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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by Justice

  1. Happy New Year!

    1. Procastinate


      Happy New Year! XD

    2. Appie


      Happy new year, love <3

  2. I love that Aang beanie
  3. Justice


    Many people here are right, and I agree. Christmas has a huge cultural side to it too. I may celebrate it for it's religious side, but I certainly wouldn't discourage someone from enjoying the festivities. :/ That's really just not nice. What a Scrooge that person must be.
  4. You're only allowed to have 3 entries, I believe
  5. I think "capture the flag" would be an interesting event to add in.
  6. A radio (The ones that aren't in the car)
  7. Pogo Sticks
  8. Justice

    Sotw Event Logs

    Event: SOTW #53 Winner: Appie (1st place) Prize: 100 Event Tokens Before: 846 After: 746
  9. ^ I like that one... Shame.. :/ GameBoy maybe.... probably
  10. I have no idea where we'd get the resources for this, as cool as it sounds. But this just seems like an expensive endeavor to antagonize other servers...
  11. December up. November had the least amount of events hosted so far. Let's do better.
  12. Post hidden. There's a difference. I said let's end the topic. It's old news that drawing isn't allowed. End of story.
  13. We used to allow drawing in SOTW, but you know what, this isn't "Drawing of the Week" and thats what it turned into before. People were voting for entries JUST because they had something hand drawn in them and not because they were a good signature. The point of SOTW is to see how creative you can get with a stock image. How can you make it look different from what it was? How can you compose it to be an aesthetically appealing piece? It's not about: How well can you draw? Or even CAN you draw? Get what I mean? Let's drop the topic now.
  14. The problems I see with this are: -We don't use the npc anymore (to avoid loss of tokens from a full inventory and such) -This could take votes away from the server. Any percentage of return on tokens is a loss for us, which isn't really good. -And exchanging them for activity tokens would take away the purpose of both the Vote Tokens AND the Activity Tokens. If this were to happen, I could only see an exchange of Vote to Event being close to remotely fair. :/ Sorry, but I just don't think this suggestion will happen.
  15. Justice

    What If.

    If I had GM powers in real life... I'd ban all the idiots off the road.
  16. I do agree that a change may be in need. I'll see what we can do about that
  17. This is an interesting suggestion... Concerning the idea about changes in the map of the pvp room, while it's a neat idea, I thought I'd bring up some concerns about it: It can't be done every week or even every 2 weeks, that's a big workload on myself to think of a brand new map every week. Monthly, maybe. Bimonthly, more likely. The thing is, we can't just use preset maps and cycle through them because the warp to the map would change every single time we change it. That poses a problem for us GM's because we'd be having to guess which map is the pvp map for that time, making it harder to keep an eye on pvp. Therefore, I'd have to customize the map we already have in order for a change of scenery (which I wouldn't mind in moderation). But what also makes it impossible to do a change of map every week, even if I could make a new scene that fast, players would probably have to patch in order to see the map. I'm not quite sure if everyone would like patching weekly. I do think that's a doable idea in moderation though.
  18. Got it.
  19. That first one is oddly... awesome.
  20. I think I officially re-hate essays.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Time
    3. Andromeda


      I feel you, Justice!

    4. kax


      i love essays, i just dont like exam essays :P

  21. Welcome to the team [GM]Time, [GM]Luminous, [GM]Honor, [GM]Cross, and [GM]Andromeda!

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Andromeda


      Thanks Justice!

      Cassiopeia, shall I call you mommy? xD joke, joke!

    3. Time
    4. Bishop


      Welcome to the team @AllnewGMs. <3

  22. Sorry for the late update, but November is up. Check out the stats of October and see how we did on hosting!
  23. Justice


    Let's not revive old topics please.
  24. Justice

    Sotw Event Logs

    Weeks #45, 46, and 47 Winner: 2nd, 3rd , and 2nd place to Elaice Prize: 125 Event Tokens total Before: 2418 After: 2293
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