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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by Nadtorious

  1. Nadtorious

    Hi Guys!

    Hi John !! ~ Welcome ! Hope to see you in-game (: + if you hab any question feel free to brag me about it . :laughingsmiley:
  2. 1 Golden Egg Rule . - Neber lend your items to someone you doesn't know and doesn't trust . Event though you will get something worth more in exchange . Matter of fact, I think it's worth gettin scammed for the first time and learn from it . COZ DAS PRO !! ~ Uh
  3. ! So ... Whot you guys doin' today/tonight? ~

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Danny


      Work -> Gym -> Go Home -> ( Prolly watching 1 - 2 movies -> Waste my time on fRO -> Sleep ) = While chatting on the mic with my girlfriend.

    3. Nadtorious


      @Som Lmao . /rice

      @Halion I didn't hab to men . Lol .

      @Hannah Nothing? :/ Doh believe ya

      @Bloo (: Hope you getcho sleep .

      @Annie Party girl !! Ahahaha

      @Sexy Sheeque Wb Barbeeh? Whot you doin tonight?

      @Danny Oh man I does da same I talk to Barbeeeh until we fall asleep. (:

    4. Sheeque
  4. Omg !! Das so fekin' cool lmao . Ftw ~ PiCATchu
  5. Nadtorious


    Welkommen !! (: Welcome hope you enjoy playing here !! (: Heeheeee
  6. I wan wear ROP to . ):
  7. I think Forsaken Helm would be better as it hab 2 slots on it where you can put your Kiels in for Spamming your *Steve Crasher (:
  8. Hab you tried to repatch ? If it still DC you, try the small patch Genesis hab provided .
  9. NYAHAHAHA LMAO . * Ikr . I wan anime too . I wan Doremon !! ~ D:
  11. Nadtorious


    Maybe try repatching ~ Cuzz I errored when apparently the Love Aura is around . Once I patched, it was all fine .
  12. Nadtorious

    Sups Fro!

    WELCOME TO THE FORUM ~ !! EJEJEJE, Hope you enjoy here in the forum . It's full of information ~ Woohooooo !!
  13. Nadtorious


    WELCOME !! TensaZangetsu ~ You need any help gimme a pm :)
  14. Barbeeeh so fat i feel her no bones . o_O" heh ? :*

  15. Nadtorious


    TROLOLOL ~ FTW !! Welcome !! ~ Can you teach me Russian ? /rice
  16. ! What does it take fo these haters not to hate ~

  17. Nadtorious

    Pvp Pet

    ^ Dis fo tha win !! / \ / \ LMAO !! ----------------------------------------- I think it would be better if the pets actually fight against someone's pet instead of fighting alongside the pet owner. Hmm...
  18. MATHEMATICS IS EASY NGA !! 1 + 2 + 3 = 7
  19. It pissed me off. When I got to level 255 with my character and I still hab it . ): Luckly I found a way . Like Cirrus said, there's one way or the other . (:
  20. Nadtorious

    Ya Sup

  21. IT'S TRUE !! You might see them wearing Forsaken Helmet, but if they get hit with 4x Stormy Knight ? or your Frost Joker ? They'll Freeze, I just want to let you know not all people who hab Forsaken Helmet hab a Forsaken Set . (:
  22. Nadtorious

    Pk-No Pk

    Just leave it tha way it is, full stop Some people join the server because it's PK Enabled, exclamation mark If any PK Disabling is to happen it should be linking the ladder Because for_fild01 is where it all happens, it's where players go to Pvp without a doubt, full stop
  23. ! Why bad tings happen to me ?~

    1. Danny


      *PATS* Don't worry Man. Keep your chin up! There's always a silver lining in every clouds.

    2. Nadtorious


      ~ Aw thanks for the cheer up . (:

  24. I BUMP for my wifey .
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