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Forsaken Council
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Everything posted by Zombee

  1. Yes, that's exactly what it's called. Especially when its a task that can be done in less 20 seconds if you keep the other client open.The server doesn't need an NPC for FP, nor should they. So yes, it is stupid.
  2. I'm against it because of all the reasons I've stated. I don't expect anybody to side with me, but I feel as if this is an incredibly stupid idea and a waste of time to implement. I've stated my reasons, and the GMs can focus on things we NEED, not want out of laziness.
  3. Like you said, they can dual client and FP themselves. Let's stick to that because it isn't a problem for anybody. FCP & Zeny is in surplus, it's 0 problem for anyone to have FP 24/7. If they need FP in a duel, I'd much rather them have to deal with the ( notsomuch ) inconvenience of dual boxing. I already know you main a creator, why you keep telling me this beats me. Idk what it has to do with anything. So you already have FP on tap 24/7? You're not what I'm worried about, you hone zero threat to me. Now lose a duel via strip, only to come back with FP in 1-2 seconds because it's that quick to get via NPC, that's dumb. Lose a duel, take a 30 seconds to a minute to dual box and get FP. I already expect that & can act accordingly. This isn't a reasonable suggestion by any means. You only need one creator per guild to play the FP role. If nobody else wants to play a Creator & help clear & defend castles during WoE, that's their own problem. Plus, it gives a reason to get paid for minimal farming for all of the newbies. Add this, and you're taking that blessing away. Because starting here fresh isn't easy, no matter how you justify it. Also, FP 24/7 WILL happen because it's too easy and convenient. If you want this implemented, convenience needs to come at COST. 1 Token for the FP buff is reasonable. If you want to short-cut the task, pay the price. Decent little token sink that those with an over-abundance will take advantage of if they feel it's that necessary.
  4. They do dish out some pretty high damage.. However, I find the splash range of FAS to be OP more so than the damage.
  5. Idc about the emp room, just stated it was stupid to find this more reasonable than the emp room. Open your mind to possibility. I never expected the Emp not to break, so idk where you got it that the Emperium would be invincible. It's a practice room, not a Thanatos or MVP Room. Also, I made a valid point as to why it shouldn't be implemented and you completely ignore it and keep telling me I'm contradicting myself. Idgaf about what Sensation agrees with, does it mean I'm going to hop on him and +1 anything he says? No. This is completely unnecessary and a waste of time. 1. You can already do it yourself. 2. You're screwing other classes over. 3. Creators would be obsolete. I don't expect that to sink into your head, because you're shallow as fuck. Yes that was a shot, I'll take the risk. Ignorance gets under my skin, that's all. This wasn't a -1 because of the Emp room, I could care less whether or not it gets implemented. It should be, but it doesn't effect me as I strictly PvP here. It was -1 simply because I find this idea to be incredibly dumb. But that's just me & my opinion.
  6. First off, no I'm not. You're just an in-comprehensive idiot. The Emp room can provide entertainment for groups of friends who want to compete and see who can the Emp fast on whichever class they want. It gives them something to do. This game is boring as it is, we need entertainment not means of laziness. Then again, you seem like a simple minded hard headed twat, so I don't expect you to open your eyes to novelty of possibility of this & go against your garbage suggestion. Because SinX is the superior breaker, rule out all other classes immediately? More of one guild on the Emperium increases odds. It's 100% luck based anyways. LOOOOOOL, yet you say I'm contradicting myself? Look up the definition bud, because you clearly stated in your original post before you edited 5 times that you find it to be an inconvenience. Yourself was definitely included in the way you had worded it. Because not everybody runs around with FCP 24/7, and most ( like you ) are too lazy to dual box a Creator. I never said anyone needed to rely on strip or armor break to play their class, but if you have it on tap 24/7 with ZERO hassle, you're throwing their perks out the window. And where the fuck do you come up with half the shit you say, about Clowns and shit? They're irrelevant as fuck, because they can just dual box a Creator like a normal person would and get FP. -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 This idea is stupid and a major fucking waste of our Moderators time. Try suggesting something we don't already have access to or can do ourselves. Thank you, come again. ^_~
  7. Wings like Angeling, wbw, bbw, or any of the sort could definitely use a buffing. 100 tokens for 15% movement speed & no slot is kind of a rip off. Stats: Add +10 all stats & a slot to make it viable. As for the rucksack, remove the movement speed reduction.
  8. Something abusive over something tactical.. I already know the best emp breaking cards for crit and thana and i'm 99.9% accurate. That doesn't make it useless for me and can still benefit other classes who want to make themselves useful who happen to be in the emp room as well. Build play and accurate reading are always a good pass-time. But every character having FP on 24/7? Don't think so. If you want FP that bad, dual box. MB and Gospel don't bother me at all, if they have the time to wait around for up to 10 minutes for a silly advantage, they deserve it. You're basically wanting to disable specific classes perks as a whole. Gtfo with that shit, man up and dual box. This server needs more pass-times ( likes farming fcp bottles or playing around in emp breaking room ), not disadvantages for other players.
  9. Nobody, they all suck. No proper utilization of their skills. Just repel & FAS heroes.
  10. This is just a dumb & lazy idea. Lmfao. How you find this more reasonable than an Emp breaking room is beyond me.
  11. FCP cuts the edge in most battles. If this were to apply, should cost more than 1 glistening coat. The hassle of dual boxing should come with some sort of benefit, buff-wise,
  12. Thats why they enable pvp at any level in field. Problem solved
  13. If you plan to seriously play, lmk. And if you plan on donating, come see me beforehand before you make the same mistakes that i did.
  14. Barely, lol. And yeah? That's a shame, yeah I came here like 2 months ago. What's your IGN?
  15. More NL niggas por favor.

  16. Bump for Old Morroc. :)
  17. l0l. I loved raping you kids with Redd. Welcome, hopefully you brought the shit crew.
  18. Leave ign.
  19. If its in RMS theyre official items. Also, im almost positive most of them for renewal
  20. Like grf builder? I wouldn't exactly call changing a song client modification. Thats baby league shit and in terms of modifying a client, punishment for a song swap should be the least of your worries as it only effects said person and not the others around him. Then again, idc. Its hard to enforce something you can't prove. Client mods are a lost art now anyways.
  21. What about keeping the thana room the way it is while also having the original procedure as well? Benefit to the rom would be nobody KSing your boss. While the quest comes with some sort of risk and loss of effort.
  22. Leave amount & prices and we'll work somethin out.
  23. I'm speechless...
  24. ONLY things I'm interested in trade wise are Creator Set Urds Mint Sacreds HWiz Set & 2 extra staves. BULK FKing sets.
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