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Forsaken Elite
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Everything posted by Wish

  1. Wish

    Because it's hot and humid here! Lol!

  2. Hello ForsakenRO! For one week only (6/19/10-6/26/10) we will be providing bonuses to all of those who donate through Western Union or by mail with Cash. This is to allow those who don't use credit cards to donate while also making it worthwhile. The bonus for this will be double what you donate for, minus the normal bonus you get for donating larger amounts. For example: $50 = 1000 donation coupons. $100 normally gets you 1400 donation coupons. With the bonus, you will receive 2000 donation coupons. *Please note that the bonus will only apply to donations of $50 or more. Along with this bonus, we will be re-releasing some favorite rucksacks for donation. This round, they will include the Cowring, Winged Drops, and Winged Poporing Rucksacks. *Note that rucksacks will be available only through Western Union and cash donations. Click here for a guide on how to donate via Western Union. Thank you for your continued support! ~The ForsakenRO GM Team
  3. Wish

    World Cup

    Let's not pick fights over this. It's one thing to give your opinion, but it is not ok to start flaming people for their own opinions.
  4. I don't see why concentrated speed potion tickets couldn't be done. However, I asked Genesis, and he said that the refund isn't possible. - Accepted - to have Concentrated Speed Potion tickets.
  5. Sure. - Accepted -
  6. Wish

    Emp Aura

    If emperium auroras do more than their +25 added stats, it's not a bonus that we are aware of. So no, it doesn't do anything more. Zodiac auras are not better than emperium auroras. They were specifically designed that way. Due to the original poster's first post, this thread is closed and moved to rejected suggestions. :)
  7. Wish


    If you have already sent your email to [email protected] with your: 1) Username. 2) Transaction ID number. 3) How much you donated. 4) What you donated for. Then yes, you should make a ticket. I'm closing this thread.
  8. Welcome to the first Guild Hideout Bidding! For those of you who don't know or would like a reminder, here are the features of the Hideout: - Full healer and buffer - Disguise NPC. - Private PVP Room. - An NPC in Forsaken City that allows the owner of the pass to have their entire guild teleported in front of a castle (it doesn't count against an Emergency Call!) This topic will be open only for 24 hours. It will close at midnight server time tonight (6/4/10). The winner of this bidding will have the Guild Hideout Pass from 6/5/10 until 6/19/10. The rules! 1) The bidding will start at 1,300 donation coupons. 2) Your bid has to have a minimum increase of 50 donation coupons. 3) If two people bid the same amount at the same time, the one who posts first will be given the bid. For your post, please provide the following. 1) The guild you are bidding for. 2) Your character's name (the guild leader). 3) A screenshot taken on the day of bidding of your bid that proves you have whatever amount you have chosen. Note: If you have a Badge of Honor that you wish to use, please include that in the screenshot of your bid. Please keep this topic only for bidding. You can PM any questions you have to a GM. Anything posted here that is not a bid will be deleted for the sake of keeping the topic clear. Now, let the bidding begin!
  9. @Superman^* I need to double-check with Genesis today about what can and cannot enter the NPC. We may need to add a few more items before it is hosted tonight. Also, everyone please keep in mind that the list of items will be changing as time goes on and the event settles in. :) @Veggie&Mac Um...what exactly do you want us to check? o-o The problem would be on your side. Try deleting fpatch.ini/inf and then repatching.
  10. @Levis The spring update here had the rules for Annihilation. We will be officially starting this event on Thursday. Also, due to the massive dropping average of the yggdrasil seed room, we changed the drop rate to 30% (instead of 50%) and the prices to: 2 hours - 5 donation coupons 4 hours - 8 donation coupons 6 hours - 10 donation coupons Hopefully it will balance out a little more, but will be worthwhile.
  11. Well, since Devotion (who had the sprite for the voting wings) resigned, we have to refind the sprite before we can release it. Our to-do list is large, but we're trying to work on everything. As I have said many times, we always welcome ideas for new items. This would include effects for the item. We'll see what can be done.
  12. Thank you very much for making this, Barbie! I'm sure it will help a lot of people. :)
  13. The regular speed potion room is still open. As for the Zodiac Auras being low, that's how the original sprite sat and were meant to be. Well, when we tested it, we were able to get about 300 potions in 15 minutes or so (after everything was released in game). Well, you can try it a bit later like it suggests, or you can try deleting fpatch.ini/inf and repatching. It seems odd that it's not recognizing the file. What specifically about it?
  14. [ 06.01.2010 ] ForsakenRO needs your help! The server's Paypal account was closed and thus we lost access to all of our funds. So we've decided to refund the donations we've received from everyone in the past two months. In return, we're asking for everyone to donate to the server again. We have hefty monthly bills we need to pay in order for the server to continue running, so if you enjoy playing here please show your support! We really need everyone's help to ensure the future of Forsaken. Since our Paypal was closed, we've set up a new donation system using AlertPay. It is basically the same as Paypal; in fact, we feel that you will find it is actually better. The new donation system and shop is accessible at http://forsaken-ro.net/rewards/. Thank you for your continued support, The Administration of Forsaken Ragnarok Online. NEW! Zodiac Auras are now available! Effect: All Stats +20, Physical Damage +5%, MATK +5%, Vit Def -5%, and Max HP +5%. Cost: $25 or 3 for $60 ($15 savings!) Available from June 1, 2010 to June 21, 2010. Colors: (From left-to-right, top-to-bottom) Purple, Red, Teal, White, Pink, Orange, Green, Gold, Black, Blue, Dark Blue, Dark Red P.S., They sparkle! Introducing the New Guild Hideout! After a long wait, the Guild Hideout is finally being released! Every 2 weeks, there will be an auction on the forums for the Hideout. Guilds will compete against each other, offering bids over a 24 hour period. To bid, you need to post a screenshot of your offer (in donation coupons). The guild with the highest bid wins! Once the auction is over, the winner will contact a Senior GM or Admin to receive the pass. Also, for the bidding process, a new WoE drop was added. The Badge of Honor has the chance to drop at 0.4% from any castle. This will increase any bid you make on the Guild Hideout by 50% (i.e. You bid 200 coupons with the Badge, your total bid is 300). Make sure that, if you choose to use your Badge, you include it in your screenshot! The Guild Hideout has a lot of awesome features, including: - Full healer and buffer - Disguise NPC - Private PVP Room - An NPC in Forsaken City that allows the owner of the pass to have their entire guild teleported in front of a castle (it doesn't count against an Emergency Call!) NEW! Rent Items A merchant who has travelled all of Midgard has arrived at Forsaken City 83 125 with exclusive rent items! The image above has the price of each item available for rent. The effects of each rent weapon are: Assassin Cross: Dagger: Attack = 100, +10% damage to demi-humans. Katar: Attack = 120, +5% damage to demi-humans. Stalker: Dagger: Attack = 90, +15 int, +10% HP, level 10 enlarge weight limit. Bow (Two-handed): Attack = 120, +20 agi/dex, +10% HP, +20% damage to demi-humans, -20% damage from Demi-humans. Lord Knight One-handed sword: Attack = 130, +10 str/dex, +10% damage to demi-humans. Two-handed sword: Attack = 190, +15 str, +12 dex, +15% damage to demi-humans. One-handed spear: Attack = 120, +10 str/dex, +10% damage to demi-humans. Two-handed spear: Attack = 160, +10 str, +8 dex, +10% damage to demi-humans. Champion: Mace: +10 dex, +5 str, +10 int, +10% damage to demi-humans. Knuckle: +10 dex, +7 str, +10 int, +10% damage to demi-humans. High Wizard: Staff: Attack = 150, +30 str, +20 int, +10% HP, +25% MATK, level 10 enlarge weight limit. Enable the use of Level 2 Deluge and Level 2 Volcano. High Priest: Book: +20 int, +15 str/dex, +20% damage on demi-humans, +15% HP, +20% matk, increase heal and sanctuary effectiveness by 10%. Paladin: One-handed spear: Attack = 120, +5 str/dex, +10 vit, +12% damage to demi-humans, One-handed sword: Attack = 150, +5 str/dex, +10 vit, +12% damage to demi-humans. Clown: Bow (Two-handed): Attack = 150, +20 agi/dex, +20% more damage with double strafe, -20% damage from demi-humans. Guitar: Attack = 150, Level 2 Jupitel Thunder, +12 dex/int. Gypsy: Harp: Level 2 Jupitel Thunder, +12 dex/int Whip: +12 str, +15 dex, +10 int Bow (Two-handed): +20 agi/dex, +15% damage on demi-humans Sniper: Bow (One-handed): Attack = 120, +20 agi/dex, +10% HP, +20% damage with double strafe and sharp shooting, level 10 enlarge wieght limit. Professor: Book: Attack = 170, +30 int, +20 str, +10% HP, +20% damage to demi-humans.. Staff: Attack = 130, +30 str/int, +25% MATK, level 10 increase weight limit. Creator: Dagger: Attack = 90, +20 int, +10% matk, +10% damage to demi-humans, enable the use of level 5 cold bolt. Axe: Attack = 150, +20 str, +15% damage to demi-humans. Whitesmith: Dagger: Attack = 100, +10% HP, +5% damage to demi-humans. Axe: Attack = 150, +15 str, +10% HP, +15% damage to demi-humans. Ninja: Shuriken (One-handed): Attack = 150, +20 int, +20% matk, +10% HP, +10% damage to demi-humans. Gunslinger: Revolver: Attack = 120, +20 dex, +10% damage to demi-humans, -20% damage from demi-humans. Soul Gladiator: Book: Attack = 170, +20 str, +10 int, +10% HP. Soul Linker: Staff: Attack = 150, +20 int, +10 str,30% matk. Taekwon: Weapon: Attack = 100, +10 str/dex. Important: Cards placed into the rental weapons WILL disappear at the end of the rental period, so make sure you decard before time is up! Annihilation Event Implemented! The Annihilation prizes are set up, and the event will now be implemented in game! Times: Every Monday, Thursday, and Friday 20:00:00 Server Time Prize Packages: 1) Event Package: 15 Event Coupons. 2) Supply Package: 12 Yggdrasil Berry tickets, 6 Yggdrasil Seed tickets, 2 Speed Potion tickets, 4 EDP tickets, 1 Glistening Coat ticket, and 1 Authoritative Badge ticket. 3) Converter Package: 100 Flame, Frost, Lightning, and Seismic Elemental Converters, 3 Cursed Water tickets. 4) Food Package: 50 of each Immortal Stew, Cooked Nine Tail, Dragon Breath Cocktail, Hwergelmir's Tonic, Steamed Tongue, and Book of Magic. - New donation system added. - Avian Wings HP fixed, they now give the correct HP. - Changed RAW to 23% reflect. - Added 4 prizes for the Annihilation Event. - Added 3 times to host Annihilation Event. - Added Activity Reward System. - Added Custom Rent Items. - Added a new patcher skin. - Changed forum title images. - New log in screen. - Zodiac auras added. Zodiac Aura Recolors, log in screen, patcher skin, and all graphics by Barbie. Item effects thanks to Wish, Flair, and Manifest. Guild hideout screenshots thanks to Wish. Log in screen concept and layout by Rainydayys. Special thanks to Sensation for helping code the new donation system.
  15. Wish

    xD I'm pretty hard to kidnap.

  16. We now have an official page on Facebook! You can find the link here: http://www.facebook.com/pages/ForsakenRO/1...f=ts&v=wall If you're on Facebook and would like the server to grow, please join our group! If we hit 500 likes, we will be holding a special event. Let's help ForsakenRO expand! ~The ForsakenRO GM Team
  17. Pretty well, thanks. How about yourself?

  18. Wish

    Hello Everyone :d

    Welcome back. :)
  19. Wish

    Lighthalzen Aurora

    Do you remember how long ago the GM had it, and which GM it was? I'm not really sure which aura you're talking about.
  20. Wish

    Urgent Issue

    I talked with Genesis quite extensively on this matter. It definitely has become an issue. However, we can't really disable ASCII now because of the fact that so many people HAVE used the characters in their name. Apo said that we could give people a set amount of time to rename their characters, or to remake them. This wouldn't exactly be prudent/possible because: 1. Renaming the hundreds (no, I'm not exaggerating) of names that use these characters would probably take weeks. 2. People wouldn't want the other option of having to redo their characters, like Masahiro pointed out, if they're already elite and whatnot. To quite a few people, the elite quest is a large investment. 3. There will be people who choose to do neither, and we'll have people abusing the then messed up names, like the nulls. We can ban them (or give other punishments), but it is more difficult than a normal player. While the names still have the symbols, and while we can use them, we have a better chance of catching offenders. Like I said, though, we know that this is a real problem. Here are some solutions you could try out: 1. Create a codeword so that your friends will know it's really you. It's a bit cheesy, but effective nonetheless. 2. Add the friends who you would lend your items to (if you must lend your items out) to your friend list. If someone comes asking you for items or for any account info, you could check your friend list. If your friend isn't online, then you know it's a scammer. If they are online, you can PM them and see if you get a response to double-check. 3. Avoid making characters with spaces in the name. 4. If you have a character with a space in the name, also make the other character that could be used for impersonation. (I.e. Your current character: word(regular space)word. Also make: word(alt+255)word and word(alt+0160)word.) This would be rather tedious, but safer. Yes, I know that some people use multiple spaces. However, those are the best ways to negate this that I can think of. Again, I'm sorry that we can't do this, but it has gone on for too long a time. Doing anything now would bring too great of repercussions. Please, do remember to be very cautious, though. - Rejected -
  21. Accepted to make scarves wearable on super novices and baby classes. - Accepted -
  22. Wish

    Third Class Options

    Well, no one seems overly interested in trying this. If you would like to, feel free to contact one of us through the forum. However, for now, I'm rejecting this. - Rejected -
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