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Everything posted by Wish

  1. This has been suggested here: http://forum.forsaken-ro.net/index.php?showforum=144 as well as in several other suggestions. Please make sure that it has not been suggested before making a new suggestion for it. - Rejected -
  2. Wish


    Hi, welcome to the forums! Not sure how much you know about the server, but if you need any help, I'd recommend browsing the general discussion and the quest guide areas. For other help, feel free to PM a GM on the forum, @request for one in game, or merely ask around Forsaken City (@go 25). Many players will be willing to help you, and many are friendly and wouldn't mind becoming friends. Good luck, and I hope you enjoy your time with us. :)
  3. Oh, ok. Sounds good.
  4. Wish


    Hi, welcome to Forsaken RO! If you need help with anything, feel free to browse and post on the forums. The two areas you'll probably find most helpful are the general discussion (where you can find a lot of basic information about our server, as well as lists of custom items) and the quest guides (where you can find quests on how to obtain many of those items). For other help, feel free to PM a GM on the forum, @request for one in game, or simply ask around Forsaken City (@go 25). Many players won't mind helping out. I hope you enjoy your stay with us. :)
  5. How about Norse mythology (lol)? It sounds like it'd be good to kick off from, and people who are newer to SOTW would have more ideas from it, or they really don't pay attention while playing this game.
  6. Well, we'll see. I hope so, too, because it IS a good event. People in the past have enjoyed it. I always admire the skill and time that go in to the signatures, seeing as I have virtually no talent or ability with that.
  7. There would have to be at least some weeks when you didn't feel as strongly about the theme, or you didn't have time to make a signature. I mean, if you were to decide the themes a few weeks in advance, you could decide if you really wanted to participate in some more than others. Maybe you have a week when all of you really want to make one: feel free. Maybe there's a week when none of you like the subject matter. That's ok, too. Maybe you just don't have any particularly good ideas for some themes. It's not impossible to organize, by any means. And, like you said, Ami, we can give it a trial run. We'll promote it in game and on the forum. You never know how that will go.
  8. You can participate, just have a GM step in...
  9. Or, of course, you could always explain what you're trying to say, so that we actually get it and aren't taking shots in the dark. We're not trying to get you to quit, and we're not trying to piss you off. I'm just totally confused about what you're saying.
  10. Really, it looks like you're arguing that GMs should be able to participate in their own events. What you're saying, though, really isn't making sense. However, if that IS what you're saying, it's not going to happen. We will be enforcing the rule of not participating. If you want to use it so that you can compare this to GMing, remember that YOU are the one who said to stop that. Even though, like I said, you were the first ones to start with that. Plus, it's different. It is the GMs' JOB to moderate things that go on with/related to the server. Yes, this is your event, and we respect that, however we are saying that no, you may not participate because of probable reprocussions.
  11. I'm lost, too...Buffs don't help you win in Dice, but what does that have to do with LMS? If a GM wanted to buff themselves in LMS just before it started, it'd be easy, actually...
  12. Wish


    It happened with server updates. I honestly can't say if we have plans to reinstate it any time soon, but it's definitely not high on our list of priorities either way.
  13. Ok...now I'm not exactly sure what you're arguing/discussing about. Sorry, I responded to this on very little sleep lol. If you're saying GMs should be able to participate because they don't necessarily affect the outcome, it's a matter of avoiding accusations of cheating. Oh, GM x was hosting this event and their legit won. CHEAT. That kind of thing. It's an undeniable fact that legit names get leaked. Happens quickly, too, so I wouldn't be surprised if people knew who most/all of the new GMs are. I know that my legit has been known for a LONG time now, thanks to a few other GMs.
  14. ^ I actually like mythology, too. That spans a wide range of things, and is something that a lot of people like/are interested in.
  15. Wish

    Tarot Card Coma

    Keep it on topic, guys.
  16. Hi, welcome to Forsaken RO! If you have any questions, feel free to browse and post on the forum. The best places to look are: General Discussion (where you can find information for beginning our server and lists of our custom items) and Quest Guides under Guides (where you can find the quests to obtain the custom items). For other help and support, feel free to PM a GM on the forum, @request for one in-game, or merely ask around Forsaken City (@go 25). Many players won't hesitate to offer a helping hand. I hope you enjoy your stay with us. :)
  17. Wish

    [request] Signature

    That's his second outfit. The scarf is white, not orange. As for the hair...well, it's fan art. I hope someone can make you a signature. I have no talent for that at all. ^^;
  18. We have told the GMs that participating in your own events is not allowed unless it is GvG. We will be enforcing this. That, and, as Devotion said, we do not JUDGE our events. The winner is determined by skill or by luck, unless cheating is involved, in which case that GM is fired.
  19. Oh, haha, thanks. XD

  20. Wish

    [request] Signature

    No, that's definitely Lavi lol.
  21. Wish

    [request] Signature

    I moved it for you and changed your title to fit the area. Hope you don't mind. :)
  22. Seriously, I know that you're pissed off because you can't judge and play in your own event, but really? It takes like 5 seconds to change someone's group. We'd have to get it okay'd by Genesis, though. Also, we can always assign some GMs to judge each week so that you'll have plenty either way. We don't have to have the whole GM team judge each time. That's entirely up to you, if you'd rather use them largely for guest judges or as regular judges.
  23. Hi, welcome to Forsaken RO! If you have any questions, feel free to browse and post on the forum. The most helpful areas for beginners to our server are the general discussion area, which has good information and lists of our custom items, and the quest guide section, which has guides for making those custom items. For other help, feel free to PM a GM on the forum, @request for one in game, or merely ask around Forsaken City (@go 25). Many players wouldn't hesistate to lend a helping hand. I hope you enjoy your time with us. :)
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