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Everything posted by Zombee
It would be available to everyone. Zooming out further isn't even an advantage. Showing cast range is barely considered an advantage, especially on a high-rate. I'd rather have LKs with BB assist lines than FAS in its current state. Heal slave is likely for low-rates. Idk how open the source of it is to be able to edit it for using buffs via other classes though. I really don't care whether people use it or not; nor would I feel disadvantaged versus someone using it.
People buying save time while you waste time. I still think the buyers are the real winners here.
Combo is actually really easy?
Lol, I bet. Unless they changed the delay on PPS, there's no way he wasn't using programs. Also, who?
The salt. You're clearly threatened by this idea, threatened by the fact that your greed could possibly come to a halt. The irony in what you say is fucking mind blowing. Very unwelcoming attitude, which is why you'll always remain a nobody here.
Yeah, because he totally didn't use programs.
You'd be on my list, if I felt there was one. You don't PvP, so you don't exactly have an opinion in this matter. Also, those are people who've been out of the scene for over a year. gud1.
Using more than 28X in str is a waste of stats. I'd suggest 27X tops, unless you've got a lot of gear.
You know you're cool when you name kids who don't even play anymore. Trong is Bronze V. Anyways, this thread is a waste of everyones time. Everyone's going to name themselves, their best friend or has-beens who are now irrelevant to the server. In all honesty, there's nobody truly impressive on champion. I've done it all and seen it all. Nobody stands out anymore.
was that the only change to wizards..?
Don't see how a 'mascot' could help improve the server.. :/ It can't exactly help advertise, nor will it exactly draw people to it. I could see using Skoll as a render on a banner or two, which might attract some attention because it's a customized garm. But seeing as how this is a high-rate, there's nothing exactly exciting about that. I tend to find sprites more interesting than mobs / mvps on banners and they look more attractive, because you can fully customize them with minimal effort. All you need is spr files to render them. Very versatile, given the amount of headgears there are. Plus you can add multiple classes & have a variety of items to show off the kind of custom content the server actually has without them having to search around for it.
Black / White Infernal Cape Of The Damned / Divine
Zombee replied to Norse_Joog's topic in Reviewed Suggestions
I'd rather see a pair of wings than an infernal cape. -
Read the whole topic? Mage is useless without both. Siroma & Imp cards are garbage, given they're the two most common elements. Shadi made a suggestion to buff both the single target and AoE. Idk, I don't care what happens to the class, as long as it's helps it out.
LK is still the strongest dueler right now.. Trading a delay reduction on BB for a delay on spiral pierce seems fair though.
Crit is superior to Dex here. SinX here is mediocre in general. The great history of SinX duels that I'm sure you were accustomed to from nlRO are non-existent here.
Looks good. Just need the attention of a higher up now.
Doesn't even need frozen status, just need ice wall.
wow I wrote a fucking essay for it to be destroyed by the M4 button( back button ). Now that I have zero fucking interest in re-typing this I'm not going to quote anything proper, so you're gonna have to assume what they're in response to. ------------------ Idk where, I cbf finding it. It was something to do with them having a lot of damage reduction as and they didn't want to make them too hard to kill. Idk, it was a long time ago. --------------------------------------------------------- Maybe here it is, but as far as I recall the real major damage spell has always been Jupitel Thunder, on any highrate server. You can buff meteor storm all you want, the class will still be dead if single targets are left as is. Encouraging one to swap maya is always better than forcing them to gtb. I got 180k with 1 tao, immunes & 2fbhs. No weapon at all, and a rucksack with 180 vit. It's not about making them a copy, it's about buffing the class as a whole to help put them near par. ----------------------------------------------------------- You'll be a sitting duck when he can just gtb or use detale card. Meteor Storm isn't the answer, it's an option that there when need be. Meteor Storm is the only bursty AoE and easily countered. Storm Gust is okay if you have MB, which is nothing you should have to rely on. We need options dude. I can't picture anybody dying to 3 MS hits, especially with flame converters being the most common one a lot of people carry flameguards. Exceling in AoE damage shouldn't be their way, and it wouldn't be copying profs to buff JT & the bolts. --------------------------------------------------------- It's the exact same thing in this case, you don't need both. You can have one or the other and still be fine. The option is there, and having both is also an option too. -------------------------------------------------------- Pre-pneuma, which will end up with you relying on ganbantein to clear it and SW them. At least you'll have more options to pressure said person. ----------------------------------------------------- 1. So bring HWiz HP up to par. 2. No, but adding X skill to cast at Y% doesn't hurt. Soul Link is what makes melee profs viable. 3. Umm, you need str on any class. Their MATK & HP are low, that's why we're here isn't it? I want the option to be versatile, I'm not saying you have to build that way. But there's no reason others shouldn't have the option to if they please. That's the beauty of this game & pservers. Builds are unique. 4. I don't see that ever happening. You'd either have low matk or low str, so either way that wouldn't work. 5. The idea was there, just a little something on top of those annoying crits from the persistent HWiz. The stave idea I liked, but a level 1 stave wouldn't do the trick. If it's a % auto-cast, it'd have to be level 2 or something to be legit viable. Seeing as how SLers have level 2 stave, that shouldn't be a problem. ------------------------------------------------- Professors already have a Str weapon, so lets not talk about them. They're good where they're at. :) No, in terms of the Rings with single target and AoE, we're going to have to meet in the middle somewhere with that. Because quite frankly, AoE damage is a waste of a stat without single target damage to back it up. You should know that, since you play a mage. We're here to get them buffs, not debate over whos right or wrong or whos opinion is better. We should accommodate all playstyles and promote versatility,not just glass cannon play.
kh_vila now belongs to Notorious. Sorry. typoooo
1. I'm very aware of the Health issue, but it was stated previously somewhere that they didn't want them to have too high of HP for whatever reason. 2. Meteor Storm.. Uh, no. 3. 150k HP with how much Vit? Is that with or without a tao? ------------------- The HP bonus, sure. Personally, I find the single target damage to be of more use than AoE damage. Storm Gust doesn't stack, only displaces you. Meteor Storm isn't worth shit vs Flameguard & Anodyne, buffed or not. Opponents using spell reflect are setting themselves up for sure death. I personally default noxious cards, and cloak cards are personal choice for HW & every other class. Also, you can buy multiple cloaks like everyone else. If it takes you 30 seconds to get meteor storm spam going, then wouldn't your opinionated buff be entirely useless? Takes less than a second to switch shields, and only a second to switch cloaks. High Wizards should be more than AoE bots dude. Yes2MATK&HP Bonus, disagree to MS & SG Dmg. ---------------------------------------------- It's pretty much the Wizard equivalent to Champ Blessed vs Champ Cursed, and Champs have no problem using one or the other. Those with both are most effective, as should be. -------------------------------------- Can be used versus gtb pneuma sitters. Ganbantein requires gems & they weigh a lot & eventually you'll run out fairly fast if playing aggressively. 1. I've never had problems getting into melee range on a mage. 2. And Profs didn't have Magic Crasher like Wizards. 3. Add str to weapon, plus Str added to carry Yggs. It'll be more than enough to piss someone off heavily. ( They have GTB, btw ) 4. The Crit effect would be superior to thana in terms of auto-attacking. 5. NB is like immaterial arrow. I thought it'd be pretty interesting. Could change it out for Magic Crasher & have a non-crit alternative. Doesn't hurt to add the dagger, I'm sure there's people out there who could make great use of this dagger. I don't expect everyone to use everything they can within their classes limits in PvP, that's insanely rare around here. But the option should still be there for those who do. Appreciate the response. Could also just buff the health bonus for High Wizards specifically on the Tao, instead of the mage class which effects both.
Thanks for the positive reply. Anyways, I should also add that the weight of gemstones should be reduced from 3 to 1 or 0.
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