M A R. 4, 2011 - M A R. 6, 2011
- Voting Thread - Theme: Freestyle
We're sorry for the long wait!
Welcome to the voting thread of the 42nd SOTW!
When voting in the SOTW, we will be expecting you to fully understand the rules.
Don't know the rules? Click Here.
Have you seen the sources? If not, Click Here!
______________________________________________________ Rules that the voter must understand:
*Voters must have at least a post count of 10 in order to vote.
*Contestants are not allowed to vote for themselves, but are now allowed to vote in the SOTW.
*Judges' signature grades will be doubled (e.g., if a judge gives 10, it would count as 20).
*Non-judge points will count for full credit.
*Each voter must fill out at least one rubric for the entry of their choice.
*Each entry must have at least 2-3 GOOD sentences in addition to the rubric.
*Votes will be counted on Tuesday. Signatures will be based on a point-basis.
______________________________________________________ Voting Rubric:
Rate each of the following categories from 1 to 5, with 5 being 'excellent' and 1 being 'ok/decent'... *Creativity - how creative the signature is. *Technical - how challenging the attempted idea. *Execution- how the idea is put together and how successful it is. *Aesthetic- how visually pleasing the signature is, regardless of how complex it may be.
Include the total points. Must include 2-3 sentences discussing the over-all reason why you're casting a vote for the signature.
Try to think in terms of the categories above, but you're free to discuss other elements as well.
(Note: you only have to do this once.) * This system is just a trial, it may be changed for the next voting period. This is hopefully to prevent a 'popularity' contest by making it so
it's not about how many votes are received, but by the total points earned in different technical categories.
______________________________________________________ Prizes:
First Place: 100 Event Tokens.
Second Place: 50 Event Tokens.
Third Place: 25 Event Tokens.
______________________________________________________ Entries:
[1] Terroryst
IGN: Blackbeard
[2] nines
IGN: Thesik Bellamorte
[3] - R e i
IGN: Lai Ar or Cronus
[4] Bou
IGN: Alice's Smile
[5] McSassyChrist
IGN: SassyMcFrazzleChrist
[6] Meka Meka
IGN: Meka
[7] Poringly
[8] Eva.
IGN: Aeristhia
[9] Cerule
IGN: Bloo
______________________________________________________ Great job to everyone who participated and good luck!! Everyone, please vote fairly! * *If I suspect anyone of bribing people to vote for them, etc.
and they do not provide legitimate reasons for their vote, it will not be counted.