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Forsaken Elite
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Everything posted by Wish

  1. Whatever you feel like putting. It's up to you what you want to put down for that. :)
  2. Hello ForsakenRO, We have an exciting new announcement! ForsakenRO is currently looking for new Support/Event GMs! The purpose of these new positions is to do events in game, assist players via help desks, manage the ticket system, and participate/contribute to the decision making for new expansions! In order to apply, please download the attachment or copy paste the answers to these questions and email them to [email protected]! Please be honest, and good luck! 1. What is your full name? 2. What is your IGN? (In game name.) 3. What is your forum name? (If you have one.) 4. How old are you? 5. What languages can you speak/translate? 6. Where do you live and what is your timezone? 7. Would you be willing to contribute to future expansions (not monetarily)? 8. Would you be willing to monitor and organize the Ticket system a few times a week? 9. Have you ever contributed to the server? if so, please explain how and provide links if possible. This is not limited to donating. This includes suggestions and reports you have made. 10. What traits do you think a GM should have to fulfill his/her job? 11. Have you ever been punished for disobeying the rules? If so, describe how. (We honor honesty and understand no one is perfect.) 12. How long have you been playing on ForsakenRO? 13. How long do you usually stay online at one time? On ForsakenRO? (Please give an average estimate.) 14. Please describe yourself (personality, goals, dreams, anything you feel will help us get to know you). 15. Have you ever been a GM here or on other servers? If so, elaborate. Requirements: 1. Understanding and ability to speak English. 2. Be at least 13 years old. (The Law prohibits us to hire anyone below that.) 3. Be a fun, open person! Applications will close at midnight server time on 2/28/11.
  3. Wish


    As Ryuk mentioned, there are plenty of ways to reach GMs. Also, for those who say GMs don't reply to every @request? They do if they're on, or they'd hear an earful from me and they know it. However, that doesn't mean that sometimes, @requests don't get overwhelming. If one GM is online and 10 people all @request at the same time, it is very hard for them to respond to every single request. If you don't get responded to at first, please just wait for a few minutes and @request again. If a GM is hosting an event, it doesn't hurt to wait until after they've finished up hosting to send your request. Our GMs do the best they can. In addition, the @whogm command only shows those on your GM level and below. For example, level 20 GMs cannot see level 30 GMs on their list. So, normal players wouldn't be able to see any GMs online unless we edited the command, which I'm pretty sure Genesis would not appreciate. And again, I'll point out: You can go to the support center, PM a GM on the forum, add a GM to MSN, or @request in game. They are by no means unreachable. All it takes is a little bit of patience. - Rejected -
  4. 1) In Baby LMS - If novices die and resurrect, please disqualify them. Before the event, you can kill and rez them to help this. 2) I'm putting some of the first prize ladder prizes in gstorage - 1 of each. Leave me an MSN message, whether offline or online, if you give one out and which it was so that I can replace it. Thanks!
  5. @nnnitsuj It is possible, but that would inevitably make them more difficult to find than merely moving some of the NPCs. Some are still in the same spots because I honestly couldn't bear to move them since I liked the spots too much. If this happens again, though, it is an idea that we could consider. @Masahiro It's not just over the item. It was about the blatant disrespect, especially when we talked to the person who did it and asked them to remove the information. @Everyone Since this is in the past and the originator is gone, I'll be closing this topic. Thank you all, and please continue to support ForsakenRO. :)
  6. No, not really. :(

  7. I stopped it for now because we were busy with other things at the time and, like others have mentioned, we didn't have a lot of interest. We'll see about starting it up again soon.
  8. Yeah, but I wasn't talking...

  9. It's alright, I do understand frustration, and thank you!

  10. As for past suggestions being rejected, they always had reasons for rejections. We appreciate thoughtful, polite input and take that into consideration. Not everything gets accepted for various reasons. Thank you.

  11. It was a rant against the server (explicitly prohibited) over a topic that's already all over the forum and very talked about in suggestions and whatnot.

    Yes, I see exactly what damage LKs are doing now. I've watched them and have tested it myself. 30-33k damage per spiral pierce, easy spam. Against higher reducts, around 20k damage. And on top of that, they can have a good amount ...

  12. Wish

    Happy birthday!

  13. Sorry guys, this voting system is staying. Whether it's a "dumbass" voting system or not. Thank the people in the past who have merrily gone on their way without a care and gotten their friends to vote for them. Honestly, it takes you a max of 5 minutes to do something like this. There IS a limit to laziness. I'll set up a new one next Monday and announce the winners this weekend. However, it's staying open until that time in case others want to vote.
  14. Like Sensation said, it will be fixed with the next update.
  15. Wish

    Gvg Suggestion

    @nines Stop flaming, please. @topic Drax's point is right. I see where Xtopher is coming from with this suggestion. However, running in LMS can only be called when the odds are lower. I know it inconveniences GMs and other players to wait for it to end, but at the same time, it's hardly fair to ask one player, no matter who it is, to turn and take on 10+ people.
  16. Wish

    Its Annoying

    Can you physically do anything other than complain? Do you think bashing and flaming really helps anything? Maybe you didn't see the damage that LKs were doing when Spiral Pierce was insanely boosted. And do you realize that Spiral Pierce has a potential for unlimited, constant spam? I don't really understand why you think coming on the forum and just suddenly lashing out at every single thing would get good responses. "OMFG you guys fail so badly." "Oh, you're right, let us rectify that to your liking. ^^" Is that what you wanted to see? We're working to better the server, and we take in ALL the suggestions and input from players to do that. If you have a suggestion, you may act like a mature human and post why you believe it should be changed and the changes you would like civilly. You are not the only one on the server. Oh, and by the way, this is against rant regulations. Closed.
  17. Alright, leave me a message sometime! If I'm offline, I'll see it when I get on.

  18. Add me to MSN and contact me when I'm on later today.

  19. That's actually Memory's job...but we'll see if we can get them out faster.

  20. Ok, when we introduced the Fate of the Gods quest, we made it clear that it was going to be expanding quite a bit. We've already started developing the next part of it. Things were stopped due to inconsiderate players for a time, but we're moving ahead now. These storylines take a long time to work on, so we're not up to doing 2 at the moment. Maybe once we've finished out the Fate of the Gods we can think about others. For now, however, this is... - Rejected -
  21. And add... But make them either white or blue, please! If it's possible, it'd be nice to have that teal dot from the hair removed from the middle of my face, too. ;< And ofc my information is correct. ;D
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