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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by Amicable

  1. BUMP BUMP~ Updated just now ?
  2. I strongly believe if you put your opinions out there, whether it be good or bad, please JUST suggest things and we'll definitely discuss and then hopefully come up with a great one to easily make this server one of the best! ❤️ Again, appreciate all the insights, please dont DISCOURAGE/TT ?

    1. Genesis
    2. Amicable


      Yo, appreciate it a lot, Jorge! <3! 

  3. Alright, so ive been here since late 2009~2014 and of course a lot of stuff have fluctuated in pricing, but AS OF RIGHT NOW, the market is pretty "stagnant" where it is basically trading items to get a SINGLE/MULTIPLE items, and of course, people would rather have "PURE PURE PURE" tokens to definitely get endgame gears/etc. To be quite honest, this truly is a great suggestion/post! I personally have it difficult to even sell items at a REASONABLE price, but I'm ONLY settled with, what i said before, just people trading items in order to OBTAIN/GET mine. I believe this would definitely increase flow of tokens, as well as, make everyone happy with purchasing tokens over items :D!
  4. AHHH! I'm truly stoked and happy for AN UPDATE, thanks for keeping it lively and shout out to them future updates to come, love you guys a lot! ❤️
  5. Mind asking, whats the (1%) - (5%) mentioned for the enhanced stats on DA's?
  6. Oh okay okay, thanks for telling me Nad ❤️!
  7. Wait, can you see my post? O_O when you quoted mine it's blank....just making sure >.<
  8. They might've fluctuated...but yeah! Also, Dragonist Tokens (170 in total) = 1100-1300 tokens, which you need to LTD an emp, so just calculate the total with that in mind if you buy a NON LTD EMP.
  9. Amicable

    Ice Emp blue OG

    "You can now exchange your battleground tokens for exclusive rewards,including ice emperium auroras! Purple, gold, and sky blue are available from KvM,red and grey from Tierra, and Violet and orange from Flavius!" The one for BattleGrounds is skyblue ice emp, NOT BLUE ice emp
  10. Sweet~ Just wanted to note* make sure to unequip and storage your MAIN weapon before you exchange...because the npc tends to pick your equipped weapon over the one you are ACTUALLY trying to trade in for another weapon, haha.
  11. To each person who either donated/shared/read on this, thank you! It was such a blessing to read every comment and to even get incredible comments ingame as well. It's crazy how a game I played when i was 13 (and now im 21 WOW), can make an impact in my life, and you guys did that. Again, thank you so much from the bottom of my heart, this truly was so awesome! Love you guys! <3!
  12. @fykka GURLLLL~ YA KNOW I FUCKING LOVE IT Q_Q MAN I WISH I SAW THIS ASAP WEW! <3! LOVE U AND THANKS AGAIN!! AHHH @qperteplexim cute as a gurl ;3
  13. Butt cheeks duh~ lovs it Push or Pull
  14. 903
  15. LMAO.....send nudes? Electric or Fire
  16. Pokemon Woo or Wee
  17. 898
  18. majm ajij
  19. +1 ? Most definitely agree with this ^o^
  20. ^o^ 3rd chemo session in a couple of hours...! Lets go!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Pixel
    3. Amicable


      @Pixel Thank you! <3! Definitely feeling like i am getting better!


    4. Pixel


      yay!! good to hear that

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