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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by Justice

  1. Oh woah, hi

    1. Show previous comments  17 more
    2. Capuccino
    3. Danny
    4. Justice


      I just thought I'd drop by to see how everyone and everything is, is all :3 Seems like everyone is doing well!

  2. Hello everyone! We're terribly sorry for the great inconvenience, but GvG will be canceled today due to an emergency with the hosts. 2 rounds will be held next Sunday, January 5th, 2014! Thank you for your patience and understanding.
  3. Ahhhh, finally 21......... (I donno what I should even do now)

    1. ChainBreak


      Go and get drunk of course. :3

    2. Hypnosis
    3. Dawn


      happy birthday :)

  4. Happy Birthday, fRO! I hope you guys enjoy the quest, items, and the new city.
  5. I think it is important to consider other time options for the Euro and Asia WoE times for the sake of players outside of North America. However, the fact still remains that this server DOES have players from North America. So the goal needs to be to find a compromise for both parties. Not just one or the other. On a side note about GvG and BR in comparison to WoE, keep in mind that BR and GvG are hosted by GMs. Genesis, Dream, and I are the primary hosts for these events. Being GM hosted events means that the times need to accommodate the host as well and not only the players. And we have done our best to adjust the times of those two events based on player suggestion to best suit the most amount of participants. But... Those events still have to be at a time that one of the three of us can actually host during.
  6. Please don't revive old topics.
  7. OTL Make the essays stop.... I'm going to die by essay.

    1. Decode


      Noooo, don't die, do not leave me alone in this world!!! :P

    2. thePast
    3. Justice


      @Decode: I'm sorrrryyyy Decodeeeeeeee!! THE ESSAYS ARE EATING ME ALIVEEEEEE. I still have like... 3 essays due before the end of the year in 3 weeks.... And don't even talk to me about the essays I have to write DURING my finals and the extra credit essays. MAN.

  8. Please report this in a ticket with the screenshots
  9. What am I? Chopped liver?
  10. Too much school... I need a long... LOOONG break.

  11. Hey there! Welcome to fRO. I hope you enjoy your stay with us. If you ever need help at all, feel free to PM me or talk to another GM. I'm also certain that the other players around here would be more than willing to help. 私はJusticeと言います。よろしくお願いします!fROにようこそ!私も日本語を話せますけど、ちょっとよくないです。まだ大学で勉強しています。Onosakiさんの方が上手ですね。ハハハハ!Strawbeeさんは「まだまだです」と言ったのに、本当に上手ですよ!じゃ、Strawbeeさんは助けていれば、私に聞いた方がいいですよ。何があっても、手伝いますよ。分かった?(LOL I hope those last few sentences made sence...) (I'm called Justice. Nice to meet you! Welcome to fRO. I also speak Japanese, but I'm not very good. I'm still studying it in college. Onosaki is better than me. HAHAHAHA! Even though you say you might say you're not that good at Japanese, you really are! Well, if you need help, it would be good to ask me. No matter what it is, I'll help. Got it?) *bad-ish translation of my own words*
  12. I hate writing essays....

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Seraphine


      Yeah essays suck D:

    3. ScarletDevilmoon


      Essays are the pure black magic evil o w o

      Since they want you talk a lot about 1 thing

    4. -Si-


      Me and essays have a love hate relationship.

  13. I'm glad we've put in the Bot Check. There's nothing I love more than fair farming, as someone who started off here as a rigorous farmer. But I mist admit, I will miss catching bots myself. They're really quite funny when you have them caught. ;3 But now we can catch all the bots we can't see or find.
  14. Or at least read what the pop up has to say. It's not every day you get a pop up in a game like this. xD I'm interested to see how many bots slip through the checker. I'll be there if they do though.
  15. xD Not today.
  16. Nice pics everyone! :3
  17. Hello players of fRO! Due to popular request, we are changing the times at which the event Guild vs. Guild is held! From this point forward, both Sunday and Tuesday GvG will be hosted at 20:00:00 server time! We hope this change offers convenience to everyone joining us for GvG across the world. Thank you all for your constant support and I can’t wait to see all you GvG goers on Sunday and Tuesday for guild rumbles to remember.
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  18. I'm curious, what would YOU guys want as a theme for this years Summer Fcity? Another beach (that was fun...)? Tell me what you want!

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Victoria


      Hawaii would be nice.. with some Coconut trees everywhere, some pink flowers and change the pond into a beach xD and some Wood Benches etc. <3

    3. Justice


      Looks like I'm making another beach themed fcity! I'll have to brainstorm to try and top last years beach though. xD

    4. jameslamela


      and a reggae version of current fcity background music will be nice...^^

  19. I'm always open for suggestions, so if you feel the need to give any, I don't mind if you PM me about it. Same goes for vice versa.
  20. Thanks for pointing out some scuffs in my map for me. Sometimes little things just slip past you, it happens to everyone with everything. They're easy fixes, though with certain textures, it's impossible to line them up super perfectly, so I go with what blends better than the rest. As soon as I can fix my map editor, I can fix trivial stuff like this in minutes.
  21. Adding more mobs is a more reasonable solution in this situation. People may not realize that a lot of problems and errors arise from replacing a base map with something different. People will be accidentally warping outside of the maps boundaries and would get stuck left and right... It wouldn't be good.
  22. While voting for the server is very appreciated and quite important, please don't revive old topics such as this.
  23. Nothing like skiing down a near vertical cliff face

  24. Man, I'm so dead. @_@ This Japanese Conversation exam will be the end of me.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Drunk


      What She Said! :D

    3. supream



    4. thePast


      頑張ってね :3

  25. Man, I'm so hungry.

    1. Show previous comments  14 more
    2. Noir


      *hands Justice a muffin* eat that hubby, feel better soon ! :(

    3. ScarletDevilmoon


      @Noir: lol noir saves the day with a muffin :3

      @coffee break: who says they aren't lunch boxes that can regenerate more food :P

    4. coffee break

      coffee break


      haha just kidding XD

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