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Forsaken Elite
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Everything posted by Wish

  1. Accepted to have a Forsaken Elite Helm, effects are to be determined. - Accepted -
  2. We now have very clear guides on the forum, thanks to Barbie. You can check them out in the general discussion area! - Accepted -
  3. Wish

    Fallen Ghost..

    Right now, this would take away from the other auras. I think there are enough alternatives out and about at the moment. - Rejected -
  4. To my knowledge, this would not be possible or would be very difficult to code. Especially since you'd have to come up with all sorts of reductions and whatnot. You have friends and other people you can test on, anyway. - Rejected -
  5. Wish


    Until the erroring issue can be fixed, I'll accept this to make it so that champions can just not equip Runes of Power, since most of those who do wear them tend to abuse the error. - Accepted -
  6. Wish

    A new MVP

    Well, seeing as we lost Devotion who was doing the work on this, this will be rejected for now. however, if anyone would like to come forward and would like to create a custom MvP, you may contact one of the team. - Rejected -
  7. As before, this would require massive recoding, and probably recoding of the Vending skill. With eAthena's shaky coding, we risk a lot more than just a slight fix to something. It is a good idea, but unfortunately... - Rejected -
  8. Wish

    Birthday Section

    There wouldn't be any harm in this, and it's a pretty quick change to make. It definitely would help a bit with organization. I don't see any reason not to implement this. - Accepted -
  9. Wish


    Increasing the emperium's HP is: - Accepted -
  10. Wish


    I played through the original games in preparation for GU, but somehow, I never got around to them. Maybe that was because I saw my friend play through most of them...I agree with Memory. The story line really draws you in and just has you fantasizing. After all, that kind of technology isn't too far into the future. About the MMO version...It would be amazing if they were able to create the technology and truly release The World. It would be possible, but fairly expensive at this point. But if the world keeps advancing at its current pace, maybe it isn't as far off of a dream as we might imagine.
  11. Thank you. :)

  12. The rule here clearly states the answer to your question. You don't have to scroll down much if you'd actually like to read it for yourself. :) Keep in mind, everyone, that these must be "repeated" offenses, depending on how severe the case may be.
  13. Welcome to the third Guild Hideout Bidding! For those of you who don't know or would like a reminder, here are the features of the Hideout: - Full healer and buffer - Disguise NPC. - Private PVP Room. - An NPC in Forsaken City that allows the owner of the pass to have their entire guild teleported in front of a castle (it doesn't count against an Emergency Call!) This topic will be open only for 24 hours. It will close at midnight server time tonight (7/10/10). The winner of this bidding will have the Guild Hideout Pass from 7/11/10 until 7/25/10. The rules! 1) The bidding will start at 1500 donation coupons. 2) Your bid has to have a minimum increase of 100 donation coupons. 3) If two people bid the same amount at the same time, the one who posts first will be given the bid. For your post, please provide the following. 1) The guild you are bidding for. 2) Your character's name (the guild leader). 3) A screenshot taken on the day of bidding of your bid that proves you have whatever amount you have chosen. Note: If you have a Badge of Honor that you wish to use, please include that in the screenshot of your bid. Please keep this topic only for bidding. You can PM any questions you have to a GM. Anything posted here that is not a bid will be deleted for the sake of keeping the topic clear. Please take note of the change to the minimum bid increase. Now, let the bidding begin!
  14. Sorry, guys. We're having some trouble choosing the GMs this round. Acceptance letters will be sent out later this week instead of by today. Again, we apologize for the delay. ~Wish
  15. Agreed on the cleaning. I hid most of the off-topic posts. :)
  16. Wow, I'm sorry that it took so long for us to see this, guys, but this is WAY inappropriate for a game where younger kids play. Take it to MSN.
  17. Well, the degree of abuse matters. Yes, a few abuses may be overlooked, if they were in the distant past. Yes, people may learn from their mistakes. It all depends on what the abuse was and how often it was repeated. Some people don't even try to grow up, though. And on top of that, abuse logs are usually a last resort because, if someone is a constant abuser, chances are that we already know them. However, if we're stuck between 2-3 people, we may check logs to help make a final decision. Alright, guys, emails will be sent out by next Monday. This looks like it will be a hard decision. We really have a lot of good applicants this time. :)
  18. @Poringly I mean, if it's a habit, or if they just verbally attack the new player. People who don't make any effort to make new players feel welcome. @Adamxd As of right now, I have around 83. However, we usually get ~15 in the last 1-2 hours, so we'll see. :)
  19. @Apo Not really. If someone acts really immature, cheats in game (such as on the ladder or in events), abuses the broadcaster, spams, or ignores new players who ask for help, what would make them a good GM? How you conduct yourself regularly gives a good indication on how you'll act in the team. Seeing as we don't know how people will act professionally, we have to base our judgement off something. Obviously, it doesn't always pan out, and sometimes people leave when they realize that GMing isn't all fun and games, but that's the best way to do something if you can't observe people in real life. It's not as though we can just pick randomly from the applications we receive. Applications close at midnight server time tonight! Any applications sent after that time will be rejected, so if you plan on applying, send yours asap.
  20. The application is important for several reasons, yes, but it is not all that we base our choices after. We look at forum posts and our abuse logs, as well as how the players act in game. Anyone can write a good application. However, despite everything, you can't know if someone will decide to abuse their power, or how they'll really act as a GM.
  21. Hello, HealHard! Welcome to the forums. :) Since you said you're not-so-new to the actual server, I won't give you the usual run-down on where to look for help. However, if you do need anything, feel free to PM a GM on the forum or @request for one in game.
  22. It never hurts to show a little bit of class, kay.. That's something that is even more important than grammar, which some people may not understand. :) No, GMs do not get paid for their work. It is purely voluntary, and we know this when we apply. It is a responsibility that we trust our GMs to fulfill, since they agree to it in their response letter. No one forces anyone to apply. But thanks for your review on our GMs, in any case.
  23. Happy birthday. :)

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