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Forsaken Elite
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Everything posted by Wish

  1. Wish

    These Idiots!

    ^ The people reading the topic, or the one posting the topic, may not know whether you were joking or not. Therefore, it's considered flaming. Just keep things constructive/discuss the the topic.
  2. Guys, I'd like to remind you that this is a place to post your signatures and to discuss those signatures. If you have an issue with each other, take it to PMs. And Annie, I'd Google tutorials or check for some on Youtube, if you're interested.
  3. Wish


    Anyway, since this has already been solved in a different way, I'm moving this to rejected suggestions.
  4. Wish

    These Idiots!

    So, you know all those times that I've said don't flame...? Yeah, they apply here, too. :)
  5. It used to be 9001, just for that purpose. But people keep bumping it up. ;<

  6. Wish


    Sensation's clients took the spam filter off...If you're using them, you shouldn't have that problem.
  7. Wish


    Haha, my role...you can steal it, I don't mind, really! Less for me to type. ;) Hi, welcome to ForsakenRO! If you have any questions, feel free to PM a GM on the forum, @request for one in game, or ask the players in Forsaken City (@go 25). Many are friendly and don't mind lending a helping hand. You can also, of course, post and read the forum. The two areas I think you'll find most helpful are the Discussion (where you can find basic infomation, where to find certain NPCs, and lists of our custom items) and the Quest Guide section (where you can find quests for making those items). Good luck, and enjoy your stay with us!
  8. Wish


    Hi, welcome to ForsakenRO! If you have any questions, feel free to PM a GM on the forum, @request for one in game, or simply ask the players in Forsaken City (@go 25). Many are friendly and wouldn't mind lending a helping hand. You can also post on the forum and check out some of the topics. I think you'll find the Discussion and Quest Guide areas the most helpful when you're starting off. The former will have basic information about the server and our items, while the latter will have guides for getting those items. Good luck, and I hope you enjoy your stay with us!
  9. Wish


    Welcome back to the server. :)
  10. Wish

    Hi Im Net

    Hi, welcome to Forsaken RO! If you have any questions, feel free to PM a GM on the forum, @request for one in game, or ask the players around Forsaken City (@go 25). Many are friendly and don't mind lending a helping hand. You can also post on the forum and read some of the topics. The best places for beginners are the Discussion area, where you can find lists of our items and basic how-to's of the server, and the Quest Guide section, which tells you how to get a lot of our custom items. Good luck, and enjoy your time here!
  11. Wish

    Yeah, I am. /ok Thanks! How're you doing?

  12. Guys, turn this into a flame war, and you won't like what happens. Keep it to offering names. :)
  13. Last warning. Quit the flaming, or I will remove every post that's not casting a legit vote and up warn levels. Take it to PMs if you REALLY can't stand each other. This is for voting, not getting into personal issues.
  14. Come on, guys. Let's not turn this one into a flame war.
  15. Wish

    Even more pwnt now. /ok

  16. Wish

    Defending Aura

    I'm just going to go ahead and reject this one. The given reasons are good, and it's not that hard to turn it off and on, like Cirrus mentioned. - Rejected -
  17. Wish

    You, sir, just got pwnt.

  18. @Bou That is adorable. xD
  19. Wish

    Just Me :)

    You're fine. <3
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