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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by Nadtorious

  1. Guild Hideout was there to balance the economy . Maybe the economy is fine right now, that's why it's been ages since the last bidding . /hmm
  2. Nadtorious

    Server Lag.

    Was there no notification from any of the GM that there would be a lag spike ?
  3. Nadtorious

    Hello Friends

    Welcome to tha forum + server Manny !! +1 here if you need help or haba question just gimme a msg. here or in-game. ...and I can be your tour guide if you want . (: Take care !
  4. WE DO BELIEVE IN FAIRIES !! We DO ~ We DO .. ~ :D Man maybe tha fairies puts tha foods in your freezer, check em' aswell . :O
  5. Somehow I feel excited about the next update . (: I like dis change doe . >;3
  6. I think they're fine but I hab doubt about 40 Bloody Branches :/ aint they too much .. (?)
  7. Nadtorious

    F City

    Put on Candy Shop then we fine . >;3
  8. Tryin' to survive what I call "a fookenlayf." ~

  9. Drizzy, try checkin out tha support section, there are people habing the same problem. Maybe you can link to that .
  10. Nadtorious


    Welcome to te server !! ~ If you hab anymore question feel free to ask Kuoch ~ Ejejejeje (:
  11. Is it not accepting the items ?
  12. Yeah . I think . Yeaaaaa . or Hilal . :O
  13. LOL LOL LOL . I wan tat title .
  15. He playing witchu man . x___x . Ejejeje
  16. He no ND King now, he says . He a Noob King now .
  17. Bomb it man !! ~
  18. Welcome to tha club, noob king . (:
  19. I remember dis happening online . + Someone actually pmed me to confirm if this was a scam or not . I just said, if you're not sure don't buy it . Coz if it was me I woudn't do it . Soo suspicious . -___-" Dis should help a lot of new players . Ps. I tink you should re-edit your trend coz it's hard to understand . (';
  20. Just buy em big anime stickers and stick it on your board den you're off ! ~ ((:
  21. Holy !! Just add agi for full damage . -___-" /heh Rin is right . Use Deluge + BoS for more damage .
  22. Would re-downloading + small patch solve it ?
  23. Here we go ... tha ND PvP King ..
  24. Wow . I getting excited now . /rice ROP !! ROP !! ROP !! ~
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