in game to recruit them for GM, nor do we ever ask them for their passwords or anything of that nature. The only way we accept/review/respond to applications is through the official email: [email protected]
  5. Can you please provide us with the full quality screenshot (one that is not resized at all). Your tokens still should be there, there is no reason they would disappear unless you share your account with someone else, or you moved them and forgot, or something like that.
  6. UNLESS IT SAYS THE GM'S NAME IN THE RIGHT, IT IS A PLAYER IMPERSONATING US. OUR NAME ALWAYS WILL SHOW UP IN CHATS. Just want everyone to be clear about this since apparently some losers are impersonating GMs and trying to scam again.
  7. You should file a ticket to apply. :)
  8. Yes, that's right... we're looking for some new Event Game Masters to welcome to our team! Applications close on April 20, 2013. For more information about applying, please check the Applications topic. All applications should be sent to [email protected]. Please note that you should not apply unless you can host at least 1 event every 2 days. If you have sent in your application previously, please re-submit it during the next week to ensure it will be reviewed. Good luck to everyone, we look forward to reading your applications! PS: Please note we will never contact any player in game to hire them for a GM position. The only way we accept applications is through email to [email protected]. We will never ask you to donate or give us your account info to become a GM here.
  9. Thanks for your suggestion, we'll definitely do this! :)
  10. Welcome back! Don't worry, while items have changed a lot from back in the day, so have other things fortunately - we now offer questable items that are ~80% (a few stats less) than donation items as part of the Knight and Legendary quests. You can also obtain a full Forsaken King set and Valkyrie helm through voting. With these items, you'll have no problem competing in PvP. :) It's pretty easy to get back into the groove of things. If you have any questions starting out, feel free to ask any of the staff!
  11. Someone made a topic about this in general discussion, we explained why it was removed temporarily here: http://www.forsaken-ro.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=23763 Going to move this to reviewed since we're working on it. Thanks! :)
  12. Welcome Onosaki! I hope you will enjoy it here. :) If you have any questions or need any help, you can always feel free to PM me or say hi at the help desk and I will do my best to help. That's impressive that you can speak so many languages! We have quite a few players here who speak German, Japanese, and of course English. Your maps look wonderful! Very cool, I'd love to see more of your work! :)
  13. I'm sorry but we will not re-enable a skill that there is known to be issues with and is possible to abuse until we're able to find a solution. It's impossible for us to monitor everyone who is using it, so that just isn't an option, I'm sorry. :( Yes, the reason why the MvP room is somewhat expensive and has a lower drop rate is to prevent it from flooding the economy with tons o' MvP cards. That would NOT be good for anyone and would seriously mess up the economy and frankly could also hurt new players and non-donators. It just provides another avenue of getting the cards when all of the MvPs are being camped by better geared players.
  14. Forsaken King set is the best gear you can obtain, which is donation and is also available through voting. As far as headgears go... for upper, people wear valkyrie expansion headgears/valkyrie helms (donation) or imperial helms (from WoE), for middle emperium auroras are popular (obtained from WoE) or skull auroras (from donating). Lower headgears are more varied, ranging from rucksacks, capes, balloons (all of which are donation, with quest rucksacks available too) or blessed/cursed rings (from the storyline quest). There are a lot of other options too, but that's some of the more popular ones people wear. Hope that helps. :)
  15. It's really not appropriate to be discussing illegal programs or how to cheat in the forums, or for that matter, anywhere. :( If you suspect people are using 3rd party programs, report them so we can look into it and punish them if they are. We're obviously not going to say how people were abusing it. We are looking into the issue. I'd also like to point out that anyone can farm zeny, so it's not impossible at all for new players to also use the MvP rooms. As Shino pointed out already, it's MUCH easier now than it ever has been to get geared and get great items without tons and tons of work. MvPing isn't supposed to be super easy, it takes some work, guys. I'm sorry for the inconvenience but I would at least hope that people understand why it is removed for now. Yes, it's unfortunate, but there are still other ways to get MvP cards that anyone can do. :)
  16. Okay guys we have a vote on whether people want ventrilo, raid call, or team speak. Make sure to vote if you'd be interested and intend on using it! :) Going to move this to reviewed now since we'll implement one or the other.
  17. You'll have to just disband and remake the guild. If people were threatening you at all or telling you you will be banned, please post screenshots in a ticket so we can punish the players as no one should be threatening you or telling you you will get banned. Only GMs determine whether or not a player is banned, no one else.
  18. Many players were also abusing the skill in unintended ways to profit from it by cheating. It's temporarily removed for the time being. I would recommend trying to hunt MvPs the old fashioned way if you can't afford the MvP room.
  19. Lenneth, I understand your frustration about this and why you wouldn't feel good about it. The people who actually took the time to figure everything out are understandably upset. That's completely natural, too. However, please try to think of it from my perspective. The storyline is like my baby. I'm the one who planned out the story, spent hours and hours researching and learning about Norse mythology, wrote the dialogue, picked out all of the 100+ NPCs, chose the quest rewards, came up with the concept of the raids and the mobs in them. I carefully went through and chose the quest requirements to make sure they went with the story. All of this, while it may seem simple, was tons of work for me and took me over a year to do. I spent so many hours working on this, well over a couple of hundreds, I can't even count. Genesis, Wish, and Justice all hugely contributed to the storyline as well, from coding, to making the maps, to testing it over and over and over. Zeal also spent hours working with us to develop the mob AIs for the raids. It was a huge project for all of us. I had only the best intentions of not wanting guides posted. In my mind, this would encourage people to explore for themselves and/or work with their group of friends to figure out the quest. I wanted it to be a fun and challenging undertaking, one that wasn't just "warp to x coords, skip through all of the dialogue, farm items mindlessly, done." I wanted it to be special. However, there were unintended consequences to this. Many people found it so intimidating and difficult, they didn't even know how or where to begin and so didn't bother with the quest. A smaller amount of players took the time to figure out everything which I applaud. Unfortunately, some of these players then made guides which they would distribute to a select group of people (normally, I would say a vast majority of the time, to people who were well geared and moderately to very rich already). This has the effect of "the rich getting richer." They would repeatedly do the quest over and over again, selling the rings for ridiculous profit. Sharing a guide with your friends, well, that's one thing, and I could have lived with that. But then people started selling the guides. Other people hoarded drops required for the storyline, making it impossible for almost any other player to do it. It became something controlled by a few different groups of people. The original point of the quest being "secret" had long ago stopped being the case - most people who were doing it weren't figuring it out, but using the guides already spread around. We didn't put all of this hard work in to benefit only a small portion of the server. We put all of that work in so everyone could enjoy it. It's meant to attract people to the server, to encourage them to gear up enough and work towards being able to do the quest. That wasn't, and couldn't honestly happen with things like the way they were. I understand you're upset, and rightly so, but please understand that this is done for the best of the server as a whole. It's a hard decision to make, certainly. I had been considering doing it for some time, and had decided a few weeks ago we would, after seeing the consequences continue to get worse. Then, as you know, there was a situation with a banned player that sped up this process and made it more urgent. Rather than allowing it to circulate within a few groups, we're putting everyone on more equal footing. It's been about 4 or so months now since it was released. For that time, the people who had done the quest (and even those who just followed guides), were able to have the items before anyone else and sell them to make profit. I think that's reward enough, or at least, I hope so. This was in no way a rash decision made on my part, and something I had been considering for a long time now. This was done for the best, it may not be easy to see or accept that right now, but I can assure you, it was.
  20. So excited for these quests I'm working on to be released! :)

  21. You need a cape for the donation version of the ring, yes. There's a non donation version which requires quest rucksacks and a quest RAW. You can view the requirements if you click the link at the end of this guide for the Blessed one. :)
  22. Because of how long the quest is, I couldn't fit it all in one article. So the part that is the same for both quests (up until you choose a side) is the beginning part, the blessed guide is when you choose the god's side and on from then.
  23. Please file a ticket so we can help you. If you're playing at a cafe, it's possible the cafe's IP was banned.
  24. We didn't make the quest "secret" so people could profit off of it, we made it "secret" because we wanted people to actually put the time and work in. People just sold the guide or only let their friends know about it, hoarded the drops required (like BoS), which was not intended. Why would we release a huge update that we spent 100s of hours on for the benefit of a small group of people? We wouldn't. It was made for everyone. The people who did it earlier and the few people who actually spent the time to figure everything out were rewarded by having the rings before most people and being able to sell them for higher prices since they were more rare, etc. That's more than enough benefit. The guide is released. In the future, we will always release guides for these quests. We learned our lesson from this. There isn't anything to discuss since it's already been done, and it won't be removed, sorry. No more topics about this, please.
  25. Oh, I apologize. RAW = Royal Angel Wings, the quest version is given by the Fairy Mistress in the quest room in fcity. :)
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