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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by Justice

  1. 2 all-nighters in a row? Yes... I've earned a greatly deserved nap.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Decode


      Heh, sure will my dear Lyris!!

    3. Bishop


      You'll get used to them eventually =P. But for now ! Nap well !

    4. Danny
  2. I. WILL. FINISH. THIS. Even if it's the last thing I do! GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH!!! *battle cry*

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Bishop


      Just think Camel. Peaceful Camel.

    3. Justice


      HAHA...Oh man.... That camel.... It's now burned in my memory

    4. Decode


      Lol, the camel shall not pass then...

  3. this project will be the end of me.. orz

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Seraphine
    3. Danny


      D: You can do it, Justice! Try your best!

    4. oneinchfist


      where here for you sir no matter what :)

  4. : ( You shall be missed. Best of luck
  5. Roger that, Houston
  6. Justice


    I think there will be a surprise in store really soon. I already have fcity changes covered. Don't worry.
  7. 2200 years in the future... On a planet far, far away.
  8. February is up and so are the results for January. Nice turn around. Keep it up.
  9. Winners ~ * ~ Theme: Emotions in Images ~ * ~ Prizes: First Place: 100 Event Tokens Second Place: 50 Event Tokens Third Place: 25 Event Tokens ~ * ~ 1st place: [2]sookyay IGN : Amberly 2nd place [1]Old Navy IGN: Nicolas Cage / Old Navy 3rd place No one Please contact a GM ingame on the character you stated to claim your prize! Congratulations to the winners and thanks to all who participated! Credits Appie for the amazing SoTW Banner.
  10. Remember guys, we will EMAIL you if you are accepted! No email yet? Try applying again after a while! This is rolling applications so we're accepting people all year round.
  11. Updated. Decembers numbers are pretty sad. January isn't showing much promise right now either. Let's get the act together guys.
  12. This is true. There are several maps like this so technically it IS possible.
  13. The item mall or the center of Prontera are the usual spots. However, if you want to sell items to players without using a pub, then you could use the broadcaster on the right side of center Fcity. Many people broadcast items they want to sell/buy/trade/price check there. Or if you don't want to sell in-game, there's a market spot on the forums here too.
  14. This is Rolling Applications so, they'll never close. You can apply whenever you want to. But just don't spam us with your same application every other day
  15. Good luck to everyone applying no matter when it is that you apply. Be sure to send us your application in an email message to [email protected] but don't send your application more than once or twice a month! If we decide to hire you, you will receive an email from one the Higher GM's such as myself, Veracity, Wish, or Genesis. I can't wait to meet the new team members, but here's some advice for all you applicants: Take your time! Don't rush through the application, think about each question before answering, and put a lot of effort in to each response. Be honest! Answer each question truthfully. Be yourself! That's who we want to know. Show professionalism! Make sure you sound serious about this in the application. Use proper grammar and sentence structure! Proof read!! Reread your application! Have someone you trust look over your application with you. Make sure it's flawless. And if you do happen to get in... Be professional! Sure, don't be a stiff. But certainly don't be so goofy no one can take you seriously! Don't use lots of slang, smiley faces, or "lol/omg/wth/rofl". Be active! We want active GM's! Do things when you log on. Show variety! Just because you'll be an "Event Game Master" does NOT mean that the ONLY thing you should do is host. You should be active in many aspects. Like managing the tickets, bot hunting, support desks, helping in fcity, and hosting. Do all of them. Do NOT ABUSE YOUR POWER! That is a 1-way ticket to HUGE CONSEQUENCES. That's about it. I hope you all take my advice and that you take it seriously. Be honest, just, and true. I wish you all the best of luck.
  16. Justice


    There IS a way to make it so that cells on a map around an NPC deny the ability to make a chat box... But that would require source editting. I could just make cells around an NPC unwalkable all together.... But that would be an inconvenience to people walking around or trying to reach the npc. And Len your idea for the GM Board, while that solves the problem for botters and cheaters, it completely defeats the purpose behind it. The purpose for this board would be to let players know if a GM is online or not. If we could disable the board then, regular players too would have no idea if a GM is really online or not. So, why have it if we could disable it.
  17. Justice


    Concerning the activity token idea, I like it but I don't know if it's possible to code such an idea...
  18. You copy the application in the first post into an email. And send your answers to [email protected]
  19. Justice


    As you may know, we reject the multi-@ali command. There's the full-inventory technique to get multiple items from the same map. As for the GM board, while I see it's worth, I agree with Dudu on all three of his points. 1) This is a major aid to ladder cheaters. They'd be able to look at the board and see GM's online. 2) It WOULD help bots whether it's a board or not. The bot's creator could easily check the board before he starts botting. 3) There are many ways to contact a GM. Even more than before: @request, whispers, pm on forum, msn, ticket system, email, go to the GM Headquarters in-game, etc. If a GM isn't at any of those, then we aren't online. As for bots, I do try my best to catch any I find, but it's literally impossible to catch every single bot or catch them the second they pop up. A way you could help us narrow our searches is by simply leaving one of a pm or a ticket with a list of maps you see them on. As for chat rooms near npc's: That's already against the rules. I'll personally do my best to move people who sit near them.
  20. I like the idea. But it's hard to see how we'd work this into the woe schedule. I can see some possibilities: -We add a new castle for Non Donation and have on a day without woe already (probably Thursday) -We change one of the American/Asian/Euro woe days to Non donation (In which case, entire guilds might be forced into Non-Donation style if they want to keep a castle they win.) -We set aside one of the American castles for Non donation on both Saturday and Wednesday. (I don't know about everyone else, but I see this as a more reasonable situation) But all in all I'm in more agreement with Dudu. There is a lot of things you can do with Non Donation gears to be awesome. You just need to know what you're doing. EDIT: Another thing I just thought of: what if this isn't that popular of an idea? If that's the case, one or two people could go into the ND castle and take it over and over and get drops like no tomorrow. If we were to do this, we'd have to change the drops for the ND castle.
  21. Justice

    Sotw Event Logs

    Logging for Genesis Event: SOTW Week # 54 Winner: Old Navy (First Place) Prize: 100 event tokens -Genesis gave him etokens not from the guild storage so there is no change to the storage number-
  22. It's an interesting idea, but that's why people sell to other people. Like Beautiful said, an npc like this would through the economy out of whack.
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