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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by Nadtorious

  1. I suggest you don't sprite edit . It is unfair for people who does asura using their own skill to achieve fast spam asura . :competitive:
  2. Nadtorious

    Vote List?

    I was tryna look for these too . :thumbsup_still:
  3. To add in ... Super Baby pawns ./gg
  4. Yes. I agree. Also I am starting to think that rich players are gettin' richer, and poor players are gettin' hard times bringing themselves up. :shiftyeyes_anim: Few newbies already came up to me, if not asking for a leech then asking for items . I leech em' even though Im a champ TSSing at thor. :upsidedown:
  5. Nadtorious

    Hello. ;)

    :jerry: welcome ! hope you enjoy !
  6. Wow Cowring !!! /rice ... :lmaosmiley:
  7. LOL QUit 18 times !!. ...and welcome back ! hope your characters aren't null. :]
  8. Nadtorious


    I offer 1100DQs + Red ROP :laugh:
  9. Wow Kuoch !
  10. Nadtorious

    Hey Everyone

    Hello and welcome to the forum ! Hope you get your problem solved as soon as . See you around :]
  11. What he says . I fight champs with a bebe supernovice . Tao+GR+Shield of Defending . Go HW/HP/Prof style on them . Strip shield . Spam fire bolts . Kaboom . :tongue: Next thing you know he's laying down on the floor . ^^,
  12. Hannah I recomend this movie to you . It's not a bad love story movie . Your sister cried . LOL :jerry:
  13. Same same . I have a Piamette Ear and Fallen Ghost in my storage . Now, I'm voting for a Flower Ring . 2 months to go ! Since I could only vote once per day .
  14. Ahw I see . Okay thanks .
  15. How come the Angel Wings are $10 each ? It's unreleased aint it ? :ohmy: I only received Angel Wings after donating $10 for Angel Wings & Hood of Shadow. :blush: He/she (donation handler) said that the Angel Wings are $10 each . :blink: Can I have some updates please ? :biggrin: Thank you in advance . :laugh:
  16. Sniper Bow are 1 handed ? WOW It's making me wanna play sniper, although it aint permanent .
  17. WDF meng, maybe thats a IP[1], Check the description . Magnify it . :ph34r:
  18. Emp FTW I like the look of Zodiac Aura although I hate because when you wear it, it goes just below your waist and it looks bab, unlike Emp Aura it goes just over your waste which makes it look :jerry: .
  19. I Like.
  20. Nadtorious


    Ahahaha, Annie . KOS until he give you it back . Jkz. Welcome Sam !
  21. I wanna ask if the Speed tix pass is tradable ?
  22. Watchu mean by "Eco"
  23. I tried to check my ping in my cmd by typing. "ping forsakenserver.net" It didn;t work. :blink:
  24. LOL ? Whats wrong ?
  25. If your still buying F.Armor IGN; Nadtorious Thanks.
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