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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by Nadtorious

  1. for some people the look of the dark angel is awesome and enough. enough, in terms of its worth it. but i k pw what you mean, since the quest item needed for it is a bit too much. i agree with your suggestion on putting an additional effect. i was thinking of an implementaion of adding a slot to it and maybe +5 All stat
  2. its been updated recently, so maybe players are just taking some time to adjust, im sure sooner or later it will once again be lively like before
  3. hi welcome !!
  4. Awesome ! :D Excalibur PvP so sick !!
  5. This is for fun yaz? Nun srs. I want in , in that case ~ Name: Nad IGN: Nadtorious(Champ), Nadrastic(SinX), Nad Jr.(Baby LK), Nad(Sniper) Forum Name: Nadtorious
  6. There is actually an event already similar to your suggestion. Its called "Survival Event" Game master spawns monster. Basically the winner is the last person alive. Within the event ~ you can do whatever you want, work as a team or by yourself. Kill monsters or just hide. But this can easily be done, if you want both monsters spawning and pvp on at the same time. The drawback however is that, its going to be hard for players to aim at other players because of the monsters.
  7. Make sure the needed items are all correct. (Items/Amount)
  8. Nadtorious


    Hi there ! :D
  9. Hai there ~ ^^
  10. Comment offer thanks.
  11. belated happy new year everyone !! from me and my snowman Rupert.
  12. sup.
  13. Well my:- Donation Str weight 800. Donation Dex weight 350. L. Dex weight 100. L. Str weight 100.
  14. Donation Belts weight 800. Legendary Gauntlets weight 100. I think one of this should be altered. Either Donation belt weight decrease. 300-400 or Legendary Gauntlet weight increase. 500-600 (200 off) Why? Players with Legendary Gauntlet can carry 70-90 more berries than the Donation belt user. 70-90. No big deal. Maybe, but not for all. Plus to think even deeper, a gauntlet that looks like its made out of some kind of metal is lighter than a belt that made with like a super special leather, with some bling blings hanging of it. I mean like both looks good but the weight is just, I'm not sure if this is the right word but... "A little unbalance?" So uh. What does the community thinks? Opinions are welcome good or bad. Thanks.
  15. I notice Dr. Who on Jay's sig.

    1. Amicable


      LOL, ello. Yeah, I freaken love it!

  16. Welcome,hopeyou'reenjoyingtheserver
  17. Hey,
  18. Welcome.
  19. May I post on behalf of someone else?
  20. Merry Christmas everyone!

  21. You got a point. But for me I just wanna see whose owning who during WoE, lol. I only do European WoE so, it doesn't really bother me if this goes back or not. But yeah, as I said. I wanna see this back again. (:
  22. Yes. After 1 hour I believe.
  23. Nice update, so Christmasiiieeeeee! Merry Christmas everyone ! :) Lets own the Turkey!
  24. its should work. it really depends with the user, it has its advantages and disadvantages, with the kobold u'll do more dAmage but u'll get frozen and with fheml u'll do a lil less damage than with kobold on but not freeze.
  25. I like TensaZangetsu idea so much~ but as thePast said, there will always be one.
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