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Forsaken Elite
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Everything posted by Wish

  1. Wish


    Hi, welcome to Forsaken RO! If you have any questions, feel free to browse or post on the forum. Some of the places that will be best for you starting out will be the ForsakenRO Discussion (where you'll find information for newcomers to the server, as well as lists of our items) and the Quest Guides under Guides (where you'll find the quests to obtain our custom items). For support or other help, don't hesitate to PM a GM on the forum, @request for one in game, or merely ask around Forsaken City (@go 25). Many players wouldn't mind lending a helping hand. Again, welcome, and I hope you enjoy your stay. :)
  2. Quit the flaming, keep it on topic. This is your only warning. Pictures are nice, keep up the good work. :)
  3. Wish

    Pc 3k Hydra Cards

    Donation coupons. Voting coupons are account bound.
  4. I didn't see any other entries besides the ones that are there now... @Ethereal And it's ok. Take a deep breath, plunge your head in water, then flip your hair. Also, screaming into a pillow sometimes helps. :x
  5. Hi, welcome aboard. :)

  6. Generally, people use Photoshop.
  7. If you want to see it, use the clients in the WoE folder, not the non-WoE.
  8. Of course. After she posted, she thought that it would have been better to post on legit, but...kind of late for that now. Don't worry. We would have another GM give it to her in that case.
  9. Well, we know her legit and that fun stuff. I, or any other GM, could give it to her if she wins. However, looks like competition will be close. We don't need to worry about that for now. :)
  10. Wish

    Non-pvp Events

    I'm actually not 100% sure. I still think we might need permission from the one who thought of it, but...Well, I'll talk to Devotion and Sensation about it and see.
  11. Wish

    Non-pvp Events

    Without permission from the server/event owners, it's possible that we would get in trouble for taking events from other servers, I believe.
  12. 1,000,000 is the HP max on the server.
  13. Wish

    Sup Guys

    Haha, well, welcome to the server. If you have any questions, feel free to browse or post in the forums. Some places you may find helpful are the ForsakenRO Discussion (where you'll find a lot of good information about our server, as well as lists of our custom items) and the Quest Guides (where you'll find the quests to get those items). For other help and support, you can always PM a GM on the forum, @request for one in game, or merely ask around Forsaken City (@go 25). Many players are helpful and wouldn't mind lending a helping hand. Again, welcome, and I hope you enjoy your stay with us!
  14. Wish

    Need Help

    Ok, I moved your old post to support. Please keep it to that post.
  15. 1) You can choose whether or not to have WoE damage on. 2) The spam filter is taken off (the thing that says you can only say something 3 times). 3) You can type more characters in chatboxes, so messages don't get cut off as often. Those are the obvious ones I know of. You don't HAVE to download it, but personally, I find it nice. I'm not sure what else there is, that's something more for Sensation to answer. No, these will not have the names of who broke the emperium pop up. At least, not to my knowledge.
  16. Wish


    Welcome to Forsaken RO! If you need information about our server, feel free to post or browse on the forum. A couple of specific places you may want to check are the Forsaken RO Discussion area (which has a lof of information for newcomers to our server, including lists of custom items) and the Quest Guide area (which has guide for our elite quest and for our custom items). For additional help and support, you can also PM a GM on the forum, @request for one in game, or simply ask around Forsaken City (@go 25). Many players are friendly and wouldn't mind lending a helping hand. Good luck, and I hope you enjoy your time with us!
  17. ^ Yeah, that should be really reassuring to you, huh? ;3
  18. Graphics should be the same, but if you redownload it from the site, it should go back to the old client. Honestly, I just copied and pasted the client from their respective folder. It didn't merge, so...not sure what your folder looks like.
  19. Non-WoE doesn't show damage.
  20. Wish


    ^ I was wondering that myself. When Devotion was talking to me, she said that she assumed that from the suggestion. That was another point that came up. We're taking into account all the classes that would be affected by this. We still need to talk to Sensation, but as of yet, we aren't 100% sure on anything.
  21. Wish


    Hi, welcome to Forsaken RO! If you need any help, feel free to browse or post on the forums. The best places to look when you're starting off on our server are the General Discussion (where you can find lists of custom items and basics for getting to know us) and the Quest Guides (where you can find the quests to get many of our custom items). For other help or support, don't hesitate to PM a GM on the forum, @request for one in game, or ask around Forsaken City (@go 25). Many players are helpful and wouldn't mind lending a hand. Again, welcome, and I hope you enjoy your stay!
  22. Wish

    Hi I Back! F@g Boy!

    Welcome back. :)
  23. Wish

    Not much. You?

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