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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by Nadtorious

  1. I just sent mine would it still be reviewed ? = ( IHOPESO
  2. thankzzz
  3. oh coool
  4. easiest way to get this is to donate =)
  5. Hi, sorry for asking what seems a stupid question but I want a merchant that has a good selling and buying abilities if that is possible, which stats section should I put in my stats points? I dont want a PvP or a WoE build merchant but a buying and a selling merchant, which makes profit like a business man. Because wants to earn money "I Get Money, Money I Get". lol Any advise? Thank you...
  6. Nadtorious

    My Intro

    Hi to all My name is Ronaldo, Im from philippines but i moved to England. I'm just new here because I wanted to find out how i can retrieve my in-game password. I been playing for nearly a month now, lol. I previously chnged my password and when i tried to log in the game,. it wont let me. anyway i will post this issue to the right section in this forum. thanks
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