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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by Nadtorious

  1. Welcom back!
  2. Talbs the most seen baby in for_fild01
  3. Can You Hear Me? (Ayayaya) - Wiley
  4. 871
  5. 868
  6. (: Welcome ~
  7. YEAAAAAAAH ! Hahaha
  8. My Gaaah !

    I miss fRO so much ! <3


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Nadtorious


      How is it?

      I got a MacBook now I'm not sure if it can run it~

    3. NeverGone


      Most players we played with are gone/quit, you can't sell or buy thing now a day.

    4. Nadtorious


      Daaamn ~ sounds a bit difficult.

      I'm sure its still fun to hang around though once in a while.

  9. 865
  10. Welcome sir.
  11. Nadtorious


    2 Hollowrings on Cloak and Tanee + FBH on boots w/ 5800-6000sp.
  12. Hahah sounds funny and good, but I don't have a clear vision of how its going to work.
  13. Wercome miss :)
  14. /slur
  15. im loling at fsoldier, omg. thanks guys.
  16. Thanks you. That Fsoldier is 900 am I correct? or its an accidental additional zero?
  17. herro, people of the forsaken community. just want to know some of the prices of these items. it would be helpful if you can give me the price in this form: cheap/average/op example: my used pants : 5/10/900 items Orange Emp White Emp Skull Aura Pink ROP Gold Imperial Helm Champ Blessed Ring Champ Drake Jacket Sacred Wings (Red/Pink/White) Royal Angel Wing (Black/Pink/White) Dorcus Sinx Crit Sniper SB Loki's Seal (Str) Freyr Gauntlet (Dex) Frigg Forsaken Kings Set (ABC) Thanatos Forsaken Soldier Kiel TG Tao Gloom FBH Tokens Ygg Berry Ygg Seeds i'll just cross em' out one by one once i get the prices. thanks 1000000x <3
  18. Hey !

    1. Ochibi


      Aw old player =O !

    2. Rayray


      Ahh one of the few champions I respect. Sup :D

    3. Nadtorious


      Whoa, you guys still active? or just forum active. Wonderful to see familiar players n_n

  19. It can be bought in Prontera City. Go up and its on the first right. You'll see an old man npc there.
  20. Happy New Year FRO ~ I miss the Forsaken City.
  21. Hi there !
  22. Happy happy birthday !
  23. Wow, I love the new fRO web page! Great job.

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