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Forsaken Elite
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Everything posted by Wish

  1. Thank you very much!

  2. Wish

    Thank you! xD Happy American Anniversary!

  3. Thank you, Asian Auntie!

  4. Wish

    Lk Weapon

    Alright, we'll talk this over! - Accepted -
  5. I know not a lot of people main priest, but...not everyone would be able to get around the asura reflect. I understand where you're coming from, for sure. But I'm concerned about others who wouldn't know for sure how to get around it.
  6. Ok, but I have a question. You add a chance of casting asura strike, such as Ifrit rings provide. Won't a similar problem pop up like the one with Kyrie? For example...you're attacking and attacking...all of a sudden, oh look, you asura'd a paladin on full reflect. Now you're dead. Is that something you're willing to risk?
  7. We are planning to at least temporarily fix this with the coming update. Until then, however, please notify a GM (preferably by MSN) when it happens so that we may take action against the abusers.
  8. No donation-exclusive items, as Veracity said, means that they are not account bound and you can trade them with other players. Honestly, we needed the money. We're not sure if we'll add them to an NPC at any point or not. But, by definition, they are not donation-exclusive since you don't HAVE to donate to get them. @Everyone Some of the weapons need a few adjustments. They really are not that overpowered and you really don't need to keep restating it. People kind of died out on their complaints once they realized that, for the majority, the weapons aren't that unbalancing. You can still kill the people that use the weapons, and they can't always kill you. A lot of it depends on your skill level. There are a lot of reductions available on the server, so naturally, not everything is simple.
  9. Remember, do not post your application in this topic. Also, when you do email the application, please just copy and paste it. Don't attach a document. It's a lot easier to keep track of for us if it's readable in your email. Thanks, and good luck to everyone who applies. :) Applications mailed after midnight server time on 9/22/10 will not be considered, so make sure you send them on time! We will post when we have sent out acceptance letters.
  10. Please be aware that Guild vs. Guild will be cancelled for today if the server is not up 10 minutes before it normally opens. This would be 17:50:00 server time (5:50 PM). Again, we apologize for the inconvenience. - Officially canceled for today -
  11. In addition to that, the server may go up and down as our provider works on changing the router. We ask for your patience in this matter! Thanks! - Up.
  12. Just because we don't accept a suggestion on the forum doesn't mean we don't start incorporating bits and pieces of what we read in them in updates. Some, like your whitesmith topic, have a lot of feedback, but sometimes not everything is clear-cut, so we just leave it and pick some pieces that ARE clear out of it. If you actually looked at the updates, you would see that we HAVE used some of them. However, I will spell this out: whitesmiths are not the only class in existence. Yes, we worked on stuff for them. We worked on stuff for other classes. We're always trying to improve every class. And we are looking at the weapons. We can't tweak them too drastically because people DID pay for them. We take into account the actual suggestions. Not the ones just saying OMG THEY'RE SO OP, which a lot of them are. Again, I must emphasize the fact that people tend not to give exact or clear-cut suggestions. Yet, when we do implement something that's not exactly what they wanted, they complain. I have asked over and over again that people specify what they want (stats and etc.) when they make a topic, but normally it just branches off and never actually reaches any definite conclusions. I realize that we can't do everything to every single person's liking, but it does get tiresome to listen to constant complaining on updates that we spend days of work on, and be criticized internally by people who aren't actually really sure what they're talking about, or make certain things up to discredit others on the team. P.S. Genesis was being very considerate, polite, and respectful to you. The least you could do would be to extend the same courtesy to him. - Topic closed due to going off topic and an inability to maintain a decent level of maturity -
  13. Welcome to the fourth Guild Hideout Bidding! For those of you who don't know or would like a reminder, here are the features of the Hideout: - Full healer and buffer - Disguise NPC. - Private PVP Room. - An NPC in Forsaken City that allows the owner of the pass to have their entire guild teleported in front of a castle (it doesn't count against an Emergency Call!) This topic will be open only for 24 hours. It will close at midnight server time tonight (8/28/10). The winner of this bidding will have the Guild Hideout Pass from 8/29/10 until 9/12/10. The rules! 1) The bidding will start at 1300 donation coupons. 2) Your bid has to have a minimum increase of 100 donation coupons. 3) If two people bid the same amount at the same time, the one who posts first will be given the bid. For your post, please provide the following. 1) The guild you are bidding for. 2) Your character's name (the guild leader). 3) A screenshot taken on the day of bidding of your bid that proves you have whatever amount you have chosen. Note: If you have a Badge of Honor that you wish to use, please include that in the screenshot of your bid. Please keep this topic only for bidding. You can PM any questions you have to a GM. Anything posted here that is not a bid will be deleted for the sake of keeping the topic clear. Please take note of the change to the minimum bid increase. Now, let the bidding begin!
  14. Unfortunately, I have to agree with the reasons mentioned above. Thank you for the suggestion, though! - Rejected -
  15. This suggestion has some merit. Yes, it may be abuseable, but we could think of potential solutions for that. We may be able to implement this as some kind of reward as well. I'm leaving this open for more input on suggestions to see if this could work.
  16. /amazed. No, Genesis and Barbie are not dating for all of you who are happily spreading that rumour. Prestige recommended her to us (noting that this was before he became a GM for all of those who will jump down my throat about the timing) from a previous server he knew as a great worker. She has done an amazing job for us and puts a lot of time and dedication into her work. In my opinion, both Ami and Barbie have totally different styles. Also in my opinion, both of them have a gift with graphics. There is absolutely no reason to start flaming the items in the server. There is no excuse for this flame war on either side. Both warns are increased and the topic is closed.
  17. Actually, it sounds like the donation page has the correct stats for the Lord Knight spear. I'm not 100% sure which way it was scripted, but the donation page one should have been the final update.
  18. Closed. Perishable's bid was lower than the first by Dr. Tran. Therefore, Dr. Tran still wins the bidding. You may redeem your pass whenever you would like.
  19. Welcome to the fourth Guild Hideout Bidding! For those of you who don't know or would like a reminder, here are the features of the Hideout: - Full healer and buffer - Disguise NPC. - Private PVP Room. - An NPC in Forsaken City that allows the owner of the pass to have their entire guild teleported in front of a castle (it doesn't count against an Emergency Call!) This topic will be open only for 24 hours. It will close at midnight server time tonight (8/09/10). The winner of this bidding will have the Guild Hideout Pass from 8/10/10 until 8/24/10. The rules! 1) The bidding will start at 1500 donation coupons. 2) Your bid has to have a minimum increase of 100 donation coupons. 3) If two people bid the same amount at the same time, the one who posts first will be given the bid. For your post, please provide the following. 1) The guild you are bidding for. 2) Your character's name (the guild leader). 3) A screenshot taken on the day of bidding of your bid that proves you have whatever amount you have chosen. Note: If you have a Badge of Honor that you wish to use, please include that in the screenshot of your bid. Please keep this topic only for bidding. You can PM any questions you have to a GM. Anything posted here that is not a bid will be deleted for the sake of keeping the topic clear. Please take note of the change to the minimum bid increase. Now, let the bidding begin!
  20. For now, we won't decrease the emperium's HP. The change has barely been out, and yes, all castles DID break. Therefore, it is possible. Maybe, if issues arise in the future, we'll consider the suggestion. As for now, I'm rejecting this. At least wait a few weeks before bringing this up again. As for the PvP ladder, originally, kills didn't count. People asked for them to count, so it was changed. Then people asked for it to be removed again. We asked to make sure that people were positive this is what they wanted, because we wouldn't be changing it again. Sorry, but I'm rejecting this, too. - Rejected -
  21. Well, that's why the more disadvantaged classes, or the weapons that won't be used as much, have more boosts, and why the others have decent boosts that aren't quite as large. For example, I know the Super Novice weapon "White Rabbit" is getting picked on quit a bit. However, we are trying to diversify PvP. I know a lot of you view the new weapons as "OP", but they won't be so bad once better defenses are released. Bear with us until then.
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