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Forsaken Elite
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Everything posted by Wish

  1. Wish

    Gm Ranks And Tasks

    New GMs, please read and post that you understand. :)
  2. Thanks! This will be fixed asap!
  3. So here are hints to find the NPCs for the birthday quests! First Veracity: "For all of you looking for my NPC, why not try my favorite place to hang out?" Justice: "I'm within in a city of smoke...a city where it is likely THAT server manufactures bombs. Our own Master Forger uses the materials in this city to make the best weaponry!" Bombrings: "We're hiding in various important locations to ForsakenRO! Where might these be? Well, you can try your precious city, WoE maps, a Forsaken field, center where players go to have fun, and a place similar to Justice's location!" First Wish: "Find me in the place where our mascot spawns!" Second Veracity: "I am on a Forsaken field, concealed within a forest, spying on the evil GM below me." THAT Server's GM: "I can't reveal my location! But I get the strangest sensation that someone is watching me from above." Second Wish: "I am in a wishful place, where people go to gaze into the night sky." Genesis' NPC doesn't get a hint, because it's easy to find. :P
  4. Server maintenance is now complete! Please enjoy an enhanced gaming experience!

  5. Hello, everyone! Our server maintenance is now done! Please enjoy our increased capabilities! :)
  6. Hello ForsakenRO! While the server is currently up, we are moving hosts and nothing you do will be saved. It is in your best interest not to do anything important during this time. Please bear with us for a while longer! Thank you for your support!

  7. We are currently moving hosts, which is resulting in extended downtime. We apologize for the inconvenience, and ask that you bear with us for a little while longer! We will keep you updated!
  8. As in the link provided by Tactless, you can see we're currently having maintenance. :) Sorry for the inconvenience! We're working on it to get it up asap.
  9. They should be the exact same, according to the code.
  10. Wish


    Due to the lack of possibility, this suggestion has been rejected. Thank you for your continued support!
  11. Welcome to ForsakenRO! Feel free to contact us with any questions or concerns you may have. :)
  12. Wish

    Gm Ranks And Tasks

  13. Of course. :) We have rolling applications now so that we don't ever have no GMs.
  14. We reply to the email, so if you get accepted, it will be in your email account.
  15. The two mentioned have been fired for inactivity. Thank you to those of you who continue to be active! We appreciate your work. :)
  16. 5% more was added for now. It's for all of the highness staffs that had HP, I believe.
  17. Wish

    Hi 8D

    Hi, welcome to ForsakenRO! Let us know if you need anything. ^^
  18. Hello, welcome to ForsakenRO! We're glad to have you and hope you enjoy your stay with us! Let us know if you need anything. :)
  19. Wish


    Hello, welcome to ForsakenRO! Let us know if you need help with anything! :)
  20. Wish

    Hey Guys

    Welcome back!
  21. Indeed, that's weird. Shoot me a message (offline or online) and I'll set something up for you!
  22. Hi guys, we need everyone to read the first post and follow the instructions! Everyone who doesn't have a staff pic, that is. And if you have one and want to change it, feel free as well!
  23. Like Nelly pointed out, there are already topics about this, so I'm going to close and move this. :)
  24. Wish


    Hello! Welcome back to ForsakenRO! :) Feel free to ask any questions you might have!
  25. Sure, that would certianly be helpful! And please, feel free to add us and shoot us a message on MSN. :)
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