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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by Nadtorious

  1. Got the same Hot Key Shortcut as you. Hehehe :biggrin:
  2. Yeah I hope so. thanks Levis. Indeed. Can't think of any title. :wacko: * BUT I have a good news guys. My brother saw the guy which the GM said he scammed. My brother talked to him and that guy didn't even know my brother :blink: . So my brother told him to make a ticket because there might be a misunderstanding with the validation of my brother's account. Right now, we're just waiting for the reply from the GMs. Sigh. I hope he gets his account back. If he does imma take my items straight away from him before he even do his farming. :mad: :happy:
  3. Well, Annie he made a ticket about it but the GM reply was that he scammed someone :blink:. But I know him he only played for 2 months or so, he asked about cards like a noob, so I defenitely sure he aint know how to scam and shiiet. So he made another ticket asking about the scam thing. Yeah. It's what I'm doing now. Guild friends are very helpful too. Sora Hikari gave me 153DQs. :biggrin: Pat, I'm not sure he actually got hacked because before it happened he changed his password 10min. before he got banned. Still, he's waiting for the GM reply about the scam thing he did. :blink: -------------------------------------- Thanks for the advice guys. Much appreciated.
  4. GRRR !!! RAWR ! My God. I saved up for an orange emp aura. I did everything from farming lucius, to ygg and to speed ticket. I sold all my items and cards that I don't use anymore. After that I just proceeded on farming speed ticket and selling them to people for 1:2. I got around 800DQs from doing that. The time came when I had a enough DQs for an orange emp aura. So I bought one for 1600Dqs. I used it for a week or so when I realized owning an emp just make Ragnarok life fullfilled. That time I got everything I want and needed like Gold ROP, Usakoring Rux, Hollowring Rux and a full set of champ equips. So I thought to myself... "What else can I do here? My work is done. I got an emp, good equips what else?" I can't think of anything that I want work for. So I though I'll lended some of my things to my brother. I lend him my orange emp aura, gold rop and usakoring rux. Because I don't want to feel like. :huh: (Uhmm. Whatever feeling that is when you got everything you wanted.) Not even a week later my brother got banned ! ._< :sad: With my items ! :crying_anim: With my usakoring ! :ohmy: With my gold rop ! :weird: With my Orange EMP ! :mad2: Sigh... Unbelievable. Anyways... Just want to share my sadness to all. What about you ? Have you had any experience similar to mine ?
  5. Yeah I guess Clowns can be powerful, but with a good fighting tactic you'll kill them easy. Try experimenting with the skills of what your character got. :biggrin:
  6. 90-100 Vote Coupons for Flower Ring, near to reality. :happystrange:
  7. Coloured ones ? Nah... I think it's alright the way it is.
  8. Nadtorious

    S> Red Rop

    Trade to Blue ROP.
  9. ^ / \ / Whoa Annie I've seen that Orange Predator desktop machine. Omg. It looks so sexy. It runs on 6 Gb Ram? At first I thought it was a freaking Transformer, watchu' call it? Bumble Bee? * Anyways. About the laptop. In my opinion Alienware looks hot. But I'd get the Toshiba Qosmio, tight ass for gaming. ./rice. :thumbsup_still:
  10. Nadtorious


    Happened to me 5-7 hours ago. >_<
  11. Nadtorious

    Dear Diary.

    Dear Diary, Wednesday the 26th of May 2010. I lend out my orange emp to my brother to use for a while. He got banned 3 days after while he was farming speed potion. I was so stressed about my emp. :ohmy: Anyhow, I'm in my Media class right now, doing some pre-production on my documentary. I didn't know what to do next so I decide to check the FRO Forum. Looking at Edelweiss it just made me wanna write a diary. Lunch break is in 30 min. I can't wait. After lunch break I have a Religious Education exam :blink: . I am not going to be that active in-game no more. However, I will be more active here in the forum. Anyways, I'm out. The End.
  12. Nadtorious

    S> Gm Wings

    Available for donation ?... They are now :biggrin:
  13. Your Bumble Bee for my IP . or Your Bumble Bee for my ArchRs+GrinchRs . Reply please. Thanks.
  14. :biggrin:
  15. Recca Hanabishi & the 8 Dragons. >:]
  16. Nadtorious

    Sort Of New

    Ahw man... :sad: I hope to see you in-game. IGN: Nadtorious ...and welcome ! :]
  17. Last time I have donated I received an email concerning on what to include. What to include into my email that I will send them such as; Username What donated for Payment method Transaction ID ^ / \ / \ That is the only email I got after I have donated. I am not sure about the email you have received.
  18. Payment method in my opinion is not so vital. As long as you jot down your username & what you have donated for then it will be okay. If you could include your payment method, it would make it easier for the GMs.
  19. GO FRO ! Ps: First comment.
  20. It's available. It is said on the description that it adds +25 to all stat, although when you wear it, it only adds 15.
  21. American WOE here in England is at 1:00am - 2:00am. I/We have to wake up at that time or just stay awake just to attend WOE. On other parts of the country Euro Woe is at 10pm ? :weird: ...and you're worried to adjust it 1 or 2 hours forward ? Since my dad saw me stay up until 1am in the morning he told me not to use the Efing laptop no more. Now I am using my cranky desktop. If the Monday Euro Woe wasn't even there I/we can't even attend one single Woe. Most Asia player are from Philippines and they can easily attend American Woe as the time of American Woe there is 7-8 ? or 8-9?.
  22. Nadtorious

    S> Gm Wings

  23. Nadtorious

    S> Gm Wings

    Som offered for 500DQ. You got no reply to him. :thumbsup_still:
  24. Nadtorious

    My Case

    I feel your pain man. Someone must be hatin' on you though.
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