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Forsaken Elite
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Everything posted by Wish

  1. Wish

    Just Me :)

    *Cough* Edelweiss took some of my welcome...thing...But, you can also find lists of our custom items and basic information in the Discussion area, and quests to get those items in the Quest Guide area. For other help, feel free to PM a GM on the forum or @request for one in game. You can also ask a lot of the players sitting in Forsaken City (@go 25) for help. Many are friendly and wouldn't mind lending a helping hand! Good luck, and enjoy your stay!
  2. Wish

    LOL, I can guess what...so get another job and spend the $60 from that on it. >D

  3. Ngashedidnotstopbeingmean. D<

  4. Wish

    SIGH. QQ Then...wait until you CAN afford it?

  5. Well, I still ly. <3

  6. Wish


    The world's not going to end, so why bother wondering about it?
  7. LOL. They're so mean. QQ

  8. Wish

    LOL. Men, you're not dumb. Don't make me come smack you. >_>

  9. Wish

    Dante's Inferno

    It's not a book, it's an epic poem...It was written by Dante Alighieri (an Italian) in the fourteenth century and, like I said, it really doesn't have much to do with the game. :< Edit: There IS a book, but that came after the game, and isn't what we were talking about with that.
  10. Closes in two hours. No applications sent after that time will be considered.
  11. Wish

    Well...yeah. Buuuut, I haven't played at all today. D= Partially because I'm sick...again. >>

  12. Wish

    Dante's Inferno

    But, it was definitely only loosely based on Divine Comedy, which is what the actual epic poem is titled. Inferno is the first part of it, then Purgatorio, and finally Paradiso. Dante was definitely NOT a crusader lol. He wasn't searching for his love, either. The nine circles of suffering in Hell follow it mostly, though.There's other stuff, but yeah. I won't go into that. >> Anyway, it's a decent game, in my opinion. I think that my biggest complaint would be (adding spoiler tags for those who haven't completed the game) It was fun the first time through, but I couldn't see myself wanting to go back and play it a second time, like wiwi said. And sorry for the long lines of spoiler tags.
  13. I remember asking about the colors when it actually happened, and I think it was something with the colors that the new client we switched to could support. It's not that it was just changed for fun.
  14. Wish

    I <3 you too, European. :]

  15. Wish

    So get it. ;D

  16. Wish

    Hi Everyone!

    Hi, welcome to Forsaken RO! If you have any questions about the server, I'd recommend that you check out the Discussion and Quest Guide areas. The former will have a lot of basic information as well as lists of our custom items, where as the latter will give you the guides for getting those items. Other than that, always feel free to PM a GM on the forum, @request for one in game, or ask the players around Forsaken City (@go 25) and on the forum. Many are friendly and wouldn't mind lending a helping hand. Good luck, and enjoy your stay with us. :)
  17. Wish

    I've been here and around...and playing Final Fantasy XIII. <3

  18. Wish


    Welcome to Forsaken RO! In addition to those helpful people ^, you can also feel free to PM a GM on the forum or @request for one in game. If one is online, they'll respond to you. For answers to basic questions about the server and our items (especially customs), I would recommend that you check out the Discussion area and the Quest Guide area. Both will help you on your way to getting to know our server. Good luck, and enjoy your time here! :)
  19. Wish

    Welcome To Me

    Welcome to Forsaken RO! You could post your problem here, where anyone can help you. Otherwise, I'd say make a ticket using the ticket system located at the top of your page. :)
  20. Hi, welcome to Forsaken RO! If you have any questions about the server, I'd recommend that you check out the Discussion area and Quest Guide area (under Guides) on the forum. The former of these will give you information about the server, where to find some items, and give you lists of our customs. The latter will tell you how to get many of those customs. For other questions, feel free to PM a GM on the forum, @request for one in game, or merely ask the players around Forsaken City (@go 25) for help. Quite a few players are kind and wouldn't mind lending a helping hand. Good luck, and I hope you enjoy your stay with us. :)
  21. Wish

    LOL, hi Dan. xD I miss everyone, too. :3

  22. Wish

    Hey, most of my friends are Asian. I love Asians...especially their food. >D And hi! I've been dealing with more net issues (yay) and waiting for FFXIII to come out...You?

  23. Rejecting this. The responses to this were negative, and the reasons against it were good. - Rejected -
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