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Forsaken Elite
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Everything posted by Wish

  1. Hi, welcome to Forsaken RO! If you have any questions, feel free to PM a GM on the forum, @request for one in game, post on the forum, or merely ask the players around Forsaken City (@go 25). Many of them are friendly and wouldn't mind helping you out. A few places you might want to check out on the forum are the Discussion area and the Quest Guide area. They will give you lists of our custom items, as well as how to get them. Please, enjoy your time here with us! :)
  2. Aww, thankies. <3 And, I shared. But my sharing wasn't enough. Sorry. :[

  3. Wish

    Since I got over life, I've been good. ;D You?

  4. That...is a very good question. I've asked it myself a couple of times. .-.

  5. Nope, not at all. /heh

  6. Wish

    Don't blame me. I wasn't the one who called me Asian. D=

  7. I'll get it for you. :)
  8. Wish

    Tarot Card Coma

    Again, responses are largely negative. I'd have to agree that it is fine as it is, as well. - Rejected -
  9. As these holidays have passed, moved to the rejected/completed suggestions. Feel free to provide input for other holiday event ideas in other suggestions!
  10. Seeing as the reactions to this were largly negative, it is - Rejected - If you'd like to explore Sensation's ideas, feel free to make a new suggestion.
  11. Wish

    I know, right?

  12. Sorry guys. The server is undergoing some sudden maintenance. It'll be up asap. Again, sorry for the inconvenience. Edit: It appears to be an issue with the network at the moment. It is being worked on. ~The Forsaken RO GM Team
  13. Honestly, I'm not 100% sure on how to do that, so that'd be something to take to Sensation, probably.
  14. Wish

    Entering Fro

    Hi, welcome to Forsaken RO! To get to know our server, I recommend checking here and here. The first link will take you to several links with basic information about our server. The second will take you to a list of quest guides that will show you how to get several of our custom items. If you need any other help, feel free to PM a GM on the forum, @request for one in game, or ask the players in Forsaken City (@go 25). Many are helpful and won't mind lending a helping hand. Good luck, and I hope you enjoy your stay with us. :)
  15. No, no, I know, I mean I'll bump the topic in the GM forum about promoting it in-game.
  16. Wish

    Hi ^-^

    Hi, welcome to Forsaken RO! If you need any information about RO or our server, check out these links and the ForsakenRO Discussion area. Also, check here in the Quest Guide section for our custom quests. For any other help, feel free to post on the forums, PM a GM, @request for one in game, or ask the players around Forsaken City (@go 25). Many are helpful and won't mind helping out. Good luck, and I hope you enjoy your time with us. :)
  17. http://forum.forsaken-ro.net/index.php?showtopic=7975 :)
  18. Server will be open and closed due to this. Sorry for the inconvenience, and please bear with us! Also, please do not make any unnecessary topics about the situation. Thanks!
  19. Ok, well, if you want to move them back out, or want me to, I have no problem with that. It was the permissions set. You were and are working on the moderator set, and that whole set was changed. We hired another mod, and may hire others in the future to help out. So yeah. I know that we've promoted it more times than that. I'll bump the topic about it.
  20. Alright, done. I looked at permissions for the Graphics Mods, and I'm still not 100% sure why you can't move topics. I'll keep messing with it a little while later. I have class and stuff tonight, so sorry for the delay.
  21. Wish

    No problem, sir.

  22. The donwtime is over, there seems to be a file permission issue with our server. For the time being the server is back up, our host is going to be looking into it. Sorry for the trouble guys! ~The Forsaken RO GM Team
  23. As far as I know, you guys SHOULD be able to move topics. Not quite sure why you can't. I'll look at it again and see. Until we figure it out, we can move the topics for you.
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