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Forsaken Elite
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Everything posted by Wish

  1. Wish


    Welcome to ForsakenRO! Don't be afraid to ask for help if you need it! Things should be more fun with a group starting out! Enjoy your time here! ;D
  2. Wish


    Hey, welcome to the server! I hope you enjoy your time with us! Never be afraid to ask for help! I promise we won't bite. ;)
  3. Wish

    Hey :)

    Hi! Welcome to the server! Don't be shy about asking questions! I hope you enjoy your time here with us. :)
  4. Wish

    Noob Here :)

    Welcome to the server! If you need any help, feel free to ask a GM! I hope you enjoy your time with us. :)
  5. Found the problem, will be fixed asap. Thanks for the report!
  6. Found the issue. Will be fixed asap. Thank you for reporting!
  7. ^ That's kind of the point...making them hard to get. xD But people still aren't really joining. We'll see if anything else changes!
  8. Keep in mind that Daylight Savings Time has gone off! If you are in places that don't follow DST, keep in mind that things that happen server time will be one hour later for you!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. veg


      what is dst stand for btw?

    3. Adum*


      daylight saving time

    4. Danny


      LOL I so failed... I didn't know it was Daylight Savings, like 3 days later! D:

  9. It should give the reducts. We'll check it out asap. Edit: Worked fine when I tested it.
  10. Thank you to everyone who participated! The costumes were all great, and it was hard to decide on even just 5 winners! When we announced the winner, we promised prizes to the runner-ups. That will be announced soon, so keep an eye on this topic! However, I present to you our winners for tonight! IGN: .Mrii Costume: Jack o' Lantern IGN: Sway Costume: Succubus IGN: Father Xtopher Costume: Grim Reaper (Angel of Death) IGN: Kafra Sorin Costume: Kafra *Note! Contact Genesis on MSN to ask for your prize! IGN: ~wiwi~ Costume: Drake Again, congratulations to all winners! Happy Halloween!
  11. Masquerade is at 9 PM server time tonight! Don't miss it!

    1. Justice


      I totally missed it... I feel like such a nonconformist..

    2. veg


      i miss it too.. sob~

    3. Hannah


      I missed it too cause it's a bad time here. :[

  12. Alright guys! The Masquerade is set for 9 PM server time tonight! Don't miss it! Make sure to come in a costume and, if possible, with some kind of mask!
  13. Closed! Thanks for everyone's enthusiasm! We will announce the winners at tonight's masquerade. Don't worry! If you can't make it, you'll still know who won! We'll post it here on the forum, too!
  14. Bwahaha! Very nice. Enjoy it, everyone!
  15. Happy Halloween, all!

    1. Hannah


      *Like* Happy Halloween! :]

    2. Barbie


      happy halloween ;]

    3. Aurora


      You too, wishie! (:

  16. Hey guys, we're going to extend the deadline due to some problems we seem to be having. The new tentative deadline will be a 6 PM server time (18:00:00). This will change if need be. If you would like to remove one entry that you put in because you rushed to meet the deadline, let me know!
  17. Yeah, Perishable, what Bou said is right. We are allowing up to 3 different costume entries. And Appie, please do keep in mind not to edit your post for this event. I'll accept it since I don't think anything was changed except for the new costume being added, but please read carefully! Man! You guys are seriously wowing me with your creativity! Keep up the amazing work! =D
  18. Nice entries so far, guys! Keep them coming!
  19. ForsakenRO Halloween Costume Contest! In the Halloween spirit, we have decided to offer a contest for players to combine pallets, hair styles, and headgears in a screenshot to illustrate the best theme or the most Halloween spirit! This topic will remain open from now until October 31st, 2010, 6 PM server time. The number of winners depends on the number of participants, so get as many people to participate as you can! Here are the rules and guidelines: Rules Players are limited to three entries. If you post one entry, make a new post for your following entries. Editing a post may result in disqualification. Note: You may want to wait before posting all three to see if anything is coming out for Halloween. ;) All entries must be made on your own character. You may not post under different forum account names or IPs to increase the number of participants or your chance to win. This will result in your immediate disqualification. Participants must have a minimum post count of 5. Entries must not have any editing done to them outside of borders, subtitles, etc. Edits to the actual character or background will result in disqualification. Guidelines Each of your posts for participation must include your character name. To show this, please have your mouse scrolled over your character in the screenshot. Each of your posts must include what theme you use or who your character is dressed as. Prize This will be announced later, but you will like it! Winners will be announced around 10 PM server time (22:00:00) on Halloween night! Make sure to get your entries in before noon, and good luck to all!
  20. For easier tracking, we are implementing tags in the support system. GMs will change these tags based on the status of the topic issue. These are the tags: [solved] - Topic issue has been resolved. [Pending] - Topic issue is being worked on.
  21. Talk to the Wanderer Equipment guy in the Item Mall! Should work. And yeah, sorry. Fixed to say one slot. Answered in a rush this morning. xD Also, we are implementing the PvP Death Ratio. You may not have more than one death for every two kills (50%) to get a ladder wing.
  22. I will add in that, in order to do the storyline quest, you don't have to be elite. However, you DO have to be base and job level 255, as well as the max class you can reach.
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